Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Acanthite (*) Acanthite Ag2 S 1575 1490 1 11205 2793 Actinolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg4.5-2.5 Fe2+ 0.5-2.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 1575 922 12 11165 ,11166 ,11179 ,11195 ,11235 ,11239 ,11259 ,11260 ,11262 ,11265 ,11267 ,11270 3419 Alabandite (*) Rocksalt MnS 1670 1665 1 11163 312 Albite (*) Feldspar Na(AlSi3 O8 ) 1670 1432 17 11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11166 ,11170 ,11174 ,11175 ,11187 ,11192 ,11235 ,11249 ,11254 ,11255 ,11259 ,11260 ,11262 ,11267 8803 Allanite-(Ce) (*) Allanite Epidote CaCe(Al2 Fe2+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 1575 1432 2 11235 ,11259 706 Allargentum (*) Allargentum Ag1-x Sbx (x ≈ 0.09-0.16) 2500 470 0 69 Alloclasite (*) Löllingite CoAsS 1575 1490 3 11173 ,11175 ,11256 56 Almandine (*) Garnet Fe2+ 3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 1575 1490 4 11174 ,11218 ,11249 ,11259 2353 Andalusite (*) Andalusite Al2 SiO5 1575 1462 4 11165 ,11218 ,11249 ,11259 1310 Andradite (*) Garnet Ca3 Fe3+ 2 (SiO4 )3 1575 1432 2 11235 ,11259 1534 Anglesite (*) Baryte Pb(SO4 ) 1575 1490 2 11164 ,11175 2734 Anhydrite (*) Not in a structural group Ca(SO4 ) 1575 1490 2 11250 ,11267 1588 Ankerite (*) None Ca(Fe2+ ,Mg)(CO3 )2 1575 1432 3 11173 ,11206 ,11235 3092 Roselite-β (*) Fairfieldite Ca2 Co(AsO4 )2 ·2H2 O 1530 1500 1 11192 21 Antarcticite (*) Not in a structural group CaCl2 ·6H2 O 1565 1432 1 11235 11 Anthophyllite (*) Amphibole Mg2 Mg5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 1575 1490 1 11243 718 Antlerite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2+ 3 (SO4 )(OH)4 1575 1490 4 11161 ,11188 ,11189 ,11215 246 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 1670 1462 12 11161 ,11163 ,11165 ,11170 ,11173 ,11174 ,11175 ,11192 ,11256 ,11257 ,11265 ,11268 9052 Atacamite (*) Atacamite Cu2 Cl(OH)3 1575 1490 3 11166 ,11253 ,11256 544 Augite (*) Pyroxene (Ca,Mg,Fe)2 Si2 O6 1575 1490 3 11187 ,11259 ,11265 2060 Axinite-(Fe) (*) Axinite Ca4 Fe2+ 2 Al4 [B2 Si8 O30 ](OH)2 1565 1432 1 11235 260 Azurite (*) Not in a structural group Cu3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 1575 470 21 11161 ,11166 ,11170 ,11171 ,11173 ,11175 ,11176 ,11179 ,11190 ,11192 ,11194 ,11207 ,11215 ,11219 ,11233 ,11237 ,11239 ,11245 ,11256 ,11257 ,11259 5509 Barlowite (*) Claringbullite Cu4 BrF(OH)6 1575 1490 1 11166 1 Baryte (*) Baryte Ba(SO4 ) 1670 1462 12 11161 ,11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11170 ,11175 ,11176 ,11179 ,11205 ,11207 ,11255 ,11259 11547 Bastnäsite-(Ce) (*) Bastnäsite Ce(CO3 )F 1575 1490 1 11265 304 Bastnäsite-(La) (*) Bastnäsite La(CO3 )F 1575 1490 2 11164 ,11175 30 Beyerite (*) Bismutite CaBi2 O2 (CO3 )2 1575 1490 1 11173 96 Bismuth (*) Arsenic Bi 1575 1462 4 11165 ,11170 ,11195 ,11265 1966 Bismuthinite (*) Stibnite Bi2 S3 1575 1462 4 11165 ,11170 ,11173 ,11265 1935 Bismutite (*) Bismutite Bi2 O2 (CO3 ) 1575 1490 1 11173 716 Bixbyite (*) Bixbyite Mn3+ 2 O3 1565 1432 1 11235 104 Bornite (*) None Cu5 FeS4 1575 1490 12 11179 ,11190 ,11195 ,11206 ,11207 ,11234 ,11236 ,11250 ,11252 ,11257 ,11259 ,11267 5516 Boulangerite (*) None Pb5 Sb4 S11 1670 1665 1 11163 843 Bournonite (*) Bournonite CuPbSbS3 2500 470 0 1089 Brannerite (*) Brannerite UTi2 O6 1575 1462 2 11165 ,11231 248 Brochantite (*) Brochantite Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 1575 1490 8 11161 ,11166 ,11175 ,11181 ,11207 ,11215 ,11253 ,11256 1633 Bustamite (*) Wollastonite Mn2 Ca2 MnCa(Si3 O9 )2 1565 1432 1 11235 101 Buttgenbachite (*) Connellite Cu36 (NO3 )2 Cl8 (OH)62 ·nH2 O 1575 1490 2 11166 ,11168 13 Cacoxenite (*) None Fe3+ 24 AlO6 (PO4 )17 (OH)12 ·75H2 O 2500 470 0 280 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 1670 470 33 11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11166 ,11168 ,11170 ,11171 ,11173 ,11174 ,11175 ,11179 ,11187 ,11192 ,11195 ,11206 ,11207 ,11230 ,11234 ,11235 ,11236 ,11237 ,11239 ,11243 ,11245 ,11250 ,11254 ,11255 ,11259 ,11260 ,11262 ,11265 ,11267 ,11270 27770 Carnotite (*) None K2 (UO2 )2 (VO4 )2 ·3H2 O 1575 1490 1 11238 1184 Cerussite (*) Aragonite Pb(CO3 ) 2500 1600 1 11264 4979 Chalcanthite (*) Chalcanthite Cu(SO4 )·5H2 O 1575 1490 1 11237 925 Chalcocite (*) None Cu2 S 1575 1490 17 11166 ,11170 ,11173 ,11179 ,11192 ,11195 ,11236 ,11237 ,11239 ,11243 ,11245 ,11250 ,11252 ,11257 ,11259 ,11267 ,11268 5707 Chalcophanite (*) None ZnMn4+ 3 O7 ·3H2 O 1575 1490 1 11174 197 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 2500 470 36 11161 ,11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11166 ,11170 ,11171 ,11173 ,11174 ,11175 ,11179 ,11187 ,11192 ,11195 ,11206 ,11207 ,11233 ,11234 ,11235 ,11236 ,11237 ,11239 ,11243 ,11245 ,11250 ,11252 ,11255 ,11257 ,11258 ,11259 ,11262 ,11264 ,11265 ,11267 ,11268 ,11270 27198 Chenevixite (*) Chenevixite CuFe3+ (AsO4 )(OH)2 1575 1490 1 11161 90 Chlorargyrite (*) Rocksalt AgCl 1575 1490 1 11205 1382 Chrysocolla (*) Allophane (Cu2-x Alx )H2-x Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·nH2 O 1575 470 22 11161 ,11166 ,11171 ,11173 ,11175 ,11176 ,11177 ,11181 ,11194 ,11215 ,11230 ,11232 ,11235 ,11236 ,11237 ,11239 ,11243 ,11252 ,11253 ,11256 ,11257 ,11267 3531 Claringbullite (*) Claringbullite Cu2+ 4 FCl(OH)6 1575 1490 1 11166 13 Clinoclase (*) None Cu3 (AsO4 )(OH)3 1575 1490 2 11161 ,11256 127 Cloncurryite (*) None Cu0.5 (VO)0.5 Al2 (PO4 )2 F2 ·5H2 O 1575 1490 1 11166 1 Cobaltite (*) Cobaltite CoAsS 1575 1462 12 11161 ,11165 ,11173 ,11187 ,11192 ,11206 ,11207 ,11255 ,11256 ,11257 ,11265 ,11268 966 Coffinite (*) Zircon U(SiO4 )·nH2 O 1575 1462 1 11165 566 Conichalcite (*) Adelite CaCu(AsO4 )(OH) 1575 1490 4 11161 ,11170 ,11192 ,11256 363 Connellite (*) Connellite Cu36 (SO4 )(OH)62 Cl8 ·6H2 O 1575 1490 3 11166 ,11168 ,11175 295 Copper (*) Copper Cu 1575 470 16 11161 ,11165 ,11166 ,11168 ,11171 ,11173 ,11176 ,11179 ,11192 ,11207 ,11235 ,11239 ,11256 ,11257 ,11259 ,11267 3846 Coquimbite (*) Coquimbite AlFe3 (SO4 )6 (H2 O)12 ·6H2 O 2500 470 0 136 Cordierite (*) Beryl Mg2 Al4 Si5 O18 1575 1462 3 11165 ,11243 ,11249 1008 Corkite (*) Alunite PbFe3+ 3 (SO4 )(PO4 )(OH)6 2500 1490 2 11200 ,11264 151 Cornetite (*) None Cu3 (PO4 )(OH)3 1575 1490 4 11161 ,11166 ,11215 ,11256 26 Coronadite (*) Coronadite Pb(Mn4+ 6 Mn3+ 2 )O16 2500 1490 2 11174 ,11264 227 Corundum (*) Corundum Al2 O3 1575 1432 2 