Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Abernathyite (*) Natroautunite K(UO2 )(AsO4 )·3H2 O 300 275 1 55534 16 Adamite (*) Andalusite Zn2 (AsO4 )(OH) 300 103 1 55542 254 Albite (*) Feldspar Na(AlSi3 O8 ) 300 275 1 55526 8803 Anatase (*) Not in a structural group TiO2 300 275 1 55530 2162 Andersonite (*) Not in a structural group Na2 Ca(UO2 )(CO3 )3 ·5-6H2 O 300 275 1 55533 47 Anglesite (*) Baryte Pb(SO4 ) 300 275 1 55554 2734 Ankerite (*) None Ca(Fe2+ ,Mg)(CO3 )2 300 275 3 55509 ,55513 ,55516 3092 Annabergite (*) Vivianite Ni3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 300 275 1 55517 445 Antimony (*) Arsenic Sb 300 275 1 55516 363 Aragonite (*) Aragonite Ca(CO3 ) 300 103 6 55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55542 ,55543 ,55561 3250 Arsenolite (*) Arsenolite As2 O3 179 103 1 55538 231 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 300 275 4 55509 ,55516 ,55517 ,55546 9052 Arsenuranospathite (*) None Al(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 F·20H2 O 179 103 1 55538 14 Augite (*) Pyroxene (Ca,Mg,Fe)2 Si2 O6 300 275 2 55511 ,55561 2060 Autunite (*) Autunite Ca(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·10-12H2 O 300 103 6 55533 ,55534 ,55536 ,55538 ,55542 ,55543 1272 Azurite (*) Not in a structural group Cu3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 300 103 13 55508 ,55510 ,55512 ,55513 ,55521 ,55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55540 ,55542 ,55543 ,55554 ,55564 5509 Bariopharmacosiderite (*) Pharmacosiderite Ba0.5 Fe3+ 4 (AsO4 )3 (OH)4 ·5H2 O 300 275 1 55554 150 Baryte (*) Baryte Ba(SO4 ) 300 103 17 55508 ,55510 ,55513 ,55520 ,55521 ,55530 ,55533 ,55534 ,55536 ,55538 ,55540 ,55542 ,55543 ,55554 ,55556 ,55562 ,55564 11547 Bassetite (*) None Fe2+ (UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 (H2 O)10 300 275 1 55523 51 Bayldonite (*) None Cu3 PbO(AsO3 OH)2 (OH)2 300 275 1 55509 172 Bayleyite (*) None Mg2 (UO2 )(CO3 )3 ·18H2 O 300 275 2 55533 ,55542 38 Becquerelite (*) None Ca(UO2 )6 O4 (OH)6 ·8H2 O 179 103 1 55538 92 Billietite (*) None Ba(UO2 )6 O4 (OH)6 ·8H2 O 179 103 1 55538 38 Bindheimite (*) Pyrochlore Pb2 Sb5+ 2 O7 300 275 1 55564 450 Bismuthinite (*) Stibnite Bi2 S3 300 275 2 55509 ,55517 1935 Bornite (*) None Cu5 FeS4 179 103 1 55538 5516 Boulangerite (*) None Pb5 Sb4 S11 300 275 1 55516 843 Bournonite (*) Bournonite CuPbSbS3 300 220 10 55509 ,55510 ,55513 ,55516 ,55533 ,55534 ,55536 ,55542 ,55543 ,55564 1089 Brochantite (*) Brochantite Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 300 275 1 55554 1633 Brushite (*) Gypsum Ca(PO3 OH)·2H2 O 300 275 1 55519 104 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 300 103 14 55513 ,55519 ,55521 ,55528 ,55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55542 ,55543 ,55544 ,55554 ,55561 ,55562 ,55564 27770 Calcurmolite (*) None (Ca1-x Nax )2 (UO2 )3 (MoO4 )2 (OH)6-x ·nH2 O 179 103 2 55538 ,55542 10 Caledonite (*) Caledonite Cu2 Pb5 (SO4 )3 (CO3 )(OH)6 300 275 1 55554 359 Calomel (*) None HgCl 300 275 1 55551 91 Camérolaite (*) Cyanotrichite Cu6 Al3 (OH)18 (H2 O)2 [Sb(OH)6 ](SO4 ) 300 275 1 55515 15 Cassiterite (*) Rutile SnO2 300 275 1 55530 5171 Cerussite (*) Aragonite Pb(CO3 ) 300 103 6 55533 ,55534 ,55542 ,55543 ,55554 ,55564 4979 Chalcanthite (*) Chalcanthite Cu(SO4 )·5H2 O 300 275 1 55509 925 Chalcocite (*) None Cu2 S 179 103 1 55538 5707 Chalcophyllite (*) Chalcophyllite Cu18 Al2 (AsO4 )4 (SO4 )3 (OH)24 ·36H2 O 300 275 1 55554 194 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 300 103 13 55509 ,55510 ,55513 ,55516 ,55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55540 ,55542 ,55543 ,55546 ,55548 ,55564 27198 Chrysocolla (*) Allophane (Cu2-x Alx )H2-x Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·nH2 O 300 103 3 55538 ,55554 ,55564 3531 Cinnabar (*) None HgS 300 275 1 55520 2600 Clinoclase (*) None Cu3 (AsO4 )(OH)3 300 103 2 55538 ,55554 127 Coffinite (*) Zircon U(SiO4 )·nH2 O 300 103 3 55509 ,55534 ,55538 566 Conichalcite (*) Adelite CaCu(AsO4 )(OH) 179 103 1 55538 363 Copper (*) Copper Cu 300 103 4 55538 ,55542 ,55543 ,55554 3846 Cornwallite (*) None Cu5 (AsO4 )2 (OH)4 179 103 1 55538 175 