Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Acanthite (*) Acanthite Ag2 S 2 58633 ,58651 2793 Actinolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg4.5-2.5 Fe2+ 0.5-2.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 1 58651 3419 Aegirine (*) Pyroxene NaFe3+ Si2 O6 1 58584 1022 Albite (*) Feldspar Na(AlSi3 O8 ) 16 58573 ,58576 ,58590 ,58605 ,58607 ,58615 ,58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58630 ,58632 ,58633 ,58639 ,58641 ,58644 ,58648 8803 Allophane (*) Allophane Al2 O3 (SiO2 )1.3-2.0 ·2.5-3.0H2 O 1 58584 470 Analcime (*) Analcime Na(AlSi2 O6 )·H2 O 1 58584 1627 Anatase (*) Not in a structural group TiO2 12 58572 ,58573 ,58576 ,58584 ,58607 ,58611 ,58615 ,58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58630 ,58633 2162 Andalusite (*) Andalusite Al2 SiO5 2 58637 ,58646 1310 Andradite (*) Garnet Ca3 Fe3+ 2 (SiO4 )3 4 58639 ,58641 ,58644 ,58648 1534 Ankerite (*) None Ca(Fe2+ ,Mg)(CO3 )2 2 58572 ,58584 3092 Aragonite (*) Aragonite Ca(CO3 ) 3 58572 ,58584 ,58586 3250 Arseniosiderite (*) Arseniosiderite Ca2 Fe3+ 3 O2 (AsO4 )3 ·3H2 O 1 58633 194 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 9 58572 ,58577 ,58584 ,58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58633 ,58651 ,58653 9052 Augite (*) Pyroxene (Ca,Mg,Fe)2 Si2 O6 1 58584 2060 Autunite (*) Autunite Ca(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·10-12H2 O 319 0 8 58615 ,58617 ,58622 ,58625 ,58627 ,58630 ,58632 ,58633 1272 Azurite (*) Not in a structural group Cu3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 1 58576 5509 Baryte (*) Baryte Ba(SO4 ) 324 0 2 58572 ,58625 11547 Beraunite (*) Beraunite Fe3+ 6 (PO4 )4 O(OH)4 ·6H2 O 1 58572 136 Bertrandite (*) Not in a structural group Be4 Si2 O7 (OH)2 6 58607 ,58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58630 ,58637 606 Beryl (*) Beryl Be3 Al2 Si6 O18 9 58573 ,58609 ,58615 ,58617 ,58627 ,58632 ,58633 ,58637 ,58648 4286 Berzelianite (*) None Cu2-x Se (x ≈ 0.12) 324 0 1 58625 66 Bismuth (*) Arsenic Bi 324 0 2 58625 ,58633 1966 Bismuthinite (*) Stibnite Bi2 S3 2 58622 ,58633 1935 Bismutite (*) Bismutite Bi2 O2 (CO3 ) 3 58622 ,58627 ,58630 716 Bornite (*) None Cu5 FeS4 324 0 2 58584 ,58625 5516 Bournonite (*) Bournonite CuPbSbS3 1 58576 1089 Brochantite (*) Brochantite Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 3 58572 ,58617 ,58633 1633 Brookite (*) Brookite TiO2 2 58576 ,58627 700 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 324 0 18 58572 ,58576 ,58582 ,58584 ,58586 ,58587 ,58590 ,58608 ,58622 ,58625 ,58627 ,58637 ,58643 ,58648 ,58651 ,58653 ,58654 ,58657 27770 Cassiterite (*) Rutile SnO2 6 58573 ,58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58632 ,58633 5171 Cerussite (*) Aragonite Pb(CO3 ) 1 58572 4979 Chabazite-Ca (*) Chabazite Ca2 [Al4 Si8 O24 ]·13H2 O 1 58608 310 Chalcanthite (*) Chalcanthite Cu(SO4 )·5H2 O 1 58633 925 Chalcocite (*) None Cu2 S 324 0 4 58584 ,58625 ,58633 ,58651 5707 Chalcophyllite (*) Chalcophyllite Cu18 Al2 (AsO4 )4 (SO4 )3 (OH)24 ·36H2 O 1 58633 194 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 324 0 11 58572 ,58573 ,58576 ,58577 ,58584 ,58617 ,58625 ,58627 ,58633 ,58643 ,58651 27198 Chenevixite (*) Chenevixite CuFe3+ (AsO4 )(OH)2 1 58633 90 Chromite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Cr2 O4 1 58584 3902 Chrysocolla (*) Allophane (Cu2-x Alx )H2-x Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·nH2 O 1 58651 3531 Chrysotile (*) Serpentine Clay Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 1 58584 951 Churchite-(Y) (*) Gypsum Y(PO4 )·2H2 O 324 0 1 58625 70 Clausthalite (*) Rocksalt PbSe 324 0 1 58625 281 Clinozoisite (*) Clinozoisite Epidote Ca2 Al3 [Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 1 58648 1025 Coffinite (*) Zircon U(SiO4 )·nH2 O 319 0 1 58625 566 Connellite (*) Connellite Cu36 (SO4 )(OH)62 Cl8 ·6H2 O 1 58633 295 Copiapite (*) Copiapite Fe2+ Fe3+ 4 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 ·20H2 O 1 58572 382 Copper (*) Copper Cu 324 0 3 58625 ,58627 ,58643 3846 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 324 0 7 58572 ,58584 ,58617 ,58625 ,58633 ,58643 ,58651 4165 Cubanite (*) Cubanite Wurtzite CuFe2 S3 2 58584 ,58651 802 Cuprite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2 O 324 0 4 58625 ,58633 ,58643 ,58651 2970 Cyrilovite (*) Wardite NaFe3+ 3 (PO4 )2 (OH)4 ·2H2 O 1 58573 60 Delafossite (*) None Cu1+ Fe3+ O2 1 58633 144 Dewindtite (*) Phosphuranylite H2 Pb3 (UO2 )6 O4 (PO4 )4 ·12H2 O 319 0 1 58625 82 Diopside (*) Pyroxene CaMgSi2 O6 5 58584 ,58639 ,58641 ,58644 ,58648 4135 Dolomite (*) None CaMg(CO3 )2 324 0 9 58572 ,58582 ,58584 ,58587 ,58608 ,58625 ,58637 ,58643 ,58651 9895 Dufrénite (*) Dufrénite Ca0.5 Fe2+ Fe3+ 5 (PO4 )4 (OH)6 ·2H2 O 1 58573 139 Dyscrasite (*) Allargentum Ag3+x Sb1-x (x ≈ 0.2) 1 58651 180 Enstatite (*) Pyroxene Mg2 Si2 O6 1 58584 944 Epidote (*) Epidote Clinozoisite Ca2 (Al2 Fe3+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 324 0 7 58573 ,58625 ,58627 ,58639 ,58641 ,58644 ,58648 8173 Euclase (*) None BeAlSiO4 (OH) 5 58573 ,58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58632 120 Ferro-katophorite (*) Amphibole Na(NaCa)(Fe2+ 4 Al)(Si7 Al)O22 (OH)2 1 58584 38 Fichtelite (*) None C19 H34 1 58606 4 Fluor-schorl (*) Tourmaline NaFe2+ 3 Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 F 1 58627 25 Fluorapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 F 9 58573 ,58584 ,58615 ,58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58630 ,58632 ,58648 2740 Fluorapophyllite-(K) (*) Apophyllite KCa4 Si8 O20 F·8H2 O 1 58584 303 Fluorite (*) Fluorite CaF2 324 0 11 58572 ,58573 ,58576 ,58615 ,58617 ,58622 ,58625 ,58627 ,58630 ,58633 ,58643 9617 Fourmarierite (*) Schoepite Pb1-x O3-2x (UO2 )4 (OH)4+2x ·4H2 O 319 0 1 58625 61 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 324 0 8 58572 ,58577 ,58622 ,58625 ,58627 ,58648 ,58651 ,58655 24243 Gismondine (*) Gismondine Ca2 (Si4 Al4 )O16 ·8H2 O 1 58584 128 Goethite (*) Diaspore FeO(OH) 12 58572 ,58578 ,58579 ,58580 ,58592 ,58594 ,58597 ,58622 ,58627 ,58630 ,58633 ,58638 7437 Gold (*) Copper Au 324 0 1 58625 30554 Gonnardite (*) Natrolite (Na,Ca)2 (Si,Al)5 O10 ·3H2 O 1 58608 167 Goyazite (*) Alunite SrAl3 (PO4 )(PO3 OH)(OH)6 1 58573 173 Graphite (*) None C 9 58572 ,58576 ,58642 ,58643 ,58648 ,58651 ,58653 ,58654 ,58657 2812 Greenockite (*) Wurtzite CdS 1 58572 717 Grossular (*) Garnet Ca3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 4 58639 ,58641 ,58644 ,58648 1544 Guanajuatite (*) Stibnite Bi2 Se3 324 0 1 58625 37 Gudmundite (*) Arsenopyrite FeSbS 1 58651 170 Gypsum (*) Gypsum Ca(SO4 )·2H2 O 2 58572 ,58603 6890 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 324 0 12 58572 ,58576 ,58584 ,58605 ,58615 ,58616 ,58617 ,58622 ,58625 ,58627 ,58630 ,58633 14640 Hydroxyapophyllite-(K) (*) Apophyllite KCa4 Si8 O20 (OH,F)·8H2 O 1 58608 85 Hydroxylapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 OH 1 58632 367 Hydroxylherderite (*) Gadolinite CaBe(PO4 )(OH) 1 58627 119 Hydrozincite (*) None Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 1 58572 1066 Idaite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu3 FeS4 1 58584 142 Ilmenite (*) Corundum Fe2+ Ti4+ O3 5 58584 ,58597 ,58611 ,58617 ,58633 5433 Iron (*) Iron Fe 1 58584 1089 Isocubanite (*) Sphalerite Cubanite CuFe2 S3 1 58651 191 Jamesonite (*) None Pb4 FeSb6 S14 2 58651 ,58655 784 Jarosite (*) Alunite KFe3+ 3 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 1 58572 2228 Kaolinite (*) Clay Kaolinite Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 4 58573 ,58597 ,58617 ,58648 5591 Klockmannite (*) Covellite Cu5.2 Se6 324 0 1 58625 63 Kyanite (*) Not in a structural group Al2 OSiO4 2 58588 ,58649 1507 Langite (*) None Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ·2H2 O 1 58633 593 Lepidocrocite (*) Lepidocrocite Fe3+ O(OH) 2 58572 ,58622 581 Lithiophorite (*) None (Al,Li)(Mn4+ ,Mn3+ )O2 (OH)2 1 58573 210 Magnesite (*) Calcite Mg(CO3 ) 1 58637 1487 Magnetite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Fe3+ 2 O4 3 58584 ,58630 ,58633 14899 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 6 58572 ,58576 ,58577 ,58633 ,58643 ,58651 12537 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 2 58572 ,58584 5674 Melanterite (*) Melanterite Fe(SO4 )·7H2 O 1 58572 915 Meta-autunite (*) Meta-autunite Ca(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·6H2 O 2 58573 ,58617 388 Metatorbernite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·8H2 O 319 0 3 58573 ,58625 ,58633 443 Metazeunerite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 1 58633 182 Miargyrite (*) None AgSbS2 1 58651 300 Microcline (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 6 58573 ,58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58630 ,58632 4924 Molybdenite (*) Molybdenite MoS2 4 58622 ,58627 ,58633 ,58651 5800 Montmorillonite (*) Clay Smectite-vermiculite (Na,Ca)0.3 (Al,Mg)2 Si4 O10 (OH)2 ·nH2 O 5 58573 ,58584 ,58615 ,58632 ,58633 1508 Mullite (*) None Al4+2x Si2-2x O10-x (x ≈ 0.4) 1 58584 78 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 324 0 16 58572 ,58573 ,58584 ,58605 ,58607 ,58609 ,58615 ,58616 ,58617 ,58622 ,58625 ,58627 ,58630 ,58632 ,58633 ,58646 17380 Natrolite (*) Natrolite Na2 (Si3 Al2 )O10 ·2H2 O 2 58584 ,58608 1236 Nontronite (*) Clay Smectite-vermiculite Na0.3 Fe3+ 2 (Si,Al)4 O10 (OH)2 ·nH2 O 4 58573 ,58584 ,58622 ,58633 471 Offretite (*) Not in a