11216 ,11229 1797 Costibite (*) Löllingite CoSbS 2500 470 0 19 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 1575 1490 7 11161 ,11170 ,11192 ,11205 ,11239 ,11257 ,11267 4165 Creedite (*) None Ca3 Al2 (SO4 )(OH)2 F8 ·2H2 O 1575 1490 1 11175 48 Cryptomelane (*) Coronadite K(Mn4+ 7 Mn3+ )O16 1575 1490 1 11200 599 Cubanite (*) Cubanite Wurtzite CuFe2 S3 2500 470 0 802 Cummingtonite (*) Amphibole Mg2 Mg5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 1575 1490 1 11187 327 Cuprite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2 O 1575 470 18 11166 ,11168 ,11170 ,11171 ,11173 ,11176 ,11177 ,11179 ,11207 ,11235 ,11237 ,11239 ,11245 ,11252 ,11256 ,11257 ,11259 ,11267 2970 Cuprotungstite (*) None Cu2+ 3 (WO4 )2 (OH)2 1575 1490 1 11160 67 Davidite-(La) (*) Crichtonite La(Y,U)Fe2 (Ti,Fe,Cr,V)18 (O,OH,F)38 1414 922 1 11270 31 Delafossite (*) None Cu1+ Fe3+ O2 1575 1490 1 11166 144 Dietrichite (*) Halotrichite ZnAl2 (SO4 )4 ·22H2 O 2500 470 0 15 Digenite (*) Digenite Cu1.8 S 1575 1490 3 11166 ,11207 ,11239 1027 Diopside (*) Pyroxene CaMgSi2 O6 1575 1432 4 11165 ,11235 ,11259 ,11260 4135 Djurleite (*) None Cu31 S16 1575 1490 2 11166 ,11207 300 Dolomite (*) None CaMg(CO3 )2 1670 470 5 11163 ,11166 ,11170 ,11171 ,11235 9895 Dyscrasite (*) Allargentum Ag3+x Sb1-x (x ≈ 0.2) 1670 1665 1 11163 180 Epidote (*) Epidote Clinozoisite Ca2 (Al2 Fe3+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 1670 1432 10 11163 ,11165 ,11173 ,11174 ,11175 ,11187 ,11192 ,11235 ,11239 ,11259 8173 Erythrite (*) Vivianite Co3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 1575 1490 4 11161 ,11192 ,11207 ,11256 814 Fayalite (*) Olivine Fe2+ 2 (SiO4 ) 2500 1600 1 11264 371 Ferricopiapite (*) Copiapite Fe3+ 0.67 Fe3+ 4 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 ·20H2 O 2500 470 0 41 Fluorapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 F 1575 1432 6 11192 ,11206 ,11235 ,11255 ,11259 ,11265 2740 Fluorite (*) Fluorite CaF2 1670 1432 8 11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11170 ,11174 ,11175 ,11235 ,11259 9617 Gahnite (*) Spinel ZnAl2 O4 2500 1600 1 11264 445 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 2500 1462 11 11161 ,11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11174 ,11175 ,11192 ,11200 ,11207 ,11257 ,11264 24243 Gedrite (*) Amphibole Mg2 (Mg3 Al2 )(Si6 Al2 )O22 (OH)2 1575 1490 1 11249 178 Geerite (*) None Cu8 S5 1575 1490 1 11170 38 Gerhardtite (*) None Cu2 (NO3 )(OH)3 1575 1490 2 11166 ,11168 24 Glaucodot (*) Arsenopyrite (Co0.5 Fe0.5 )AsS 1575 1462 3 11165 ,11192 ,11207 131 Goethite (*) Diaspore FeO(OH) 2500 1490 16 11161 ,11163 ,11166 ,11170 ,11173 ,11174 ,11176 ,11179 ,11192 ,11200 ,11207 ,11236 ,11237 ,11239 ,11259 ,11264 7437 Gold (*) Copper Au 1575 1462 13 11161 ,11165 ,11166 ,11170 ,11173 ,11175 ,11176 ,11179 ,11195 ,11199 ,11250 ,11259 ,11267 30554 Graphite (*) None C 2500 1490 4 11163 ,11174 ,11259 ,11264 2812 Greenalite (*) Clay Serpentine (Fe2+ ,Fe3+ )2-3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 2500 1600 1 11264 61 Greenockite (*) Wurtzite CdS 1575 1462 1 11165 717 Grossular (*) Garnet Ca3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 1575 1432 2 11174 ,11235 