Corundum (*) Corundum Al2 O3 300 275 1 55530 1797 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 179 103 1 55538 4165 Cuprite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2 O 300 103 3 55511 ,55538 ,55554 2970 Cuprosklodowskite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·6H2 O 179 103 1 55538 58 Cyanotrichite (*) Cyanotrichite Cu4 Al2 (SO4 )(OH)12 (H2 O)2 300 275 1 55508 179 Delafossite (*) None Cu1+ Fe3+ O2 300 275 1 55511 144 Deliensite (*) None Fe2+ (UO2 )2 (SO4 )2 (OH)2 ·7H2 O 300 275 4 55533 ,55536 ,55542 ,55543 14 Deloryite (*) None Cu4 (UO2 )Mo2 O8 (OH)6 179 103 1 55538 2 Dewindtite (*) Phosphuranylite H2 Pb3 (UO2 )6 O4 (PO4 )4 ·12H2 O 300 275 1 55542 82 Dickite (*) Clay Kaolinite Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 300 103 3 55533 ,55536 ,55542 651 Digenite (*) Digenite Cu1.8 S 179 103 1 55538 1027 Diopside (*) Pyroxene CaMgSi2 O6 300 275 2 55514 ,55550 4135 Dioptase (*) None CuSiO3 ·H2 O 179 103 1 55538 164 Dolomite (*) None CaMg(CO3 )2 300 103 10 55509 ,55516 ,55528 ,55533 ,55534 ,55542 ,55543 ,55548 ,55562 ,55564 9895 Domeykite (*) Domeykite Cu3 As 179 103 1 55538 73 Erythrite (*) Vivianite Co3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 179 103 1 55538 814 Fayalite (*) Olivine Fe2+ 2 (SiO4 ) 300 275 1 55511 371 Felsőbányaite (*) None Al4 (SO4 )(OH)10 ·4H2 O 300 103 1 55542 66 Fizélyite (*) Lillianite Ag5 Pb14 Sb21 S48 300 275 1 55516 54 Fluorite (*) Fluorite CaF2 300 275 3 55513 ,55521 ,55540 9617 Fontanite (*) None Ca(UO2 )3 (CO3 )2 O2 ·6H2 O 179 103 1 55538 2 Forsterite (*) Olivine Mg2 (SiO4 ) 300 275 1 55550 1188 Freibergite (*) Tetrahedrite Ag6 [Cu4 Fe2 ]Sb4 S12 300 275 1 55516 663 Fülöppite (*) None Pb3 Sb8 S15 300 275 1 55516 55 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 300 103 12 55509 ,55516 ,55517 ,55533 ,55534 ,55536 ,55538 ,55540 ,55542 ,55543 ,55546 ,55564 24243 Geocronite (*) Geocronite Pb14 Sb6 S23 300 275 1 55516 133 Goethite (*) Diaspore FeO(OH) 300 103 4 55517 ,55538 ,55561 ,55564 7437 Gold (*) Copper Au 300 275 3 55517 ,55530 ,55558 30554 Goslarite (*) Epsomite Zn(SO4 )·7H2 O 300 275 1 55509 188 Graphite (*) None C 179 103 1 55538 2812 Gypsum (*) Gypsum Ca(SO4 )·2H2 O 300 103 8 55533 ,55534 ,55536 ,55538 ,55542 ,55543 ,55549 ,55564 6890 Hawleyite (*) Sphalerite CdS 300 275 1 55532 62 Heinrichite (*) None Ba(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·10H2 O 300 103 2 55534 ,55538 18 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 300 275 2 55548 ,55561 14640 Hemimorphite (*) Not in a structural group Zn4 (Si2 O7 )(OH)2 ·H2 O 300 275 1 55509 1689 Huntite (*) Not in a structural group CaMg3 (CO3 )4 300 275 1 55560 69 Nováčekite-I (*) None Mg(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·12H2 O 300 103 4 55534 ,55538 ,55542 ,55543 55 Ianthinite (*) None U4+ 2 (UO2 )4 O6 (OH)4 ·9H2 O 300 103 3 55538 ,55542 ,55543 31 Idaite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu3 FeS4 179 103 1 55538 142 Iriginite (*) None (UO2 )Mo6+ 2 O7 ·3H2 O 179 103 1 55538 15 Jamesonite (*) None Pb4 FeSb6 S14 300 275 1 55516 784 Jarosite (*) Alunite KFe3+ 3 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 300 103 2 55536 ,55542 2228 Johannite (*) Johannite Cu(UO2 )2 (SO4 )2 (OH)2 ·8H2 O 300 220 1 55542 69 Jordisite (*) Amorphous MoS2 179 103 1 55541 102 Kahlerite (*) None Fe2+ (UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·12H2 O 300 103 2 55538 ,55542 12 Kësterite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu2 ZnSnS4 300 275 1 55516 82 Koutekite (*) None Cu5 As2 179 103 1 55538 18 Kutinaite (*) None Ag6 Cu14 As7 179 103 1 55538 7 Lavendulan (*) None NaCaCu5 (AsO4 )4 Cl·5H2 O 179 103 1 55538 149 Leydetite (*) Leydetite Fe(UO2 )(SO4 )2 ·11H2 O 300 275 1 55542 3 Liebigite (*) None Ca2 (UO2 )(CO3 )3 ·11H2 O 300 103 2 55536 ,55538 78 Linarite (*) Linarite CuPb(SO4 )(OH)2 300 275 1 55554 987 Löllingite (*) Löllingite FeAs2 179 103 1 55538 762 Luzonite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu3 AsS4 300 275 1 55516 198 Magnetite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Fe3+ 2 O4 300 275 4 55511 ,55530 ,55548 ,55561 14899 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 