Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Actinolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg4.5-2.5 Fe2+ 0.5-2.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 2709 2584 9 15637 ,15665 ,15677 ,15700 ,15713 ,15724 ,15751 ,15754 ,15764 3419 Alabandite (*) Rocksalt MnS 1 15656 312 Albite (*) Feldspar Na(AlSi3 O8 ) 2656 2584 4 15691 ,15692 ,15751 ,15764 8803 Almandine (*) Garnet Fe2+ 3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 2925 2917 1 15649 2353 Altaite (*) Rocksalt PbTe 2 15700 ,15751 489 Andalusite (*) Andalusite Al2 SiO5 2709 2584 2 15691 ,15754 1310 Anorthite (*) Feldspar Ca(Al2 Si2 O8 ) 1 15623 1036 Anthophyllite (*) Amphibole Mg2 Mg5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 2925 2917 1 15649 718 Aphthitalite (*) Aphthitalite K3 Na(SO4 )2 0 0 2 15630 ,15653 77 Arcanite (*) Arcanite K2 (SO4 ) 0 0 2 15630 ,15652 30 Archerite (*) Biphosphammite H2 K(PO4 ) 0 0 3 15628 ,15630 ,15653 7 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 2656 2584 5 15677 ,15693 ,15733 ,15751 ,15764 9052 Atacamite (*) Atacamite Cu2 Cl(OH)3 1 15668 544 Augite (*) Pyroxene (Ca,Mg,Fe)2 Si2 O6 2 15623 ,15678 2060 Azurite (*) Not in a structural group Cu3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 1 15719 5509 Baddeleyite (*) Baddeleyite ZrO2 1 15623 238 Beryl (*) Beryl Be3 Al2 Si6 O18 2925 2584 2 15649 ,15691 4286 Biphosphammite (*) Biphosphammite (NH4 )H2 (PO4 ) 0 0 3 15630 ,15652 ,15653 11 Bismuth (*) Arsenic Bi 2656 2584 1 15764 1966 Brushite (*) Gypsum Ca(PO3 OH)·2H2 O 0 0 2 15630 ,15652 104 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 2656 2584 8 15653 ,15665 ,15666 ,15677 ,15700 ,15749 ,15751 ,15764 27770 Cassiterite (*) Rutile SnO2 2656 2584 2 15691 ,15692 5171 Chalcophanite (*) None ZnMn4+ 3 O7 ·3H2 O 2709 2584 1 15657 197 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 2925 2584 11 15638 ,15644 ,15649 ,15656 ,15665 ,15677 ,15693 ,15700 ,15754 ,15755 ,15764 27198 Chlorapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 Cl 1 15776 203 Chromite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Cr2 O4 4 15656 ,15678 ,15773 ,15776 3902 Cohenite (*) Perovskite CFe3 1 15656 77 Cristobalite (*) Cristobalite SiO2 1 15623 453 Cummingtonite (*) Amphibole Mg2 Mg5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 2925 2917 1 15649 327 Daubréelite (*) Spinel FeCr2 S4 1 15656 157 Diamond (*) Diamond C 2 15773 ,15776 697 Diopside (*) Pyroxene CaMgSi2 O6 2656 2584 2 15764 ,15776 4135 Elbaite (*) Tourmaline Na(Al1.5 Li1.5 )Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 (OH) 2656 2584 1 15691 520 Enstatite (*) Pyroxene Mg2 Si2 O6 2709 2701 8 15625 ,15629 ,15631 ,15678 ,15754 ,15774 ,15775 ,15776 944 Epidote (*) Epidote Clinozoisite Ca2 (Al2 Fe3+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 2656 2584 4 15641 ,15700 ,15751 ,15764 8173 Fluorite (*) Fluorite CaF2 2656 2584 1 15691 9617 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 6 15665 ,15700 ,15724 ,15736 ,15749 ,15751 24243 Goethite (*) Diaspore FeO(OH) 2920 2920 3 15650 ,15666 ,15776 7437 Gold (*) Copper Au 2920 2584 95 15650 ,15657 ,15658 ,15659 ,15660 ,15661 ,15662 ,15663 ,15664 ,15665 ,15666 ,15667 ,15668 ,15669 ,15670 ,15671 ,15672 ,15673 ,15675 ,15676 ,15677 ,15679 ,15682 ,15683 ,15684 ,15685 ,15687 ,15688 ,15689 ,15690 ,15693 ,15694 ,15696 ,15698 ,15699 ,15700 ,15701 ,15702 ,15703 ,15704 ,15705 ,15706 ,15707 ,15709 ,15711 ,15712 ,15713 ,15714 ,15715 ,15716 ,15718 ,15719 ,15720 ,15721 ,15722 ,15723 ,15724 ,15725 ,15726 ,15727 ,15728 ,15729 ,15730 ,15731 ,15732 ,15733 ,15734 ,15735 ,15736 ,15737 ,15738 ,15740 ,15741 ,15742 ,15743 ,15744 ,15745 ,15746 ,15747 ,15749 ,15751 ,15752 ,15753 ,15756 ,15757 ,15758 ,15759 ,15761 ,15762 ,15763 ,15764 ,15765 ,15767 ,15768 ,15769 30554 Graphite (*) None C 3 15656 ,15773 ,15776 2812 Grunerite (*) Amphibole Fe2+ 2 Fe2+ 5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 2925 2917 1 15649 223 Guanine (*) None C5 H3 (NH2 )N4 O 0 0 2 15630 ,15653 7 Gypsum (*) Gypsum Ca(SO4 )·2H2 O 0 0 4 15630 ,15677 ,15700 ,15751 6890 Halite (*) Rocksalt NaCl 0 0 2 15653 ,15776 1398 Hannayite (*) None (NH4 )2 Mg3 (PO3 OH)4 ·8H2 O 0 0 1 15630 7 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 2920 2920 1 15650 14640 Hessite (*) None Ag2 Te 2 15700 ,15751 804 Hydroxylapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 OH 0 0 1 15630 367 Ilmenite (*) Corundum Fe2+ Ti4+ O3 2920 2584 10 15621 ,15623 ,15635 ,15650 ,15665 ,15677 ,15700 ,15733 ,15751 ,15764 5433 Iron (*) Iron Fe 4 15623 ,15656 ,15773 ,15776 1089 Kaolinite (*) Clay Kaolinite Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 2920 2920 6 15650 ,15666 ,15669 ,15676 ,15694 ,15757 5591 Löllingite (*) Löllingite FeAs2 2656 2584 1 15764 762 Lonsdaleite (*) None C 2 15773 ,15776 13 Loveringite (*) Crichtonite (Ca,Ce,La)(Zr,Fe)(Mg,Fe)2 (Ti,Fe,Cr,Al)18 O38 1 15678 9 Magnesite (*) Calcite Mg(CO3 ) 2709 2584 1 15657 1487 Magnetite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Fe3+ 2 O4 2925 2917 3 15649 ,15650 ,15776 14899 Majorite (*) Garnet Mg3 (MgSi)(SiO4 )3 1 15780 24 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 2709 2701 4 15665 ,15693 ,15754 ,15758 5674 Microcline (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 2656 2584 3 15641 ,15691 ,15764 4924 Millerite (*) Millerite NiS 1 15755 1066 Mirabilite (*) None Na2 (SO4 )·10H2 O 0 0 1 15630 223 Molybdenite (*) Molybdenite MoS2 1 15662 5800 Monetite (*) None Ca(PO3 OH) 0 0 1 15630 21 Mundrabillaite (*) None (NH4 )2 Ca(PO3 OH)2 ·H2 O 0 0 1 15653 2 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 2925 2584 7 15639 ,15649 ,15677 ,15691 ,15700 ,15751 ,15764 17380 Newberyite (*) None Mg(PO3 OH)·3H2 O 0 0 1 15653 24 Opal (*) Amorphous SiO2 ·n H2 O 2 15657 ,15750 2994 Orthoclase (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 1 15678 2349 Oxammite (*) Oxalate (NH4 )2 (C2 O4 )·H2 O 0 0 1 15653 3 Pentlandite (*) Pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9 S8 2925 2701 5 15638 ,15644 ,15649 ,15656 ,15754 1512 Petalite (*) Not in a structural group LiAlSi4 O10 2656 2584 3 15691 ,15692 ,15781 124 Petzite (*) None Ag3 AuTe2 2 15700 ,15751 409 Phlogopite (*) Mica Clay KMg3 (AlSi3 O10 )(OH)2 1 15678 2273 Pigeonite (*) Pyroxene (Mg,Fe,Ca)2 Si2 O6 6 15623 ,15632 ,15642 ,15773 ,15775 ,15776 303 Pollucite (*) Analcime Cs(Si2 Al)O6 ·nH2 O 1 15781 140 Prehnite (*) Prehnite Ca2 Al(Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 2656 2584 1 15764 1898 Putnisite (*) Not in a structural group SrCa4 