1544 Grunerite (*) Amphibole Fe2+ 2 Fe2+ 5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 2500 1600 1 11264 223 Gudmundite (*) Arsenopyrite FeSbS 1670 1665 1 11163 170 Gypsum (*) Gypsum Ca(SO4 )·2H2 O 1670 1490 5 11163 ,11181 ,11207 ,11239 ,11259 6890 Halite (*) Rocksalt NaCl 1565 1432 1 11235 1398 Halotrichite (*) Halotrichite Fe2+ Al2 (SO4 )4 ·22H2 O 1575 1490 1 11170 409 Hastingsite (*) Amphibole NaCa2 (Fe2+ 4 Fe3+ )(Si6 Al2 )O22 (OH)2 1575 1490 2 11239 ,11262 209 Hedenbergite (*) Pyroxene CaFe2+ Si2 O6 2500 1432 4 11174 ,11187 ,11235 ,11264 741 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 2500 922 29 11161 ,11163 ,11165 ,11166 ,11170 ,11173 ,11174 ,11175 ,11179 ,11184 ,11187 ,11191 ,11192 ,11195 ,11200 ,11214 ,11222 ,11233 ,11235 ,11237 ,11238 ,11239 ,11243 ,11245 ,11250 ,11259 ,11264 ,11267 ,11270 14640 Hemimorphite (*) Not in a structural group Zn4 (Si2 O7 )(OH)2 ·H2 O 2500 470 0 1689 Hentschelite (*) Lazulite CuFe3+ 2 (PO4 )2 (OH)2 1575 1490 1 11166 20 Hessite (*) None Ag2 Te 1575 1462 1 11165 804 Heterogenite (*) None Co3+ O(OH) 1575 1490 4 11161 ,11170 ,11192 ,11256 111 Hexahydrite (*) Hexahydrite Mg(SO4 )·6H2 O 2500 470 0 251 Hinsdalite (*) Alunite PbAl3 (SO4 )(PO4 )(OH)6 2500 1600 1 11264 82 Hörnesite (*) Vivianite Mg3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 1530 1500 1 11192 103 Huntite (*) Not in a structural group CaMg3 (CO3 )4 2500 470 0 69 Hydrocerussite (*) None Pb3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 2500 470 0 201 Hydroxylapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 OH 1575 1490 2 11166 ,11210 367 Hydrozincite (*) None Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 1575 1490 1 11175 1066 Ilmenite (*) Corundum Fe2+ Ti4+ O3 1575 922 7 11184 ,11191 ,11207 ,11238 ,11255 ,11265 ,11270 5433 Jarosite (*) Alunite KFe3+ 3 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 1670 1490 2 11163 ,11175 2228 Kaolinite (*) Clay Kaolinite Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 2500 1490 6 11163 ,11189 ,11200 ,11232 ,11245 ,11264 5591 Kieserite (*) Kieserite Mg(SO4 )·H2 O 2500 470 0 80 Kornelite (*) Not in a structural group Fe3+ 2 (SO4 )3 ·7H2 O (?) 2500 470 0 21 Kyanite (*) Not in a structural group Al2 OSiO4 1575 1490 1 11249 1507 Lanthanite-(Ce) (*) Lanthanite Ce2 (CO3 )3 ·8H2 O 1575 1490 1 11255 16 Lavendulan (*) None NaCaCu5 (AsO4 )4 Cl·5H2 O 1575 1490 1 11256 149 Leadhillite (*) None Pb4 (SO4 )(CO3 )2 (OH)2 2500 470 0 265 Lepidocrocite (*) Lepidocrocite Fe3+ O(OH) 1575 1490 1 11239 581 Libethenite (*) Andalusite Cu2 (PO4 )(OH) 1575 1432 10 11159 ,11161 ,11166 ,11175 ,11181 ,11194 ,11219 ,11232 ,11235 ,11256 234 Likasite (*) None Cu3 (NO3 )(OH)5 ·2H2 O 1575 1490 1 11168 11 Lillianite (*) Lillianite Pb3-2x Agx Bi2+x S6 2500 470 0 128 Mackinawite (*) None (Fe,Ni)1+x S (x = 0-0.07) 2500 470 0 451 Magnesio-hornblende (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg4 Al)(Si7 Al)O22 (OH)2 1575 1490 1 11259 238 Magnetite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Fe3+ 2 O4 2500 1432 23 11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11166 ,11170 ,11174 ,11175 ,11179 ,11187 ,11200 ,11233 ,11235 ,11236 ,11238 ,11243 ,11245 ,11250 ,11254 ,11255 ,11259 ,11262 ,11264 ,11267 14899 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 1575 470 30 11159 ,11161 ,11166 ,11168 ,11170 ,11171 ,11173 ,11175 ,11176 ,11179 ,11181 ,11190 ,11192 ,11194 ,11207 ,11215 ,11219 ,11230 ,11233 ,11234 ,11235 ,11236 ,11237 ,11239 ,11243 ,11245 ,11253 ,11256 ,11257 ,11267 12537 Mansfieldite (*) None Al(AsO4 )·2H2 O 1575 1490 1 11256 42 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 1670 1432 3 11161 ,11163 ,11235 5674 Marialite (*) Scapolite Na4 Al3 Si9 O24 Cl 1670 1490 3 11163 ,11187 ,11259 139 Massicot (*) None PbO 2500 470 0 202 Melanterite (*) Melanterite Fe(SO4 )·7H2 O 2500 470 0 915 Meneghinite (*) Meneghinite Pb13 CuSb7 S24 2500 470 0 158 Microcline (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 1575 1432 3 11174 ,11187 ,11235 4924 Mimetite (*) Apatite Pb5 (AsO4 )3 Cl 2500 470 0 1107 Molybdenite (*) Molybdenite MoS2 1575 1432 12 11161 ,11165 ,11174 ,11192 ,11195 ,11206 ,11234 ,11235 ,11255 ,11258 ,11259 ,11265 5800 Montmorillonite (*) Clay Smectite-vermiculite (Na,Ca)0.3 (Al,Mg)2 Si4 O10 (OH)2 ·nH2 O 1670 1490 2 11163 ,11258 1508 Mottramite (*) Descloizite PbCu(VO4 )(OH) 1575 1490 1 11175 362 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 1670 1462 16 11163 ,11165 ,11170 ,11174 ,11175 ,11192 ,11200 ,11218 ,11249 ,11250 ,11252 ,11258 ,11259 ,11262 ,11265 ,11267 17380 Nantokite (*) Sphalerite CuCl 1575 470 3 11166 ,11171 ,11182 35 Natrojarosite (*) Alunite NaFe3+ 3 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 1575 1490 1 11256 254 Nitromagnesite (*) None Mg(NO3 )2 ·6H2 O 1575 1490 1 11166 12 Olivenite (*) Andalusite Cu2 (AsO4 )(OH) 1575 1490 2 11161 ,11256 492 Opal (*) Amorphous SiO2 ·n H2 O 1575 1490 2 11175 ,11232 2994 Orthoclase (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 1575 1490 4 11161 ,11187 ,11192 ,11265 2349 Palygorskite (*) Palygorskite Clay (Mg,Al)2 Si4 O10 (OH)·4H2 O 1575 1490 1 11259 306 Paratacamite (*) Atacamite Cu3 (Cu,Zn)Cl2 (OH)6 1575 1490 2 11166 ,11253 158 Pentlandite (*) Pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9 S8 1575 1490 1 11236 1512 Phlogopite (*) Mica Clay KMg3 (AlSi3 O10 )(OH)2 1670 1665 1 11163 2273 Phurcalite (*) Phosphuranylite Ca2 (UO2 )3 O2 (PO4 )2 ·7H2 O 1575 1490 1 11175 20 Pickeringite (*) Halotrichite MgAl2 (SO4 )4 ·22H2 O 2500 470 0 265 Plumbogummite (*) Alunite PbAl3 (PO4 )(PO3 OH)(OH)6 2500 1490 3 11174 ,11200 ,11264 170 Plumbojarosite (*) Alunite Pb0.5 Fe3+ 3 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 2500 1490 2 11174 ,11264 477 Polybasite (*) Polybasite [Ag9 CuS4 ][(Ag,Cu)6 (Sb,As)2 S7 ] 2500 470 0 716 Prehnite (*) Prehnite Ca2 Al(Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 1565 1432 1 11235 1898 Proustite (*) None Ag3 AsS3 1575 1490 1 11205 733 Pseudomalachite (*) None Cu5 (PO4 )2 (OH)4 1575 1490 12 11159 ,11161 ,11166 ,11173 ,11175 ,11176 ,11181 ,11194 ,11219 ,11232 ,11256 ,11257 369 Pyrargyrite (*) None Ag3 SbS3 1670 1490 2 11163 ,11205 1425 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 2500 1432 36 11161 ,11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11166 ,11170 ,11173 ,11174 ,11175 ,11179 ,11187 ,11192 ,11195 ,11200 ,11206 ,11207 ,11233 ,11234 ,11235 ,11236 ,11237 ,11239 ,11243 ,11245 ,11250 ,11252 ,11254 ,11255 ,11257 ,11258 ,11259 ,11262 ,11264 ,11265 ,11267 ,11268 39462 Pyrolusite (*) Rutile MnO2 1575 1490 1 11178 3106 Pyromorphite (*) Apatite Pb5 (PO4 )3 Cl 2500 1490 2 11200 ,11264 1725 Pyrosmalite-(Fe) (*) Pyrosmalite Clay Fe2+ 8 Si6 O15 (OH)10 2500 1600 1 11264 38 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 2500 1432 14 11161 ,11163 ,11170 ,11174 ,11175 ,11187 ,11192 ,11234 ,11235 ,11236 ,11259 ,11262 ,11264 ,11265 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 2500 470 55 11161 ,11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11166 ,11170 ,11171 ,11173 ,11174 ,11175 ,11176 ,11179 ,11181 ,11184 ,11191 ,11192 ,11194 ,11195 ,11196 ,11197 ,11200 ,11205 ,11206 ,11207 ,11214 ,11216 ,11222 ,11229 ,11232 ,11233 ,11234 ,11235 ,11236 ,11237 ,11239 ,11240 ,11243 ,11244 ,11245 ,11246 ,11250 ,11251 ,11252 ,11254 ,11255 ,11256 ,11258 ,11259 ,11260 ,11262 ,11264 ,11265 ,11267 ,11268 ,11270 61156 Rhomboclase (*) Not in a structural group (H5 O2 )Fe3+ (SO4 )2 ·2H2 O 2500 470 0 53 Richetite (*) None (Fe3+ ,Mg)x Pb2+ 8.6 (UO2 )36 O36 (OH)24 ·41H2 O 1575 1490 2 11164 ,11175 7 Rosasite (*) Malachite CuZn(CO3 )(OH)2 2500 470 0 454 Roselite (*) Roselite Ca2 Co(AsO4 )2 ·2H2 O 1530 1500 1 11192 23 Rutile (*) Rutile TiO2 1670 1500 9 11161 ,11163 ,11165 ,11170 ,11187 ,11192 ,11205 ,11216 ,11265 5614 Scheelite (*) Scheelite Ca(WO4 ) 1575 1432 6 11160 ,11165 ,11173 ,11235 ,11252 ,11256 4894 Schorl (*) Tourmaline NaFe2+ 3 Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 (OH) 1575 1490 1 11249 2705 Scorodite (*) None Fe3+ (AsO4 )·2H2 O 1575 1490 3 11170 ,11175 ,11192 1153 Sepiolite (*) Sepiolite Clay Mg4 Si6 O15 (OH)2 ·6H2 O 2500 470 0 241 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 1575 1490 6 11166 ,11173 ,11207 ,11259 ,11267 ,11268 6417 Sillimanite (*) Not in a structural group Al2 SiO5 1575 1490 2 11174 ,11249 1516 Silver (*) Copper Ag 1575 1490 3 11175 ,11195 ,11205 5186 Smithsonite (*) Calcite Zn(CO3 ) 2500 470 0 2473 Smolyaninovite (*) Smolyaninovite Co3 Fe3+ 2 (AsO4 )4 ·11H2 O 1575 1490 1 11256 13 Smythite (*) None (Fe,Ni)3+x S4 (x ≈ 0-0.3) 1575 1490 1 11236 77 Spangolite (*) Spangolite Cu6 Al(SO4 )(OH)12 Cl·3H2 O 1575 1490 1 11161 105 Spertiniite (*) None Cu(OH)2 1575 1490 1 11166 17 Spessartine (*) Garnet Mn2+ 3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 1575 1490 1 11175 1214 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 2500 1462 9 11163 ,11164 ,11165 ,11174 ,11175 ,11192 ,11257 ,11264 ,11265 21482 Spherocobaltite (*) None Co(CO3 ) 1575 1490 2 11207 ,11256 52 Spinel (*) Spinel MgAl2 O4 1575 1490 2 11174 ,11187 1934 Staurolite (*) Staurolite Fe2+ 2 Al9 Si4 O23 (OH) 1575 1490 3 11218 ,11249 ,11259 978 Stillwellite-(Ce) (*) None CeBSiO5 1565 1432 1 11235 19 Stilpnomelane (*) Stilpnomelane Clay (K,Ca,Na)(Fe,Mg,Al)8 (Si,Al)12 (O,OH)36 ·nH2 O 2500 470 0 456 Sulphur (*) Sulphur S 2500 470 0 2045 Sylvanite (*) Melonite AgAuTe4 1575 1462 1 11165 337 Sylvite (*) Rocksalt KCl 1565 1432 1 11235 275 Talc (*) Clay Talc Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 2500 470 0 3337 Tenorite (*) None CuO 1575 1490 3 11176 ,11177 ,11245 