300 103 13 55508 ,55510 ,55512 ,55513 ,55521 ,55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55540 ,55542 ,55543 ,55554 ,55564 12537 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 300 103 6 55516 ,55533 ,55534 ,55542 ,55543 ,55546 5674 Masuyite (*) None Pb(UO2 )3 O3 (OH)2 ·3H2 O 300 103 3 55538 ,55542 ,55543 23 Melanterite (*) Melanterite Fe(SO4 )·7H2 O 300 275 1 55509 915 Meneghinite (*) Meneghinite Pb13 CuSb7 S24 300 275 1 55516 158 Mercury (*) None Hg 300 275 1 55551 397 Meta-autunite (*) Meta-autunite Ca(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·6H2 O 300 103 4 55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55543 388 Metaheinrichite (*) None Ba(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 300 103 2 55534 ,55538 19 Metalodèvite (*) None Zn(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·10H2 O 300 103 3 55534 ,55538 ,55542 7 Metanováčekite (*) None Mg(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 300 275 2 55542 ,55543 26 Metatorbernite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·8H2 O 300 220 4 55533 ,55534 ,55542 ,55543 443 Metauranopilite (*) None (UO2 )6 (SO4 )(OH)10 ·5H2 O 179 103 1 55538 5 Metauranospinite (*) None Ca(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 179 103 1 55538 14 Metazeunerite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 300 103 4 55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55543 182 Millerite (*) Millerite NiS 300 275 1 55517 1066 Mixite (*) Mixite Cu6 Bi(AsO4 )3 (OH)6 ·3H2 O 179 103 1 55538 168 Molybdenite (*) Molybdenite MoS2 179 103 1 55538 5800 Molybdite (*) None MoO3 179 103 1 55538 140 Mottramite (*) Descloizite PbCu(VO4 )(OH) 179 103 1 55538 362 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 300 275 1 55548 17380 Nacrite (*) Clay Kaolinite Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 300 275 1 55562 112 Natrouranospinite (*) Natroautunite Na2 (UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·5H2 O 300 103 3 55538 ,55542 ,55543 13 Nickeline (*) Nickeline NiAs 300 275 1 55509 633 Nickelskutterudite (*) Skutterudite Perovskite (Ni,Co,Fe)As3 300 275 1 55509 176 Olivenite (*) Andalusite Cu2 (AsO4 )(OH) 300 103 3 55510 ,55538 ,55554 492 Opal (*) Amorphous SiO2 ·n H2 O 300 275 3 55514 ,55524 ,55534 2994 Orthoclase (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 300 275 1 55517 2349 Gersdorffite-Pa3 (*) Pyrite NiAsS 300 275 1 55517 767 Uranophane-β (*) None Ca(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·5H2 O 300 103 2 55538 ,55542 144 Pargasite (*) Amphibole NaCa2 (Mg4 Al)(Si6 Al2 )O22 (OH)2 300 275 1 55550 313 Pharmacolite (*) Gypsum Ca(AsO3 OH)·2H2 O 300 103 1 55542 105 Pharmacosiderite (*) Pharmacosiderite KFe3+ 4 (AsO4 )3 (OH)4 ·6-7H2 O 300 103 3 55517 ,55534 ,55538 428 Phosphuranylite (*) Phosphuranylite KCa(H3 O)3 (UO2 )7 (PO4 )4 O4 ·8H2 O 300 275 1 55543 182 Plagionite (*) None Pb5 Sb8 S17 300 103 2 55516 ,55542 100 Plattnerite (*) Rutile PbO2 300 103 1 55542 158 Pseudobrookite (*) Pseudobrookite (Fe3+ 2 Ti)O5 300 275 1 55561 164 Pyrargyrite (*) None Ag3 SbS3 300 275 1 55516 1425 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 300 103 13 55509 ,55516 ,55517 ,55530 ,55533 ,55534 ,55536 ,55538 ,55542 ,55543 ,55546 ,55554 ,55564 39462 Pyrolusite (*) Rutile MnO2 179 103 1 55538 3106 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 300 275 2 55509 ,55516 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 300 103 16 55508 ,55509 ,55510 ,55513 ,55516 ,55517 ,55527 ,55533 ,55534 ,55542 ,55543 ,55546 ,55548 ,55556 ,55562 ,55564 61156 Rabejacite (*) None Ca2 [(UO2 )4 O4 (SO4 )2 ](H2 O)8 300 103 3 55538 ,55542 ,55543 11 Rammelsbergite (*) Löllingite NiAs2 300 275 1 55509 233 Rhodochrosite (*) Calcite Mn(CO3 ) 300 103 1 55542 1711 Rutherfordine (*) None (UO2 )(CO3 ) 300 103 4 55534 ,55536 ,55538 ,55543 58 Rutile (*) Rutile TiO2 300 275 1 55530 5614 Saléeite (*) None Mg(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 (H2 O)10 300 103 3 55533 ,55538 ,55542 95 Scheelite (*) Scheelite Ca(WO4 ) 179 103 1 55538 4894 Schoepite (*) Schoepite (UO2 )4 O(OH)6 (H2 O)6 300 103 4 55534 ,55538 ,55542 ,55543 94 Seelite (*) Seelite