- S. H. U. Bowie and J. E. T. Horne
- Cheralite, a New Mineral of the Monazite Group
Mineralogical Magazine 1953 30 : 93-99.
- Brian Mason and Charles J. Vitaliano
- The Mineralogy of the Antimony Oxides and Antimonates
Mineralogical Magazine 1953 30 : 100-112.
- D. S. Coombs
- The Pumpellyite Mineral Series
Mineralogical Magazine 1953 30 : 113-135.
- Charles D. Waterston
- An Occurrence of Harmotome in North-West Ross-Shire
Mineralogical Magazine 1953 30 : 136-138.
- K. Carr, R. W. Grimshaw and A. L. Roberts
- A Hydrous Mica from Yorkshire Fireclay
Mineralogical Magazine 1953 30 : 139-144.
- Frank Smithson
- High-order Plates for the Microscopic Examination of Mineral Grains
Mineralogical Magazine 1953 30 : 145-146.
- F. Chayes
- The Relation Between Area and Volume in Micrometric Analysis
Mineralogical Magazine 1953 30 : 147-149.
- L. Heller
- X-ray Investigation of Hillebrandite
Mineralogical Magazine 1953 30 : 150-154.
- Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society (1952)
Mineralogical Magazine 1953 30 : xxxvii-xlv.