structural group KCaMg(Si13 Al5 )O36 ·15H2 O 1 58584 146 Okenite (*) None Ca10 Si18 O46 ·18H2 O 1 58584 71 Olivenite (*) Andalusite Cu2 (AsO4 )(OH) 1 58633 492 Opal (*) Amorphous SiO2 ·n H2 O 4 58572 ,58622 ,58627 ,58648 2994 Orthoclase (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 8 58584 ,58607 ,58609 ,58615 ,58620 ,58622 ,58630 ,58648 2349 Palygorskite (*) Palygorskite Clay (Mg,Al)2 Si4 O10 (OH)·4H2 O 4 58601 ,58643 ,58651 ,58655 306 Paranatrolite (*) Natrolite Na2 (Si3 Al2 )O10 ·3H2 O 2 58584 ,58608 19 Parisite-(Ce) (*) Parisite CaCe2 (CO3 )3 F2 1 58622 112 Pentlandite (*) Pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9 S8 1 58584 1512 Pharmacosiderite (*) Pharmacosiderite KFe3+ 4 (AsO4 )3 (OH)4 ·6-7H2 O 3 58572 ,58582 ,58633 428 Phenakite (*) Phenakite Be2 (SiO4 ) 4 58615 ,58617 ,58620 ,58627 326 Phillipsite-K (*) Harmotome K6 (Si10 Al6 )O32 ·12H2 O 1 58608 71 Phlogopite (*) Mica Clay KMg3 (AlSi3 O10 )(OH)2 2 58572 ,58627 2273 Phosphuranylite (*) Phosphuranylite KCa(H3 O)3 (UO2 )7 (PO4 )4 O4 ·8H2 O 319 0 1 58625 182 Pitticite (*) None [Fe,AsO4 ,SO4 ,H2 O] (?) 1 58627 140 Polybasite (*) Polybasite [Ag9 CuS4 ][(Ag,Cu)6 (Sb,As)2 S7 ] 1 58651 716 Prehnite (*) Prehnite Ca2 Al(Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 4 58639 ,58641 ,58644 ,58648 1898 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 324 0 15 58572 ,58573 ,58576 ,58577 ,58584 ,58617 ,58622 ,58625 ,58627 ,58632 ,58633 ,58637 ,58642 ,58651 ,58653 39462 Pyrolusite (*) Rutile MnO2 2 58572 ,58577 3106 Pyromorphite (*) Apatite Pb5 (PO4 )3 Cl 1 58572 1725 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 10 58572 ,58584 ,58617 ,58633 ,58637 ,58651 ,58653 ,58654 ,58655 ,58657 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 324 0 36 58572 ,58573 ,58576 ,58578 ,58579 ,58580 ,58582 ,58584 ,58587 ,58590 ,58592 ,58594 ,58597 ,58605 ,58607 ,58609 ,58611 ,58615 ,58616 ,58617 ,58620 ,58622 ,58625 ,58627 ,58628 ,58630 ,58632 ,58633 ,58635 ,58637 ,58638 ,58639 ,58641 ,58643 ,58644 ,58648 61156 Rhabdophane-(Ce) (*) Rhabdophane Ce(PO4 )·H2 O 1 58633 66 Rhodochrosite (*) Calcite Mn(CO3 ) 3 58572 ,58577 ,58627 1711 Romanèchite (*) None (Ba,H2 O)2 (Mn4+ ,Mn3+ )5 O10 3 58572 ,58627 ,58630 312 Rutile (*) Rutile TiO2 8 58572 ,58573 ,58576 ,58584 ,58597 ,58617 ,58632 ,58648 5614 Sabugalite (*) None HAl(UO2 )4 (PO4 )4 ·16H2 O 319 0 1 58625 87 Saléeite (*) None Mg(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 (H2 O)10 319 0 1 58625 95 Sanidine (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 1 58584 598 Saponite (*) Clay Smectite-vermiculite (Ca,Na)0.3 (Mg,Fe)3 (Si,Al)4 O10 (OH)2 ·4H2 O 1 58584 301 Scheelite (*) Scheelite Ca(WO4 ) 3 58627 ,58633 ,58637 4894 Schorl (*) Tourmaline NaFe2+ 3 Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 (OH) 7 58607 ,58609 ,58622 ,58627 ,58630 ,58632 ,58637 2705 Scorodite (*) None Fe3+ (AsO4 )·2H2 O 3 58572 ,58622 ,58633 1153 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 10 58572 ,58578 ,58579 ,58580 ,58592 ,58594 ,58597 ,58622 ,58627 ,58638 6417 Sillimanite (*) Not in a structural group Al2 SiO5 1 58584 1516 Silver (*) Copper Ag 2 58633 ,58651 5186 Sklodowskite (*) None Mg(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·6H2 O 319 0 1 58625 56 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 8 58572 ,58577 ,58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58633 ,58643 ,58651 21482 Spinel (*) Spinel MgAl2 O4 1 58584 1934 Stannite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu2 FeSnS4 1 58633 668 Staurolite (*) Staurolite Fe2+ 2 Al9 Si4 O23 (OH) 1 58648 978 Stephanite (*) None Ag5 SbS4 1 58651 586 Stibnite (*) Stibnite Sb2 S3 2 58576 ,58617 3418 Sulphur (*) Sulphur S 1 58572 2045 Synchysite-(Ce) (*) None CaCe(CO3 )2 F 1 58576 232 Talc (*) Clay Talc Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 3 58578 ,58584 ,58637 3337 Tenorite (*) None CuO 3 58576 ,58633 ,58651 1101 Tetrahedrite-(Zn) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Zn2 )Sb4 S13 2 58576 ,58651 5317 Thomsonite-Ca (*) Thomsonite NaCa2 (Al5 Si5 )O20 ·6H2 O 1 58584 452 Titanite (*) Titanite CaTi(SiO4 )O 3 58576 ,58630 ,58648 4899 Todorokite (*) None (Na,Ca,K,Ba,Sr)1-x (Mn,Mg,Al)6 O12 ·3-4H2 O 1 58572 433 Topaz (*) Topaz Al2 SiO4 F2 8 58573 ,58615 ,58617 ,58620 ,58622 ,58627 ,58632 ,58633 1476 Torbernite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·12H2 O 7.1 4.9 5 58617 ,58625 ,58627 ,58632 ,58633 1059 Tremolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg5.0-4.5 Fe2+ 0.0-0.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 6 58572 ,58588 ,58593 ,58643 ,58651 ,58655 2562 Umangite (*) None Cu3 Se2 324 0 1 58625 71 Uraninite (*) Fluorite UO2 319 0 3 58625 ,58627 ,58633 2718 Uranophane-α (*) None Ca(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·5H2 O 319 0 3 58622 ,58625 ,58632 890 Uranosphaerite (*) None Bi(UO2 )O2 (OH) 319 0 1 58625 18 Valleriite (*) Valleriite 2[(Fe,Cu)S]·1.53[(Mg,Al)(OH)2 ] 2 58584 ,58651 237 Vandendriesscheite (*) None Pb1.6 (UO2 )10 O6 (OH)11 ·11H2 O 319 0 1 58625 52 Vesuvianite (*) Vesuvianite (Ca,Na)19 (Al,Mg,Fe)13 (SiO4 )10 (Si2 O7 )4 (OH,F,O)10 5 58636 ,58637 ,58644 ,58648 ,58651 1395 Vivianite (*) Vivianite Fe2+ 3 (PO4 )2 ·8H2 O 1 58572 636 Wampenite (*) Not in a structural group C18 H16 1.8 0 1 58595 1 Wölsendorfite (*) Wölsendorfite Pb7 (UO2 )14 O19 (OH)4 ·12H2 O 319 0 1 58625 43 Wulfenite (*) Scheelite PbMoO4 1 58627 1655 Zeunerite (*) Autunite Cu(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·12H2 O 1 58633 185 Zircon (*) Zircon Zr(SiO4 ) 7 58617 ,58622 ,58627 ,58630 ,58632 ,58633 ,58648 5251 Zoisite (*) Epidote Ca2 Al3 [Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 2 58641 ,58649 1025
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit Michelle_492 1.8 0 Quaternary Fossils, stratigraphy Age of deposit C 105482 Wampen, Thiersheim, Marktredwitz, Wunsiedel In Fichtelgebirge, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Wampen Frenzel and Viehberg (2004) REM36_29 Age of fossils at locality. Wampenite was discovered on a fossil conifer at Wampen, near Thiersheim. Edit Giersdorf_00000735 324 296 310±14 Upper limit for the age of the formation of the uranium deposit 279412 Großschloppen, Weißenstadt, Wunsiedel In Fichtelgebirge, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Grossschloppen