Mg(UO2 )2 (AsO3 ,AsO4 )2 ·7H2 O 179 103 1 55538 5 Semseyite (*) None Pb9 Sb8 S21 300 275 1 55516 165 Sengierite (*) Sengierite Cu2 (UO2 )2 (VO4 )2 (OH)2 ·6H2 O 179 103 1 55538 11 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 300 275 3 55540 ,55546 ,55564 6417 Sillimanite (*) Not in a structural group Al2 SiO5 300 275 1 55548 1516 Silver (*) Copper Ag 300 103 2 55509 ,55538 5186 Sklodowskite (*) None Mg(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·6H2 O 300 103 2 55534 ,55538 56 Smithsonite (*) Calcite Zn(CO3 ) 300 275 1 55564 2473 Soddyite (*) None (UO2 )2 (SiO4 )(H2 O)2 300 275 1 55542 44 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 300 103 12 55509 ,55516 ,55517 ,55533 ,55534 ,55536 ,55538 ,55540 ,55542 ,55543 ,55546 ,55564 21482 Spinel (*) Spinel MgAl2 O4 300 275 1 55550 1934 Stannite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu2 FeSnS4 300 275 1 55516 668 Staurolite (*) Staurolite Fe2+ 2 Al9 Si4 O23 (OH) 300 275 1 55548 978 Stibnite (*) Stibnite Sb2 S3 300 275 1 55516 3418 Stromeyerite (*) None CuAgS 179 103 1 55538 332 Studtite (*) None (UO2 )(O2 )(H2 O)2 ·2H2 O 179 103 1 55538 25 Sulphur (*) Sulphur S 300 103 2 55536 ,55542 2045 Taranakite (*) Taranakite K3 Al5 (PO3 OH)6 (PO4 )2 ·18H2 O 300 275 1 55519 57 Tetrahedrite-(Zn) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Zn2 )Sb4 S13 300 220 7 55513 ,55516 ,55520 ,55542 ,55543 ,55554 ,55564 5317 Torbernite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·12H2 O 300 103 4 55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55543 1059 Trögerite (*) Natroautunite (H3 O)(UO2 )(AsO4 )·3H2 O 300 103 2 55534 ,55538 22 Tyrolite (*) Tyrolite Ca2 Cu9 (AsO4 )4 (CO3 )(OH)8 ·11H2 O 179 103 1 55538 245 Tyuyamunite (*) None Ca(UO2 )2 (VO4 )2 ·5-8H2 O 179 103 1 55538 628 Umohoite (*) None (UO2 )(MoO4 )·2H2 O 300 103 3 55534 ,55538 ,55542 16 Urancalcarite (*) None Ca(UO2 )3 (CO3 )(OH)6 ·3H2 O 179 103 1 55538 6 Uraninite (*) Fluorite UO2 300 103 4 55509 ,55533 ,55534 ,55538 2718 Uranophane-α (*) None Ca(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·5H2 O 300 103 4 55533 ,55534 ,55536 ,55538 890 Uranopilite (*) None (UO2 )6 (SO4 )O2 (OH)6 ·14H2 O 300 103 4 55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55542 94 Uranospinite (*) None Ca(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·10H2 O 300 103 2 55538 ,55543 51 Vandenbrandeite (*) None Cu(UO2 )(OH)4 179 103 1 55538 9 Vandendriesscheite (*) None Pb1.6 (UO2 )10 O6 (OH)11 ·11H2 O 179 103 1 55538 52 Willemite (*) Phenakite Zn2 SiO4 300 275 1 55511 303 Wulfenite (*) Scheelite PbMoO4 300 103 3 55534 ,55538 ,55542 1655 Wurtzite (*) Wurtzite ZnS 300 103 2 55542 ,55543 372 Wüstite (*) Rocksalt FeO 300 275 1 55511 74 Zellerite (*) None Ca(UO2 )(CO3 )2 ·5H2 O 300 275 2 55542 ,55543 15 Zeunerite (*) Autunite Cu(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·12H2 O 300 103 5 55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55542 ,55543 185 Zinkenite (*) Zinkenite Pb9 Sb22 S42 300 275 1 55516 228 Zippeite (*) Zippeite K2 [(UO2 )4 (SO4 )2 O2 (OH)2 ](H2 O)4 300 103 5 55533 ,55534 ,55538 ,55542 ,55543 175 Zircon (*) Zircon Zr(SiO4 ) 300 275 2 55530 ,55548 5251 Znucalite (*) None CaZn11 (UO2 )(CO3 )3 (OH)20 ·4H2 O 300 275 1 55542 7
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit Giersdorf_00000662 300 275 300-275 U 14616 Hérault, Occitanie, France Hérault Landais et al. (1986) 10.3406/sgeol.1986.1732 SG39_293 The age of bitumens found in the Basin and the associated uranium mineralizations are described as Autunian in age, and are additionally associated with post-Permian tectonics Edit Mo-00012 179 103 U-Pb, Pb-Pb Calcurmolite, Iriginite, Molybdenite, Molybdite, Umohoite, Wulfenite Mo 1715 Rabejac, Le Puech, Hérault, Occitanie, France Lancelot et al. (1984) 10.1007/BF00206596 MD19_44 Edit Mo-00130 179 103 U-Pb, Pb-Pb Calcurmolite, Iriginite, Jordisite, Molybdenite, Molybdite, Umohoite, Wulfenite Mo 14617 Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France Lancelot et al. (1984) 10.1007/BF00206596 MD19_44 Edit sedcu-00425 220 220 Triassic Cu 14617 Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France Lodeve Cox et al. (2003) USGSOFR03_107 Edit Kristen000686 1027 985.4 1006.2±20.8 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-5.