1101 Tetrahedrite-(Zn) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Zn2 )Sb4 S13 1670 1665 1 11163 5317 Titanite (*) Titanite CaTi(SiO4 )O 1670 1432 11 11163 ,11165 ,11187 ,11192 ,11195 ,11235 ,11239 ,11254 ,11259 ,11265 ,11267 4899 Torbernite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·12H2 O 1575 1490 2 11161 ,11175 1059 Treasurite (*) Lillianite Ag7 Pb6 Bi15 S30 1575 1490 2 11164 ,11175 12 Tremolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg5.0-4.5 Fe2+ 0.0-0.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 1575 1432 4 11165 ,11195 ,11235 ,11242 2562 Tungstite (*) Tungstite WO3 ·H2 O 1575 1490 1 11161 118 Turquoise (*) Turquoise CuAl6 (PO4 )4 (OH)8 ·4H2 O 1575 1490 1 11166 484 Ullmannite (*) Ullmannite NiSbS 2500 470 0 293 Uraninite (*) Fluorite UO2 1575 1432 4 11165 ,11195 ,11235 ,11255 2718 Uranocircite-II (*) None Ba(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·10H2 O 1565 1432 1 11235 89 Violarite (*) Spinel FeNi2 S4 1575 1490 1 11236 380 Voltaite (*) Voltaite K2 Fe2+ 5 Fe3+ 3 Al(SO4 )12 ·18H2 O 2500 470 0 111 Willyamite (*) Cobaltite CoSbS 2500 470 0 25 Wupatkiite (*) Halotrichite CoAl2 (SO4 )4 ·22H2 O 1575 1490 1 11170 5 Yttrotantalite-(Y) (*) Columbite (Y,U,Fe2+ )(Ta,Nb)(O,OH)4 1565 1432 1 11235 51 Zircon (*) Zircon Zr(SiO4 ) 1575 1490 5 11187 ,11192 ,11206 ,11207 ,11265 5251
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit sedexmvt-00013 1665 1665 1665 Ma (Pb-Pb model age) Pb-Pb model age 203343 Dugald River Zn-Pb-Ag Deposit (Dugald River Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Dugald River Taylor et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009_1297 Edit sedznpb-00021 1670 1670 1670 203343 Dugald River Zn-Pb-Ag Deposit (Dugald River Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Dugald River Singer et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009-1252 Edit EMG15_125-1 1505 1505 40Ar/39Ar Ore emplacement age biotite 191789 Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit (Ernest Henry Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Hypogene Ore at the Ernest Henry Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposit, Cloncurry District, NW Queensland Foster et al. (2007) 10.2113/gsemg.16.3-4.125 EMG15_125 p. 127 Edit EMG15_125-2 1537 1521 U-Pb pre-mineralization alteration titanite Titanite 191789 Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit (Ernest Henry Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Hypogene Ore at the Ernest Henry Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposit, Cloncurry District, NW Queensland Foster et al. (2007) 10.2113/gsemg.16.3-4.126 EMG15_125 error is +11/-8; p. 127 Edit EMG15_125-3 1538 1490 1514±24 U-Pb pre-mineralization alteration titanite Titanite 191789 Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit (Ernest Henry Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Hypogene Ore at the Ernest Henry Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposit, Cloncurry District, NW Queensland Foster et al. (2007) 10.2113/gsemg.16.3-4.127 EMG15_125 p. 127 Edit EMG15_125-4 1575 1501 1538±37 U-Pb rutile Rutile 191789 Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit (Ernest Henry Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Hypogene Ore at the Ernest Henry Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposit, Cloncurry District, NW Queensland Foster et al. (2007) 10.2113/gsemg.16.3-4.128 EMG15_125 p. 127 Edit Kristen002125 1495 1491 1493±2 40Ar/30Ar biotite 93-1486 191789 Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit (Ernest Henry Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit Perkins and Wyborn (1998) 10.1080/08120099808728384 AJES45_233 Edit Kristen002126 1530 1500 1515±15 K-Ar biotite 93-1486 191789 Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit (Ernest Henry Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit Perkins and Wyborn (1998) 10.1080/08120099808728384 AJES45_233 Edit Kristen002127 1466 1462 1464±2 40Ar/30Ar biotite 93-1481 191789 Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit (Ernest Henry Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit Perkins and Wyborn (1998) 10.1080/08120099808728384 AJES45_233 Edit vms-00030 485 470 Lower Ordovician 68188 Magpie Prospect (Magpie Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Magpie Moiser et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009-1034 Edit Lucy _010 1530 1500 1530-1500 Combination of U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology Age of mineralization associated with granite emplacement of the Cloncurry District mica, amphibole, titanite, rutile, molybdenite 28476 Queen Sally Mine, Kajabbi, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Queen Sally Mine Willliams et al. (2001) 10.2113/0100191 EMG10_191 Edit Giersdorf_00000712 1565 1535 1550±15 U-Pb uraninite Uraninite Uraninite U 12502 Mary Kathleen Mine (Mary Kathleen Uranium), Mary Kathleen District, Rosebud Station, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Mary Kathleen Mine Chipley et al. (2007) 10.2138/am.2007.2226 AM92_1925 Edit Giersdorf_00000713 1512 1432 1472±40 Sm-Nd uraninite Uraninite Uraninite U 12502 Mary Kathleen Mine (Mary Kathleen Uranium), Mary Kathleen District, Rosebud Station, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Mary Kathleen Mine Chipley et al. (2007) 10.2138/am.2007.2226 AM92_1925 Edit ree-00116 541 541 Precambrian low 12502 Mary Kathleen Mine (Mary Kathleen Uranium), Mary Kathleen District, Rosebud Station, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Mary Kathleen Orris and Grauch (2002) USGSOFR02_189 Edit sedexmvt-00027 1675 1675 1675 Ma 12156 Pegmont Pb-Zn Deposit (Pegmont Mine), Selwyn District, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Pegmont Taylor et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009_1297 Edit sedznpb-00040 2500 1600 Paleoproterozoic 12156 Pegmont Pb-Zn Deposit (Pegmont Mine), Selwyn District, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Pegmont Singer et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009-1252 Edit Cr-00011 1414 922 U-Pb davidite Davidite-(La) Cr 143289 Six Kangaroos Prospect, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia Chipley et al. (2007) 10.2138/am.2007.2226 AM92_1925 charlene listed error as 37/40
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