Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Acanthite (*) Acanthite Ag2 S 3 255141 ,255465 ,255523 2793 Actinolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg4.5-2.5 Fe2+ 0.5-2.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 1 255246 3419 Ankerite (*) None Ca(Fe2+ ,Mg)(CO3 )2 6 255245 ,255265 ,255479 ,255496 ,255525 ,255554 3092 Anthophyllite (*) Amphibole Mg2 Mg5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 2 255103 ,255667 718 Aragonite (*) Aragonite Ca(CO3 ) 1 255424 3250 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 166 150 21 255028 ,255029 ,255031 ,255034 ,255042 ,255043 ,255050 ,255061 ,255064 ,255065 ,255086 ,255104 ,255115 ,255116 ,255120 ,255220 ,255221 ,255230 ,255475 ,255481 ,255496 9052 Baryte (*) Baryte Ba(SO4 ) 4 255245 ,255249 ,255263 ,255352 11547 Bornite (*) None Cu5 FeS4 5 255244 ,255246 ,255326 ,255350 ,255483 5516 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 30 255006 ,255034 ,255043 ,255049 ,255051 ,255083 ,255115 ,255119 ,255132 ,255153 ,255195 ,255246 ,255265 ,255276 ,255284 ,255350 ,255352 ,255424 ,255461 ,255465 ,255467 ,255475 ,255481 ,255483 ,255595 ,255706 ,255713 ,255771 ,255774 ,255785 27770 Cervantite (*) None Sb3+ Sb5+ O4 2 254987 ,255739 352 Chalcocite (*) None Cu2 S 5 255246 ,255263 ,255272 ,255342 ,255350 5707 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 270 150 77 254970 ,254973 ,254982 ,254997 ,255028 ,255029 ,255031 ,255034 ,255042 ,255043 ,255050 ,255061 ,255064 ,255065 ,255071 ,255086 ,255104 ,255115 ,255117 ,255120 ,255122 ,255128 ,255129 ,255168 ,255179 ,255182 ,255190 ,255195 ,255196 ,255198 ,255215 ,255217 ,255220 ,255221 ,255230 ,255241 ,255245 ,255249 ,255254 ,255256 ,255263 ,255265 ,255270 ,255276 ,255277 ,255284 ,255301 ,255303 ,255305 ,255306 ,255309 ,255315 ,255322 ,255326 ,255341 ,255343 ,255348 ,255350 ,255351 ,255352 ,255354 ,255375 ,255460 ,255461 ,255465 ,255475 ,255481 ,255483 ,255553 ,255593 ,255601 ,255602 ,255631 ,255698 ,255709 ,255771 ,255776 27198 Chromite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Cr2 O4 18 254977 ,255067 ,255139 ,255144 ,255150 ,255151 ,255242 ,255370 ,255549 ,255550 ,255551 ,255640 ,255641 ,255642 ,255643 ,255644 ,255645 ,255682 3902 Chrysocolla (*) Allophane (Cu2-x Alx )H2-x Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·nH2 O 8 255244 ,255246 ,255247 ,255260 ,255265 ,255350 ,255358 ,255605 3531 Chrysotile (*) Serpentine Clay Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 3 255363 ,255684 ,255685 951 Cinnabar (*) None HgS 9 255043 ,255143 ,255144 ,255269 ,255524 ,255639 ,255680 ,255682 ,255794 2600 Cobaltite (*) Cobaltite CoAsS 1 255086 966 Coloradoite (*) Sphalerite HgTe 1 255179 169 Copper (*) Copper Cu 4 255244 ,255246 ,255263 ,255272 3846 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 1 255326 4165 Cuprite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2 O 3 255176 ,255246 ,255272 2970 Dolomite (*) None CaMg(CO3 )2 3 255151 ,255306 ,255309 9895 Epidote (*) Epidote Clinozoisite Ca2 (Al2 Fe3+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 