Cr3+ 8 (CO3 )8 (SO4 )(OH)16 ·25H2 O 1 15755 2 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 2925 2917 18 15648 ,15649 ,15665 ,15666 ,15682 ,15693 ,15700 ,15715 ,15717 ,15731 ,15733 ,15738 ,15749 ,15751 ,15753 ,15755 ,15757 ,15758 39462 Pyrolusite (*) Rutile MnO2 1 15656 3106 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 2925 2584 12 15638 ,15644 ,15649 ,15665 ,15677 ,15693 ,15700 ,15733 ,15751 ,15754 ,15755 ,15764 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 2925 2584 63 15623 ,15637 ,15639 ,15641 ,15646 ,15649 ,15650 ,15660 ,15665 ,15666 ,15667 ,15668 ,15669 ,15670 ,15671 ,15676 ,15677 ,15678 ,15679 ,15682 ,15684 ,15688 ,15689 ,15691 ,15692 ,15693 ,15694 ,15696 ,15698 ,15699 ,15700 ,15706 ,15711 ,15713 ,15714 ,15715 ,15720 ,15721 ,15724 ,15727 ,15730 ,15731 ,15733 ,15737 ,15738 ,15741 ,15743 ,15744 ,15745 ,15749 ,15750 ,15751 ,15752 ,15753 ,15754 ,15755 ,15756 ,15757 ,15758 ,15762 ,15763 ,15764 ,15781 61156 Ringwoodite (*) Spinel SiMg2 O4 1 15780 25 Rucklidgeite (*) Tetradymite PbBi2 Te4 1 15665 64 Rutile (*) Rutile TiO2 4 15635 ,15656 ,15665 ,15677 5614 Scheelite (*) Scheelite Ca(WO4 ) 3 15700 ,15751 ,15762 4894 Schorl (*) Tourmaline NaFe2+ 3 Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 (OH) 2656 2584 3 15691 ,15700 ,15751 2705 Schreibersite (*) None (Fe,Ni)3 P 1 15656 374 Selenium (*) Sulphur Se 1 15656 143 Sillimanite (*) Not in a structural group Al2 SiO5 2709 2701 1 15754 1516 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 5 15656 ,15665 ,15700 ,15749 ,15751 21482 Spinel (*) Spinel MgAl2 O4 1 15642 1934 Spodumene (*) Pyroxene LiAlSi2 O6 2656 2584 1 15691 688 Stercorite (*) None (NH4 )Na(PO3 OH)·4H2 O 0 0 1 15653 6 Suessite (*) None Fe3 Si 1 15776 6 Sylvanite (*) Melonite AgAuTe4 1 15700 337 Sylvite (*) Rocksalt KCl 1 15776 275 Syngenite (*) Syngenite K2 Ca(SO4 )2 ·H2 O 0 0 3 15630 ,15652 ,15653 44 Taenite (*) None (Ni,Fe) 1 15656 703 Talc (*) Clay Talc Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 2925 2917 3 15649 ,15650 ,15755 3337 Tellurobismuthite (*) Tetradymite Bi2 Te3 1 15665 276 Titanite (*) Titanite CaTi(SiO4 )O 2656 2584 3 15641 ,15751 ,15764 4899 Tremolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg5.0-4.5 Fe2+ 0.0-0.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 2920 2701 4 15650 ,15665 ,15754 ,15755 2562 Tridymite (*) Tridymite SiO2 1 15623 458 Troilite (*) None FeS 10 15623 ,15632 ,15633 ,15656 ,15773 ,15774 ,15775 ,15776 ,15777 ,15778 1044 Uricite (*) None C5 H4 N4 O3 1 15652 13 Violarite (*) Spinel FeNi2 S4 2925 2701 2 15649 ,15754 380 Weddellite (*) Oxalate Ca(C2 O4 )·2H2 O 0 0 1 15653 32 Whitlockite (*) Cerite Ca9 Mg(PO3 OH)(PO4 )6 0 0 2 15630 ,15653 104 Zircon (*) Zircon Zr(SiO4 ) 5 15621 ,15623 ,15635 ,15641 ,15646 5251 Zoisite (*) Epidote Ca2 Al3 [Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 2656 2584 1 15764 1025
