Mineral Evolution Database
Created and maintained by the Mineral Evolution Project in partnership with RRUFF and mindat.
Mineral locality data provided by mindat.org

The Mineral Evolution database is currently under development.

The goal of this page is to present localities at which the mineral is found, and estimates of the oldest possible geologic age of the minerals at these localities.

Locality Name:
St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UK

Oldest recorded age at locality: 811
Youngest recorded age at locality: 11

mindat Locality ID: 18545
mindat URL: http://www.mindat.org/loc-18545.html

Tectonic Settings:

Total number of sublocalities beneath "St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UK": 38
Total number of bottom-level sublocalities: 27

Number of Child Localities: 11
Child Localities:
Crow Hill
Currian Vale
Slip China Stone Quarry
South Terras Mine (Resugga & Tolgarrick Mine; Union Mine; Uranium Mine)
St Stephen

Latitude: 50°20'54"N
Longitude: 4°52'52"W
Decimal Degree (lat, lon): 50.348333333333,-4.8811111111111

AThis mineral is Anthropogenic.
GThis mineral is directly dated.
BThis mineral is reported as having this age.
YThis mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period.
OThis mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality.
RThe age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality.
PThe age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children.
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded.

This Mineral list contains entries from this locality, including sub-localities. Minerals in bold are reported by mindat.org as occurring directly at this locality, and do not occur at any children (sublocalities) of this locality.

Elements at this locality, including sub-localities: Al As Au B Ba Be Bi C Ca Cl Co Cu F Fe H K Li Mg Mn Na Ni O P Pb S Si Sn U V W Zn 

Elements from minerals reported directly at this locality: 

Structural Groups for minerals in this locality: 
MicaMixiteNatroautuniteNickelineNoneNot in a structural groupPerovskitePharmacosideritePyriteQuartz