9 255244 ,255246 ,255313 ,255350 ,255483 ,255593 ,255595 ,255774 ,255778 8173 Erionite-K (*) Erionite K10 [Si26 Al10 O72 ]·30H2 O 1 255589 22 Erionite-Na (*) Erionite Na10 [Si26 Al10 O72 ]·30H2 O 1 255236 13 Ferrimolybdite (*) None Fe3+ 2 (Mo6+ O4 )3 ·7H2 O 1 255483 345 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 39 254970 ,255062 ,255115 ,255117 ,255119 ,255120 ,255122 ,255128 ,255129 ,255138 ,255168 ,255179 ,255182 ,255195 ,255196 ,255198 ,255256 ,255276 ,255284 ,255301 ,255306 ,255309 ,255326 ,255459 ,255460 ,255461 ,255465 ,255472 ,255475 ,255480 ,255481 ,255494 ,255496 ,255516 ,255525 ,255532 ,255631 ,255785 ,255791 24243 Glaucodot (*) Arsenopyrite (Co0.5 Fe0.5 )AsS 1 255086 131 Gold (*) Copper Au 166 127 37 254972 ,254976 ,254977 ,254988 ,254995 ,255003 ,255034 ,255065 ,255075 ,255080 ,255109 ,255140 ,255141 ,255153 ,255168 ,255179 ,255225 ,255253 ,255265 ,255269 ,255276 ,255284 ,255303 ,255313 ,255316 ,255321 ,255328 ,255458 ,255525 ,255544 ,255632 ,255698 ,255771 ,255772 ,255783 ,255789 ,255792 30554 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 4 255083 ,255156 ,255516 ,255573 14640 Hessite (*) None Ag2 Te 2 255179 ,255496 804 Ilmenite (*) Corundum Fe2+ Ti4+ O3 2 254977 ,255313 5433 Jarosite (*) Alunite KFe3+ 3 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 1 255245 2228 Kermesite (*) None Sb2 OS2 1 255739 230 Magnetite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Fe3+ 2 O4 2 254977 ,255313 14899 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 19 254973 ,254997 ,255174 ,255190 ,255244 ,255245 ,255246 ,255247 ,255260 ,255265 ,255270 ,255272 ,255341 ,255351 ,255352 ,255358 ,255519 ,255597 ,255709 12537 Manganite (*) Rutile Mn3+ O(OH) 7 255307 ,255402 ,255428 ,255434 ,255435 ,255444 ,255679 770 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 166 150 15 255028 ,255029 ,255031 ,255034 ,255042 ,255043 ,255050 ,255061 ,255064 ,255065 ,255086 ,255104 ,255220 ,255221 ,255230 5674 Mesolite (*) Natrolite Na2 Ca2 (Si9 Al6 )O30 ·8H2 O 1 255424 425 Molybdenite (*) Molybdenite MoS2 10 255099 ,255114 ,255126 ,255252 ,255483 ,255487 ,255571 ,255593 ,255602 ,255605 5800 Mordenite (*) Mordenite (Na2 ,Ca,K2 )4 (Al8 Si40 )O96 ·28H2 O 1 255424 405 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 20 254970 ,255043 ,255117 ,255119 ,255120 ,255127 ,255129 ,255156 ,255240 ,255461 ,255481 ,255483 ,255496 ,255554 ,255593 ,255698 ,255713 ,255771 ,255785 ,255792 17380 Opal (*) Amorphous SiO2 ·n H2 O 4 255144 ,255235 ,255236 ,255589 2994 Orthoclase (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 1 255360 2349 Petzite (*) None Ag3 AuTe2 2 255179 ,255182 409 Platinum (*) Copper Pt 1 255313 485 Polybasite (*) Polybasite [Ag9 CuS4 ][(Ag,Cu)6 (Sb,As)2 S7 ] 1 255496 716 Powellite (*) Scheelite Ca(MoO4 ) 1 255492 494 Pyrargyrite (*) None Ag3 SbS3 166 127 2 255043 ,255458 1425 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 270 150 128 254973 ,254982 ,254990 ,254997 ,255006 ,255026 ,255028 ,255029 ,255031 ,255034 ,255038 ,255039 ,255042 ,255043 ,255046 ,255047 ,255048 ,255049 ,255050 ,255051 ,255056 ,255058 ,255059 ,255060 ,255061 ,255062 ,255063 ,255064 ,255065 ,255071 ,255086 ,255090 ,255097 ,255104 ,255114 ,255115 ,255116 ,255117 ,255119 ,255120 ,255122 ,255125 ,255126 ,255127 ,255128 ,255129 ,255141 ,255143 ,255151 ,255156 ,255168 ,255173 ,255174 ,255182 ,255185 ,255186 ,255190 ,255193 ,255195 ,255196 ,255197 ,255198 ,255209 ,255214 ,255215 ,255217 ,255218 ,255220 ,255221 ,255222 ,255228 ,255230 ,255241 ,255245 ,255254 ,255263 ,255265 ,255270 ,255276 ,255277 ,255284 ,255299 ,255301 ,255303 ,255306 ,255315 ,255326 ,255341 ,255348 ,255349 ,255350 ,255351 ,255352 ,255354 ,255375 ,255460 ,255461 ,255462 ,255465 ,255467 ,255472 ,255475 ,255478 ,255479 ,255480 ,255481 ,255494 ,255495 ,255496 ,255500 ,255525 ,255532 ,255553 ,255554 ,255569 ,255593 ,255595 ,255601 ,255602 ,255604 ,255680 ,255709 ,255771 ,255774 ,255778 ,255780 ,255785 ,255791 39462 Pyrolusite (*) Rutile MnO2 3 255307 ,255402 ,255679 3106 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 2 255326 ,255792 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 270 150 136 254973 ,254974 ,254976 ,254990 ,255004 ,255006 ,255020 ,255026 ,255028 ,255029 ,255031 ,255034 ,255039 ,255040 ,255042 ,255043 ,255046 ,255047 ,255048 ,255049 ,255050 ,255051 ,255056 ,255058 ,255059 ,255061 ,255063 ,255064 ,255065 ,255071 ,255086 ,255090 ,255097 ,255104 ,255114 ,255115 ,255116 ,255117 ,255119 ,255120 ,255125 ,255126 ,255127 ,255129 ,255132 ,255134 ,255141 ,255144 ,255152 ,255153 ,255156 ,255168 ,255174 ,255185 ,255190 ,255193 ,255195 ,255197 ,255198 ,255209 ,255214 ,255215 ,255217 ,255218 ,255220 ,255221 ,255222 ,255225 ,255230 ,255235 ,255236 ,255240 ,255241 ,255245 ,255246 ,255254 ,255256 ,255263 ,255265 ,255269 ,255270 ,255276 ,255277 ,255284 ,255301 ,255303 ,255305 ,255306 ,255309 ,255322 ,255326 ,255343 ,255348 ,255350 ,255351 ,255352 ,255402 ,255424 ,255434 ,255444 ,255460 ,255461 ,255465 ,255467 ,255472 ,255475 ,255479 ,255481 ,255483 ,255495 ,255496 ,255516 ,255519 ,255524 ,255525 ,255544 ,255554 ,255579 ,255593 ,255595 ,255601 ,255602 ,255604 ,255680 ,255682 ,255706 ,255713 ,255759 ,255771 ,255772 ,255776 ,255780 ,255785 ,255789 ,255791 ,255792 61156 Rhodonite (*) Rhodonite CaMn3 Mn(Si5 O15 ) 1 255679 969 Roscoelite (*) Mica KV3+ 2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 3 255034 ,255061 ,255064 253 Scheelite (*) Scheelite Ca(WO4 ) 10 254970 ,255132 ,255133 ,255134 ,255288 ,255368 ,255500 ,255706 ,255713 ,255771 4894 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 1 255481 6417 Silver (*) Copper Ag 2 255244 ,255523 5186 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 270 270 34 254970 ,254973 ,255043 ,255065 ,255115 ,255117 ,255119 ,255120 ,255122 ,255125 ,255128 ,255129 ,255138 ,255168 ,255179 ,255182 ,255195 ,255241 ,255276 ,255284 ,255301 ,255326 ,255348 ,255352 ,255461 ,255465 ,255472 ,255475 ,255481 ,255496 ,255525 ,255569 ,255631 ,255785 21482 Stibiconite (*) Pyrochlore Sb3+ Sb5+ 2 O6 (OH) 1 254987 446 Stibnite (*) Stibnite Sb2 S3 