Dill et al. (1986) IAEA_TECDOC_361 Age is attributed to the Weissenstadt-Markleuthen Granite found in the Grossschloppen area Edit Giersdorf_00000736 292 284 288±4 Upper limit for the age of the formation of the uranium deposit 279412 Großschloppen, Weißenstadt, Wunsiedel In Fichtelgebirge, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Grossschloppen Dill et al. (1986) IAEA_TECDOC_361 One of two ages is attributed to the Peripheral, Central, and Tin Granites found in the Grossschloppen area Edit Giersdorf_00000737 291 279 285±6 Upper limit for the age of the formation of the uranium deposit 279412 Großschloppen, Weißenstadt, Wunsiedel In Fichtelgebirge, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Grossschloppen Dill et al. (1986) IAEA_TECDOC_361 One of two ages is attributed to the Peripheral, Central, and Tin Granites found in the Grossschloppen area Edit Giersdorf_00000738 245 221 233±12 Age is attributed to the development of the pitchblende of the mine, although the sample studied was not pitchblende low torbernite Torbernite Uraninite U 279412 Großschloppen, Weißenstadt, Wunsiedel In Fichtelgebirge, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Grossschloppen Dill et al. (1986) IAEA_TECDOC_361 Discordant age for the primary emplacement of the U minerals Edit Giersdorf_00000739 7.1 4.9 6±1.1 Age is interpreted to be the true age of the torbernite torbernite Torbernite Torbernite U 279412 Großschloppen, Weißenstadt, Wunsiedel In Fichtelgebirge, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Grossschloppen Dill et al. (1986) IAEA_TECDOC_361 Age of reshuffling of the uranium minerals, alteration from pitchblende into the secondary U minerals of the area Edit Giersdorf_00000740 319 220 268+51/-48 Age is attributed to the type-I uranophane which is sourced from altered pitchblende uranophane Uraninite U 279412 Großschloppen, Weißenstadt, Wunsiedel In Fichtelgebirge, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Grossschloppen Dill et al. (1986) IAEA_TECDOC_361 Age is provided as 268+51/-48, and is from uranophane which is an altered product of the pitchblende Edit Giersdorf_00000741 3.6 0 3.6-0 Age is attributed to the type-I uranophane which is sourced from altered pitchblende uranophane Uraninite U 279412 Großschloppen, Weißenstadt, Wunsiedel In Fichtelgebirge, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Grossschloppen Dill et al. (1986) IAEA_TECDOC_361 Secondary age from the type-I uranophane, which is noted to be isotopically distinct from another type labelled type-II Edit Giersdorf_00000742 2 0 2.0-0 The source of the uranophane is described as having two possible methods, being either hydrothermal fluid processes or derivation from secondary U minerals. The latter option is preferred as there is no evidence for hydrothermal activity during the suspec uranophane U 279412 Großschloppen, Weißenstadt, Wunsiedel In Fichtelgebirge, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany Grossschloppen Dill et al. (1986) IAEA_TECDOC_361 Age is given for uranophane which is referred to as type-II
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