1956 March June September December
1957 March June September December
1958 March June September

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Contents: December 1956, Volume 31, Issue 235

L. H. P. Jones and Angela A. Milne
Birnessite, a New Manganese Oxide Mineral from Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 283-288. [Abstract] [PDF]
Arthur W. G. Kingsbury and J. Hartley
New Occurrences of Vanadium Minerals (Mottramite, Descloizite, and Vanadinite) in the Caldbeck Area of Cumberland
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 289-295. [Abstract] [PDF]
Arthur W. G. Kingsbury and J. Hartley
Cosalite and Other Lead Sulpho-Salts at Grainsgill, Carrock Fell, Caldbeck, Cumberland
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 296-300. [Abstract] [PDF]
P. Gay
A Note on Albite Twinning in Plagioclase Felspars
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 301-305. [Abstract] [PDF]
P. Gay and M. G. Bown
The Structures of the Plagioclase Felspars: VII. The Heat Treatment of Intermediate Plagioclases
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 306-313. [Abstract] [PDF]
Frank Smithson and George Brown
The Habit of Pyrite in Some Sedimentary Rocks
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 314-318. [Abstract] [PDF]
P. A. Mohr
Trace-Element Distribution in a Garnet-Chlorite Rock from Foel Ddu, near Harlech, Merionethshire
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 319-327. [Abstract] [PDF]
P. S. Keeling
Sepiolite at a Locality in the Keuper Marl of the Midlands
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 328-332. [Abstract] [PDF]
Ivan Kostov
A Case of Epitaxic Replacement
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 333-338. [Abstract] [PDF]
George Brown and C. D. Ollier
Collophane from the Chalk
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 339-343. [Abstract] [PDF]
Short Communications
V. Bruce Proudfoot
An Occurrence of Collophane in the Lower Hyaena Stratum at Tornewton Cave, Devon
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 344-345. [Abstract] [PDF]
G.F. Claringbull and M. H. Hey
The Nature of Cryphiolite
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 346-347. [Abstract] [PDF]
C.S. Exley
A Method of Impregnating Friable Rocks for the Cutting of Thin Sections
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 347-349. [Abstract] [PDF]
Arthur W. G. Kingsbury and J. Hartley
Atacamite from Cumberland and Cornwall
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 349-350. [Abstract] [PDF]