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit Michelle_0020 0 0 0 Age of mineralization Aphthitalite, Biphosphammite, Brushite, Guanine, Gypsum, Monetite, Syngenite, Whitlockite 230 Murra-el-elevyn Cave, Cocklebiddy Roadhouse, Dundas Shire, Western Australia, Australia Murra-el-elevyn Cave Bridge (1973) 10.1180/minmag.1973.039.304.10 MM39_467 Mineralization occurs on guano rich crust within a porous limestone cave. Nullarbor Limestone is Miocene in age and the world's largest limestone karst exposure. Edit EG105_1057_037 2920 2920 2920 Ni, Cu, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os, Ru 267018 Lake Johnston, Dundas Shire, Western Australia, Australia Lake Johnston Begg et al. (2010) 10.2113/econgeo.105.6.1057 EG105_1057 Edit Michelle_611 2925 2917 >2921±4 Age of deposit or general age of the metallogenic province Ni, Cu 250498 Emily Ann Ni Mine, Lake Johnston, Dundas Shire, Western Australia, Australia Emily Ann Hoatson et al. (2006) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2006.05.002 OGR29_177 See Table. 1 Global resources of nickel metal and ages of the major nickel sulfide deposits of the world. Age can refer to the age of a specific nickel sulfide deposit, or the general age of the metallogenic province containing nickel deposits that are similar to a dated deposit (e.g. 2705 Ma Komatiite-hosted deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province). Edit Michelle_619 2925 2917 >2921±4 Age of deposit or general age of the metallogenic province Ni, Cu 250497 Maggie Hays Ni Mine, Lake Johnston, Dundas Shire, Western Australia, Australia Maggie Hays Hoatson et al. (2006) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2006.05.002 OGR29_177 See Table. 1 Global resources of nickel metal and ages of the major nickel sulfide deposits of the world. Age can refer to the age of a specific nickel sulfide deposit, or the general age of the metallogenic province containing nickel deposits that are similar to a dated deposit (e.g. 2705 Ma Komatiite-hosted deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province). Edit Michelle_0021 0 0 0 Age of mineralization Aphthitalite, Archerite, Biphosphammite, Calcite, Guanine, Halite, Newberyite, Oxammite, Stercorite, Syngenite, Weddellite, Whitlockite 228 Petrogale Cave, Madura Roadhouse, Dundas Shire, Western Australia, Australia Petrogale Cave Bridge (1977) 10.1180/minmag.1977.041.317.05 MM41_33 Mineralization occurs within a porous limestone cave. Nullarbor Limestone is Miocene in age and the world's largest limestone karst exposure. Edit Kristen002500 2656 2584 2620±36 Sm/Nd albite, garnet 239018 Mount Deans Pegmatite Field, Norseman, Dundas Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Deans-Scotia Tkachev (2011) 10, 1144/SP350,2 GSLSP350_7 Edit Michelle_638 2709 2701 2705±4 Age of deposit or general age of the metallogenic province Ni, Cu 291265 Pioneer Ni Prospect, Norseman, Dundas Shire, Western Australia, Australia Pioneer Hoatson et al. (2006) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2006.05.002 OGR29_177 See Table. 1 Global resources of nickel metal and ages of the major nickel sulfide deposits of the world. Age can refer to the age of a specific nickel sulfide deposit, or the general age of the metallogenic province containing nickel deposits that are similar to a dated deposit (e.g. 2705 Ma Komatiite-hosted deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province). Dates on felsic volcanic rocks that include komatiites are consistent with an inferred eruption age for these komatiites of c. 2705 Ma.
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