78 IMA Minerals at location:
Actinolite  (*)Akaganeite  (*)Andradite  (*)Anglesite  (*)Annabergite  (*)
Arsenopyrite  (*)Asbolane  (*)Autunite  (*)Baryte  (*)Bassetite  (*)
Bertrandite  (*)Bismuth  (*)Bismuthinite  (*)Bornite  (*)Brochantite  (*)
Cassiterite  (*)Chalcocite  (*)Chalcophyllite  (*)Chalcopyrite  (*)Clinochlore  (*)
Clinosafflorite  (*)Cobaltite  (*)Coffinite  (*)Copper  (*)Cristobalite  (*)
Cuprite  (*)Erythrite  (*)Ferberite  (*)Fluellite  (*)Fluorapatite  (*)
Fluorite  (*)Francevillite  (*)Galena  (*)Goethite  (*)Gold  (*)
Hematite  (*)Jarosite  (*)Kaňkite  (*)Kaolinite  (*)Kasolite  (*)
Magnetite  (*)Marcasite  (*)Metasaléeite  (*)Metatorbernite  (*)Metavanuralite  (*)
Metazeunerite  (*)Mixite  (*)Muscovite  (*)Nickeline  (*)Nickelskutterudite  (*)
Olivenite  (*)Opal  (*)Orthoclase  (*)Parasymplesite  (*)Parsonsite  (*)
Pharmacosiderite  (*)Pyrite  (*)Quartz  (*)Rossmanite  (*)Rutherfordine  (*)
Safflorite  (*)Saléeite  (*)Schorl  (*)Scorodite  (*)Siderite  (*)
Skutterudite  (*)Sphalerite  (*)Stannite  (*)Talc  (*)Topaz  (*)
Torbernite  (*)Tremolite  (*)Trögerite  (*)Uraninite  (*)Wavellite  (*)
Wittichenite  (*)Zeunerite  (*)Zippeite  (*)
Mineral nameStructural GroupsIMA FormulaMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)# of Sublocalities containing mineralLOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids# of localities containing mineral
Actinolite  (*)Amphibole   Ca2(Mg4.5-2.5Fe2+0.5-2.5)Si8O22(OH)2811112119006,1190173419
Akaganeite  (*)Coronadite(Fe3+,Ni2+)8(OH,O)16Cl1.25·nH2O81111111901763
Andradite  (*)GarnetCa3Fe3+2(SiO4)38111111190171534
Anglesite  (*)BarytePb(SO4)8111111190172734
Annabergite  (*)VivianiteNi3(AsO4)2·8H2O811112119008,119017445
Arsenopyrite  (*)ArsenopyriteFeAsS811116119000,119006,119008,119009,119012,1190179052
Asbolane  (*)Not in a structural groupMn4+(O,OH)2·(Co,Ni,Mg,Ca)x(OH)2x·nH2O811111119017143
Autunite  (*)AutuniteCa(UO2)2(PO4)2·10-12H2O811112119012,1190171272
Baryte  (*)BaryteBa(SO4)111900811547
Bassetite  (*)NoneFe2+(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)1081111111901751
Bertrandite  (*)Not in a structural groupBe4Si2O7(OH)2811111119017606
Bismuth  (*)ArsenicBi11190061966
Bismuthinite  (*)StibniteBi2S3811113119006,119008,1190171935
Bornite  (*)NoneCu5FeS48111111190175516
Brochantite  (*)BrochantiteCu4(SO4)(OH)68111111190171633
Cassiterite  (*)RutileSnO28111115118997,118998,119005,119006,119007,119008,119009,119010,119012,119014,119017,119019,119020,119023,1190285171
Chalcocite  (*)NoneCu2S8111111190175707
Chalcophyllite  (*)ChalcophylliteCu18Al2(AsO4)4(SO4)3(OH)24·36H2O811111119017194
Chalcopyrite  (*)ChalcopyriteCuFeS2811116119006,119008,119009,119010,119012,11901727198
Clinochlore  (*)Chlorite ClayMg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)88111111190171756
Clinosafflorite  (*)LöllingiteCoAs2111900821
Cobaltite  (*)CobaltiteCoAsS1119008966
Coffinite  (*)ZirconU(SiO4)·nH2O811111119017566
Copper  (*)CopperCu811113119006,119008,1190173846
Cristobalite  (*)CristobaliteSiO2268.6260.21119014453
Cuprite  (*)Not in a structural groupCu2O8111111190172970
Erythrite  (*)VivianiteCo3(AsO4)2·8H2O811112119008,119017814
Ferberite  (*)ColumbiteFe2+(WO4)1119012551
Fluellite  (*)NoneAl2(PO4)F2(OH)·7H2O111901240
Fluorapatite  (*)ApatiteCa5(PO4)3F2119012,1190222740
Fluorite  (*)FluoriteCaF2811114119006,119009,119012,1190179617
Francevillite  (*)FritzscheiteBa(UO2)2(VO4)2·5H2O81111111901743
Galena  (*)RocksaltPbS140803119000,119008,11901724243
Goethite  (*)DiasporeFeO(OH)11190287437
Gold  (*)CopperAu111900630554
Hematite  (*)CorundumFe2O3811112119017,11902514640
Jarosite  (*)AluniteKFe3+3(SO4)2(OH)68111111190172228
Kaňkite  (*)KaňkiteFe3+(AsO4)·3.5H2O81111111901738
Kaolinite  (*)Clay KaoliniteAl2Si2O5(OH)4268.6260.23119006,119014,1190165591
Kasolite  (*)NonePb(UO2)(SiO4)·H2O811111119017198
Magnetite  (*)SpinelFe2+Fe3+2O4811112119008,11901714899
Marcasite  (*)MarcasiteFeS28111111190175674
Metasaléeite  (*)NoneMg(UO2)2(PO4)2·8H2O81111111901711
Metatorbernite  (*)NoneCu(UO2)2(PO4)2·8H2O811111119017443
Metavanuralite  (*)NoneAl(UO2)2(VO4)2(OH)·8H2O8111111190174
Metazeunerite  (*)NoneCu(UO2)2(AsO4)2·8H2O811111119017182
Mixite  (*)MixiteCu6Bi(AsO4)3(OH)6·3H2O811111119017168
Muscovite  (*)Mica ClayKAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2268.6260.23119012,119014,11902717380
Nickeline  (*)NickelineNiAs1119008633
Nickelskutterudite  (*)Skutterudite Perovskite(Ni,Co,Fe)As31119008176
Olivenite  (*)AndalusiteCu2(AsO4)(OH)811112119017,119020492
Opal  (*)AmorphousSiO2·nH2O811113119012,119016,1190172994
Orthoclase  (*)FeldsparK(AlSi3O8)268.6260.211190142349
Parasymplesite  (*)VivianiteFe2+3(AsO4)2·8H2O1119008124
Parsonsite  (*)NonePb2(UO2)(PO4)281111111901763
Pharmacosiderite  (*)PharmacosideriteKFe3+4(AsO4)3(OH)4·6-7H2O811113119008,119017,119020428
Pyrite  (*)PyriteFeS2811114119000,119006,119008,11901739462
Quartz  (*)QuartzSiO28111111118995,119000,119006,119007,119008,119012,119016,119017,119025,119027,11902861156
Rossmanite  (*)Tourmaline   (Al2Li)Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH)282.5273.7111903037
Rutherfordine  (*)None(UO2)(CO3)81111111901758
Safflorite  (*)LöllingiteCoAs21119008317
Saléeite  (*)NoneMg(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)1081111111901795
Schorl  (*)TourmalineNaFe2+3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH)811113119006,119014,1190172705
Scorodite  (*)NoneFe3+(AsO4)·2H2O811113119008,119017,1190201153
Siderite  (*)CalciteFe(CO3)811113119006,119008,1190176417
Skutterudite  (*)Skutterudite PerovskiteCoAs3811111119017531
Sphalerite  (*)SphaleriteZnS811112119000,11901721482
Stannite  (*)Stannite SphaleriteCu2FeSnS41119012668
Talc  (*)Clay TalcMg3Si4O10(OH)211190123337
Topaz  (*)TopazAl2SiO4F2268.6260.211190141476
Torbernite  (*)NoneCu(UO2)2(PO4)2·12H2O811114118996,119012,119017,1190191059
Tremolite  (*)Amphibole   Ca2(Mg5.0-4.5Fe2+0.0-0.5)Si8O22(OH)211190122562
Trögerite  (*)Natroautunite(H3O)(UO2)(AsO4)·3H2O81111111901722
Uraninite  (*)FluoriteUO2811113118996,119008,1190172718
Wavellite  (*)WavelliteAl3(PO4)2(OH)3·5H2O1119012374
Wittichenite  (*)NoneCu3BiS3811111119017297
Zeunerite  (*)AutuniteCu(UO2)2(AsO4)2·12H2O811111119017185
Zippeite  (*)ZippeiteK2[(UO2)4(SO4)2O2(OH)2](H2O)4811111119017175

