- M. K. Yaliniz, P. A. Floyd and M. C. Göncüoğlu
- Supra-Subduction Zone Ophiolites of Central Anatolia: Geochemical Evidence from the Sarikaraman Ophiolite, Aksaray, Turkey
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 697-710.
- U. Mues-Schumacher, J. Keller, V. A. Kononova and P. J. Suddaby
- Mineral Chemistry and Geochronology of the Potassic Alkaline Ultramafic Inagli Complex, Aldan Shield, Eastern Siberia
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 711-730.
- F. Wall, C. T. Williams, A. R. Woolley and M. Nasraoui
- Pyrochlore from Weathered Carbonatite at Lueshe, Zaire
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 731-750.
- Giancarlo Della Ventura, Annibale Mottana, Gian Carlo Parodi, Mati Raudsepp, Fabio Bellatreccia, Enrico Caprilli, Paolo Rossi and Salvatore Fiori
- Monazite-Huttonite Solid-Solutions from the Vico Volcanic Complex, Latium, Italy
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 751-758.
- Laurent Van Haverbeke, Renaud Vochten and Karel Van Springel
- Solubility and Spectrochemical Characteristics of Synthetic Chernikovite and Meta-Ankoleite
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 759-766.
- E. Roda, F. Fontan, A. Pesquera and F. Velasco
- The Phosphate Mineral Association of the Granitic Pegmatites of the Fregeneda Area (Salamanca, Spain)
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 767-778.
- K. J. Rattray, M. R. Taylor, D. J. M. Bevan and A. Pring
- Compositional Segregation and Solid Solution in the Lead-Dominant Alunite-Type Minerals from Broken Hill, N.S.W.
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 779-785.
- William D. Birch, Allan Pring, Peter G. Self, Ronald B. Gibbs, Erich Keck, Martin C. Jensen and Eugene E. Foord
- Meurigite, a New Fibrous Iron Phosphate Resembling Kidwellite
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 787-793.
- G. Giester and B. Rieck
- Wesselsite, SrCu[Si4O10], a Further New Gillespite-Group Mineral from the Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 795-798.
- Ishmael Hassan, Yasuhiro Kudoh, Peter R. Buseck and Eui Ito
- MgSiO3 Perovskite: A HRTEM Study
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 799-804.
- Max R. Taylor, D. J. M Bevan and Allan Pring
- The Crystal Structure of Carminite: Refinement and Bond Valence Calculations
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 805-811.
- Philippe Muchez and Marek Slobodnik
- Recognition and Significance of Multiple Fluid Inclusion Generations in Telogenetic Calcites
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 813-819.
- David R. Baghurst, Jack Barrett, Esther E. Coleyshaw, William P. Griffith and D. Michael P. Mingos
- Microwave Techniques for the Synthesis and Deuteration of Minerals, with Particular Reference to Scorodite, FeAsO4·2H2O
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 821-828.
- Veselin Kovachev and Strashimir Strashimirov
- An Ultrasonic Probe for the Extraction of Microscopic Quantities of Minerals for X-ray Work
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 829-831.
Short Communications
- M. Pasero and N. Perchiazzi
- Crystal Structure Refinement of Matlockite
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 833-836.
- S. K. Mondal and T. K. Baidya
- Stichtite [Mg6Cr2(OH)16CO3·4H2O] in Nausahi Ultramafites, Orissa, India — Its Transformation at Elevated Temperatures
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 836-840.
- D. Atencio and A. M. Clark
- Ferrazite Is Identical to Gorceixite
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 841-842.
- K. T. Fehr and G. Amthauer
- Comment on ‘Morimotoite, Ca3TiFe2+Si3O12, a New Titanian Garnet from Fuka, Okayama Prefecture, Japan’ by Henmi et al. (1995)
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 842-845.
- J. A. Mandarino and J. D. Grice
- New Minerals Recently Approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names International Mineralogical Association
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 847-852.
Book Reviews
- G. Raade
- Rare Earth Minerals. Chemistry, Origin and Ore Deposits
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 853-853.
- R. A. Howie
- Minerals: An Illustrated Exploration of the Dynamic World of Minerals and Their Properties
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 853-854.
- R. A. Howie
- Minerals of South Africa
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 854-855.
- H. Downes
- Igneous Petrology
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 855-856.
- Douglas S. Coombs
- Low-Grade Metamorphism of Mafïc Rocks
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 856-857.
- Robin Gill
- An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 857-858.
- R. A. Howie
- The Ross of Mull Granite Quarries
Mineralogical Magazine 1996 60 : 858-858.