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000687 981.8 936.2 959±22.8 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-5.3 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000688 1028.2 1000.2 1014.2±14 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-21.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000689 1356.8 1285.4 1321.1±35.7 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-9.2.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000690 1007.6 966.8 987.2±20.4 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-22.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000691 1346.6 1307.2 1326.9±19.7 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-22.2 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000692 1038.3 995.9 1017.1±21.2 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-23.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000693 1039.8 994.4 1017.1±22.7 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-24.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000694 1274.6 1229.4 1252±22.6 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-23.2 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000695 1258.9 1222.5 1240.7±18.2 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-25.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000696 1020 700 860±160 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-5.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000697 1036 982 1009±27 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-5.3 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000698 1042 970 1006±36 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-21.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000699 1257 1179 1218±39 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-9.2.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000700 1091 983 1037±54 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-22.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000701 1334 1302 1318±16 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-22.2 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000702 1015 865 940±75 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-23.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000703 828 416 622±206 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-24.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000704 1312 1250 1281±31 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-23.2 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000705 1249 1201 1225±24 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-25.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000706 1109.3 1081.5 1095.4±13.9 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-1.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000707 1278.6 1241 1259.8±18.8 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-2.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000708 995.1 953.7 974.4±20.7 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-3.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000709 1201.3 1173.1 1187.2±14.1 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-4.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000710 1307.6 1282.6 1295.1±12.5 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-5.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000711 1180.8 1145.8 1163.3±17.5 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-6.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000712 1307.8 1256.8 1282.3±25.5 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-7.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000713 1022.6 984.8 1003.7±18.9 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-8.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000714 1249.6 1223 1236.3±13.3 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-9.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000715 1260 1233.4 1246.7±13.3 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-10.