Locality Notes from all Ages at Locality:
Age IDLocality Notes
Lucy_118Brannel Elvan is 6 km west of St Austells

11 Ages assigned to this locality:

Excel IDMax Age (Ma)Min Age (Ma)Age as listed in referenceDating MethodAge InterpretPrioritized?Sample SourceSample NumRun NumAge from other LocalityDated MineralMinerals explicitely stated as having this ageAge applies to these ElementsMinDat Locality IDDated Locality (Max Age)Location as listed in referenceReferenceReference DOIReference IDAge Notes
Lucy_118285275280 ± 5Rb/SrPrevious Rb/Sr determination      18545St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKBrannel ElvanBray and Spooner (1983)10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15EG78_1064 
Lucy_276140140140 Galena age for Crow Hillgalena   Galena  222020Crowhill Mine (Crow Hill Mine; New Crow Hill Mine; Trevanion Mine), Crow Hill, St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKCrow HillDarnley et al. (1965) MM34_159These results have been calculated using Moorbath's constants, from the tables compiled by Pockley (1961)
Lucy_140268.6260.2264.4 ± 4.2K/ArPrevious K/Ar determination 258    1194Melbur China Clay Pit, Melbur, St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKMelburBray and Spooner (1983)10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15EG78_1064 
Lucy_236494547 ± 2206 Pb/238UAge of Pitchblende      1327South Terras Mine (Resugga & Tolgarrick Mine; Union Mine; Uranium Mine), St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKSouth TerrasDarnley et al. (1965) MM34_159 
Lucy_25281111411 ± 400207Pb/206PbIsotopic Age of Pitchblende-Coffinite NCL1103    1327South Terras Mine (Resugga & Tolgarrick Mine; Union Mine; Uranium Mine), St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKSouth TerrasDarnley et al. (1965) MM34_159(Ages taken from table with unclear titles) Chemical analysis of Pb. Analysis of 204Pb.
Lucy_253494547 ± 2206Pb/238UIsotopic Age of Pitchblende-Coffinite NCL1103    1327South Terras Mine (Resugga & Tolgarrick Mine; Union Mine; Uranium Mine), St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKSouth TerrasDarnley et al. (1965) MM34_159(Ages taken from table with unclear titles) Chemical analysis of U. Analysis of 206Pb.
Lucy_254644655 ± 9207Pb/235UIsotopic Age of Pitchblende-Coffinite NCL1103    1327South Terras Mine (Resugga & Tolgarrick Mine; Union Mine; Uranium Mine), St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKSouth TerrasDarnley et al. (1965) MM34_159(Ages taken from table with unclear titles) Chemical analysis of U. Analysis of 207Pb.
Lucy_260230220225 ± 5206Pb/238UUsing Pockleys Interpretations, it is acceptable to say that South Terras, Geevor, and Wheal Owles are not reliable indications of Tertiary mineralization.      1327South Terras Mine (Resugga & Tolgarrick Mine; Union Mine; Uranium Mine), St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKSouth TerrasDarnley et al. (1965) MM34_159Mean of two analyses
Lucy_261494547 ± 2206Pb/238UUsing Pockleys Interpretations, it is acceptable to say that South Terras, Geevor, and Wheal Owles are not reliable indications of Tertiary mineralization.      1327South Terras Mine (Resugga & Tolgarrick Mine; Union Mine; Uranium Mine), St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKSouth TerrasDarnley et al. (1965) MM34_159 
Lucy_277808080 Galena age for South Terrasgalena   Galena  1327South Terras Mine (Resugga & Tolgarrick Mine; Union Mine; Uranium Mine), St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKSouth TerrasDarnley et al. (1965) MM34_159These results have been calculated using Moorbath's constants, from the tables compiled by Pockley (1961)
Lucy_139282.5273.7278.1 ± 4.4K/ArPrevious K/Ar determination 254    1186Dorothy China Clay Pit, Whitemoor, St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall, England, UKDorothyBray and Spooner (1983)10.1144/GSL.SP.1964.001.01.15EG78_1064 

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All locality data graciously provided by mindat.org

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