1956 March June September December
1957 March June September December
1958 March June September

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Contents: March 1958, Volume 31, Issue 240

W.A. Watters
Some Zoned Skarns from Granite-Marble Contacts Near Puyvalador, in the Quérigut Area, Eastern Pyrenees, and their petrogenesis
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 703-725. [Abstract] [PDF]
R.A. Chalmers, Lesley S. Dent and H. F. W. Taylor
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 726-735. [Abstract] [PDF]
E. Christiaan De Wys and Wilfrid R. Foster
The System Diopside-Anorthite—åkermanite
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 736-743. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. V. Smith and P. Gay
The Powder Patterns and Lattice Parameters of Plagioclase Felspars. II
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 744-762. [Abstract] [PDF]
J. R. Butler
Rare Earths in Some Niobate-Tantalates
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 763-780. [Abstract] [PDF]
G. W. Brindley and Nakahra M.
Further Consideration of the Crystal Structure of Kaolinite
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 781-786. [Abstract] [PDF]
L. J. Spencer
Third Supplementary List of British Minerals
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 787-810. [Abstract] [PDF]
Short Communications
T. W. Bloxam
Pumpellyite from South Ayrshire
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 811-813. [Abstract] [PDF]
Arthur W. G. Kingsbury and J. Hartley
Jarosite and Natrojarosite from the Lake District
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 813-815. [Abstract] [PDF]
Arthur W. G. Kingsbury
Two Beryllium Minerals New to Britain: Euclase and Herderite
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 815-817. [Abstract] [PDF]
R. Van Tassel
On Carphosiderite
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 818-819. [Abstract] [PDF]
T. Deans
Isokite from Mangualde, Portugal
Mineralogical Magazine 1958 31 : 819-820. [Abstract] [PDF]