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000716 1066.2 1033 1049.6±16.6 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-11.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000717 1137.5 1114.1 1125.8±11.7 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-12.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000718 1271.8 1238.8 1255.3±16.5 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-13.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000719 1245.2 1217.2 1231.2±14 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-14.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000720 1229.4 1203.6 1216.5±12.9 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-05-15.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000721 1188 1144 1166±22 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-1.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000722 1293 1233 1263±30 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-2.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000723 1098 862 980±118 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-3.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000724 1278 1246 1262±16 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-4.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000725 1318 1300 1309±9 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-5.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000726 1314 1224 1269±45 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-6.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000727 1322 1300 1311±11 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-7.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000728 1353 1149 1251±102 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-8.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000729 1354 1326 1340±14 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-9.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000730 1342 1302 1322±20 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-10.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000731 1105 1029 1067±38 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-11.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000732 1182 1154 1168±14 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-12.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000733 1283 1239 1261±22 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-13.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000734 1247 1229 1238±9 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-14.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000735 1278 1244 1261±17 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-05-15.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000736 1020.2 997.2 1008.7±11.5 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-1.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000737 1028.1 995.5 1011.8±16.3 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-2.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000738 1039.1 1012.5 1025.8±13.3 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-3.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000739 1056.7 1039.7 1048.2±8.5 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-4.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000740 1010.8 990.8 1000.8±10 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-5.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000741 1036.8 1003.4 1020.1±16.7 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-6.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000742 1027.1 1008.3 1017.7±9.4 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-7.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000743 1029.1 1012.1 1020.6±8.5 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-8.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000744 1010.9 990.5 1000.7±10.2 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-9.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000745 1044.4 1027.2 1035.8±8.6 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-10.