1956 March June September December
1957 March June September December
1958 March June September

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Contents: September 1956, Volume 31, Issue 234

W. Campbell Smith
Frederick Noel Ashcroft
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 195-199. [Abstract] [PDF]
Th. G. Sahama, K. J. Neuvonen and Kai Hytönen
Determination of the Composition of Kalsilites by an X-ray Method
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 200-208. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. V. Smith and H. S. Yoder, Jr.
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Mica Polymorphs
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 209-235. [Abstract] [PDF]
S. A. Bilgrami
Manganese Silicate Minerals from Chikla, Bhandara District, India
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 236-244. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. B. Elliott
The Eskdalemuir Tholeiite and Its Contribution to an Understanding of Tholeiite Genesis
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 245-254. [Abstract] [PDF]
E. R. Segnit
The section CaSiO3-MgSiO3-Al2O3
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 255-264. [Abstract] [PDF]
H. Meixner, M. H. Hey and A. A. Moss
Some New Occurrences of Gonnardite
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 265-271. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. B. Elliott
An Effect of Depth of Focus on Micrometric Analysis
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 272-275. [Abstract] [PDF]
F. Chayes
The Holmes Effect and the Lower Limit of Modal Analysis
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 276-281. [Abstract] [PDF]
Short Communications
Arthur W. G. Kingsbury
The Rediscovery of Churchite in Cornwall
Mineralogical Magazine 1956 31 : 282-282. [Abstract] [PDF]