166 150 24 254970 ,254987 ,254990 ,255028 ,255029 ,255031 ,255034 ,255042 ,255043 ,255050 ,255061 ,255064 ,255065 ,255086 ,255104 ,255201 ,255220 ,255221 ,255230 ,255680 ,255707 ,255713 ,255739 ,255759 3418 Stützite (*) None Ag5-x Te3 (x = 0.24-0.36) 1 255179 92 Sylvanite (*) Melonite AgAuTe4 2 255179 ,255182 337 Talc (*) Clay Talc Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 3 255103 ,255306 ,255496 3337 Tennantite-(Fe) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Fe2 )As4 S13 1 255138 1803 Tetrahedrite-(Zn) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Zn2 )Sb4 S13 270 150 30 255028 ,255029 ,255031 ,255034 ,255042 ,255043 ,255050 ,255061 ,255064 ,255065 ,255086 ,255104 ,255138 ,255152 ,255153 ,255168 ,255179 ,255217 ,255220 ,255221 ,255230 ,255348 ,255460 ,255465 ,255475 ,255480 ,255481 ,255496 ,255525 ,255713 5317 Thomsonite-Ca (*) Thomsonite NaCa2 (Al5 Si5 )O20 ·6H2 O 1 255424 452 Valentinite (*) None Sb2 O3 1 255739 369 Zircon (*) Zircon Zr(SiO4 ) 1 255313 5251
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-03621 166 150 158±8 Rb-Sr age of intrusion whole rock 53513 Argonaut Mine (Wilmot; Hemler; George E), Bourne (Cracker City), Cracker Creek District (Sumpter District; Bourne District; McCully District), Blue Mts, Baker Co., Oregon, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit NAVDAT-14928 290 206 248±42 14928 252587 Marble Point, Cracker Creek District (Sumpter District; Bourne District; McCully District), Blue Mts, Baker Co., Oregon, USA NAVDAT NAVDAT Edit NAVDAT-9204 290 206 248±42 9204 151280 Richmond Occurrence, Bonanza District (Geiser District), Baker Co., Oregon, USA NAVDAT NAVDAT Edit NAVDAT-14927 290 206 248±42 14927 149868 Lake Creek Gold Prospect, Cracker Creek District (Sumpter District; Bourne District; McCully District), Baker Co., Oregon, USA NAVDAT NAVDAT Edit vms-01070 270 270 Permian S 149618 Iron Dike, Iron Dyke District (Homestead District), Baker Co., Oregon, USA Iron Dyke Moiser et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009_1034 Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-03596 164 130 147±17 Rb-Sr whole rock 150337 Midas Occurrence, Rock Creek District, Baker Co., Oregon, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-03597 166 150 158±8 Rb-Sr age of intrusion whole rock 150337 Midas Occurrence, Rock Creek District, Baker Co., Oregon, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-03598 151.93 137.93 144.93±7 Rb-Sr whole rock 150337 Midas Occurrence, Rock Creek District, Baker Co., Oregon, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-03622 139 127 133±6 Rb-Sr initial age disturbed by later metamorphism whole rock 150337 Midas Occurrence, Rock Creek District, Baker Co., Oregon, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr Edit USGS-Rb-Sr-03623 139 127 133±6 Rb-Sr initial age disturbed by later metamorphism biotite 150337 Midas Occurrence, Rock Creek District, Baker Co., Oregon, USA USGS-Rb-Sr USGS-Rb-Sr
All age data...
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