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000746 1059.1 1025.5 1042.3±16.8 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-11.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000747 1013.2 996.8 1005±8.2 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-12.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000748 1029 1008 1018.5±10.5 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-13.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000749 1026.5 1004.1 1015.3±11.2 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-14.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000750 1005.2 987.8 996.5±8.7 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-15.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000751 1028.2 1007.6 1017.9±10.3 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-16.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000752 1035.7 998.1 1016.9±18.8 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-17.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000753 1006.1 987.9 997±9.1 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-18.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000754 981.5 964.7 973.1±8.4 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-19.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000755 1028.7 999.7 1014.2±14.5 206Pb/238U low zircon WQ1-06-20.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000756 989 873 931±58 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-1.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000757 1022 864 943±79 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-2.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000758 1093 1009 1051±42 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-3.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000759 999 965 982±17 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-4.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000760 1025 969 997±28 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-5.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000761 1036 920 978±58 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-6.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000762 957 883 920±37 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-7.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000763 993 957 975±18 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-8.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000764 1011 949 980±31 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-9.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000765 1023 983 1003±20 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-10.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000766 1008 884 946±62 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-11.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000767 1016 984 1000±16 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-12.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000768 1014 954 984±30 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-13.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000769 1029 961 995±34 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-14.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000770 1032 958 995±37 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-15.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000771 1028 970 999±29 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-16.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000772 1002 752 877±125 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-17.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000773 1015 969 992±23 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-18.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000774 1027 987 1007±20 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-19.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307 Edit Kristen000775 1015 901 958±57 207Pb/206Pb low zircon WQ1-06-20.1 Zircon 12946 Mas D'Alary Village, Lodève, Hérault, Occitanie, France New Jersey Highlands Vokert et al. (2010) 10.1130/2010.1206(14) GSAM206_307
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