Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Agardite-(Y) (*) Mixite YCu2+ 6 (AsO4 )3 (OH)6 ·3H2 O 900 900 1 48844 90 Anatase (*) Not in a structural group TiO2 900 900 2 48815 ,48831 2162 Anhydrite (*) Not in a structural group Ca(SO4 ) 670 306 1 48822 1588 Asbolane (*) Not in a structural group Mn4+ (O,OH)2 ·(Co,Ni,Mg,Ca)x (OH)2x ·nH2 O 581 461 1 48835 143 Astrocyanite-(Ce) (*) None Cu2 Ce2 (UO2 )(CO3 )5 (OH)2 ·1.5H2 O 900 900 1 48820 1 Athabascaite (*) None Cu5 Se4 581 461 1 48835 18 Azurite (*) Not in a structural group Cu3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 900 461 5 48810 ,48831 ,48835 ,48844 ,48849 5509 Baryte (*) Baryte Ba(SO4 ) 900 461 4 48810 ,48817 ,48835 ,48841 11547 Becquerelite (*) None Ca(UO2 )6 O4 (OH)6 ·8H2 O 900 306 3 48822 ,48824 ,48835 92 Berzelianite (*) None Cu2-x Se (x ≈ 0.12) 581 461 1 48835 66 Billietite (*) None Ba(UO2 )6 O4 (OH)6 ·8H2 O 900 306 3 48822 ,48824 ,48835 38 Bornite (*) None Cu5 FeS4 900 306 11 48818 ,48821 ,48822 ,48831 ,48844 ,48846 ,48847 ,48848 ,48849 ,48850 ,48851 5516 Brochantite (*) Brochantite Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 900 461 7 48808 ,48810 ,48817 ,48824 ,48835 ,48841 ,48844 1633 Brookite (*) Brookite TiO2 900 900 1 48815 700 Buttgenbachite (*) Connellite Cu36 (NO3 )2 Cl8 (OH)62 ·nH2 O 900 900 2 48846 ,48851 13 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 900 387 14 48809 ,48810 ,48816 ,48817 ,48821 ,48823 ,48824 ,48828 ,48834 ,48835 ,48841 ,48842 ,48848 ,48850 27770 Carnotite (*) None K2 (UO2 )2 (VO4 )2 ·3H2 O 900 900 1 48841 1184 Carrollite (*) Spinel CuCo2 S4 900 306 13 48817 ,48820 ,48822 ,48824 ,48831 ,48834 ,48835 ,48844 ,48846 ,48847 ,48848 ,48850 ,48851 154 Cassiterite (*) Rutile SnO2 900 900 1 48815 5171 Cerussite (*) Aragonite Pb(CO3 ) 900 900 1 48827 4979 Chalcanthite (*) Chalcanthite Cu(SO4 )·5H2 O 581 461 2 48814 ,48835 925 Chalcocite (*) None Cu2 S 900 306 11 48817 ,48822 ,48831 ,48835 ,48841 ,48844 ,48846 ,48847 ,48848 ,48850 ,48851 5707 Chalcomenite (*) None Cu(Se4+ O3 )·2H2 O 581 461 1 48835 40 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 900 600 10 48817 ,48818 ,48831 ,48844 ,48846 ,48847 ,48848 ,48849 ,48850 ,48851 27198 Chenevixite (*) Chenevixite CuFe3+ (AsO4 )(OH)2 581 461 1 48835 90 Chrysocolla (*) Allophane (Cu2-x Alx )H2-x Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·nH2 O 900 461 14 48807 ,48810 ,48816 ,48817 ,48824 ,48827 ,48834 ,48835 ,48841 ,48844 ,48846 ,48848 ,48849 ,48850 3531 Claringbullite (*) Claringbullite Cu2+ 4 FCl(OH)6 900 900 1 48831 13 Cobaltomenite (*) Cobaltomenite Co(Se4+ O3 )·2H2 O 581 461 1 48835 11 Conichalcite (*) Adelite CaCu(AsO4 )(OH) 900 900 2 48841 ,48844 363 Copper (*) Copper Cu 900 461 5 48834 ,48835 ,48841 ,48842 ,48851 3846 Cornetite (*) None Cu3 (PO4 )(OH)3 900 461 3 48807 ,48825 ,48835 26 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 900 461 7 48817 ,48831 ,48835 ,48844 ,48847 ,48849 ,48851 4165 Crocoite (*) Monazite Baryte Pb(CrO4 ) 900 900 1 48825 81 Cuprite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2 O 900 306 12 48807 ,48810 ,48816 ,48820 ,48822 ,48823 ,48834 ,48835 ,48841 ,48842 ,48844 ,48851 2970 Cuprosklodowskite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·6H2 O 900 306 5 48818 ,48822 ,48825 ,48834 ,48835 58 Curite (*) None Pb3+x [(UO2 )4 O4+x (OH)3-x ]2 ·2H2 O 900 146 4 48818 ,48820 ,48834 ,48835 51 Demesmaekerite (*) None Pb2 Cu5 (UO2 )2 (Se4+ O3 )6 (OH)6 ·2H2 O 581 461 1 48835 2 Derriksite (*) None Cu4 (UO2 )(Se4+ O3 )2 (OH)6 581 461 1 48835 2 Descloizite (*) Descloizite PbZn(VO4 )(OH) 900 900 1 48844 378 Digenite (*) Digenite Cu1.8 S 900 461 2 48835 ,48846 1027 Diopside (*) Pyroxene CaMgSi2 O6 900 900 1 48828 4135 Dioptase (*) None CuSiO3 ·H2 O 900 461 4 48810 ,48835 ,48841 ,48844 164 Dolomite (*) None CaMg(CO3 )2 900 306 14 48808 ,48809 ,48810 ,48820 ,48822 ,48831 ,48834 ,48835 ,48841 ,48842 ,48846 ,48848 ,48849 ,48850 9895 Dumontite (*) None Pb2 (UO2 )3 O2 (PO4 )2 ·5H2 O 581 461 1 48835 20 Elbaite (*) Tourmaline Na(Al1.5 Li1.5 )Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 (OH) 1 48812 520 Erythrite (*) Vivianite Co3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 900 900 1 48808 814 Fluorapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 F 900 900 1 48852 2740 Francevillite (*) Fritzscheite Ba(UO2 )2 (VO4 )2 ·5H2 O 670 306 2 48819 ,48835 43 Françoisite-(Nd) (*) None Nd(UO2 )3 O(OH)(PO4 )2 ·6H2 O 900 470 1 48820 5 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 900 900 2 48827 ,48849 24243 Gerhardtite (*) None Cu2 (NO3 )(OH)3 900 900 2 48846 ,48851 24 Gibbsite (*) None Al(OH)3 900 900 1 48831 504 Glaukosphaerite (*) Malachite CuNi(CO3 )(OH)2 900 900 1 48825 25 Goethite (*) Diaspore FeO(OH) 900 900 5 48827 ,48831 ,48841 ,48848 ,48850 7437 Gold (*) Copper Au 900 461 3 48820 ,48835 ,48844 30554 Guilleminite (*) Guilleminite Ba(UO2 )3 (Se4+ O3 )2 O2 ·3H2 O 581 461 1 48835 3 Guite (*) Spinel Co2+ Co3+ 2 O4 900 900 1 48845 1 Gypsum (*) Gypsum Ca(SO4 )·2H2 O 581 461 2 48811 ,48835 6890 Gysinite-(Nd) (*) Ancylite PbNd(CO3 )2 (OH)·H2 O 900 900 1 48825 4 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 900 461 5 48831 ,48835 ,48844 ,48848 ,48850 14640 Hemimorphite (*) Not in a structural group Zn4 (Si2 O7 )(OH)2 ·H2 O 900 900 1 48827 1689 Heterogenite (*) None Co3+ O(OH) 900 306 11 48808 ,48810 ,48817 ,48822 ,48824 ,48831 ,48835 ,48841 ,48842 ,48846 ,48852 111 Hollandite (*) Coronadite Ba(Mn4+ 6 Mn3+ 2 )O16 1 48813 243 Jagüéite (*) Chrisstanleyite Cu2 Pd3 Se4 581 461 1 48835 3 Kamotoite-(Y) (*) None Y2 O4 (UO2 )4 (CO3 )3 ·14H2 O 900 461 2 48820 ,48835 7 Kaolinite (*) Clay Kaolinite Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 900 900 2 48813 ,48831 5591 Kasolite (*) None Pb(UO2 )(SiO4 )·H2 O 900 146 4 48818 ,48824 ,48825 ,48835 198 Khorixasite (*) Descloizite (Bi0.67 0.33 )Cu(VO4 )(OH) 900 900 1 48841 2 Kolwezite (*) Malachite CuCo(CO3 )(OH)2 900 306 6 48820 ,48822 ,48834 ,48835 ,48841 ,48842 10 Libethenite (*) Andalusite Cu2 (PO4 )(OH) 900 461 5 48807 ,48824 ,48835 ,48844 ,48852 234 Linnaeite (*) Spinel Co2+ Co3+ 2 S4 616 146 1 48818 249 Magnesite (*) Calcite Mg(CO3 ) 581 461 1 48835 1487 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 900 306 21 48808 ,48809 ,48810 ,48816 ,48820 ,48822 ,48823 ,48824 ,48825 ,48831 ,48834 ,48835 ,48841 ,48842 ,48844 ,48846 ,48848 ,48849 ,48850 ,48851 ,48852 12537 Manjiroite (*) Coronadite Na(Mn4+ 7 Mn3+ )O16 1 48812 22 Marthozite (*) Guilleminite Cu2+ (UO2 )3 (Se4+ O3 )2 O2 ·8H2 O 581 461 1 48835 2 Masuyite (*) None Pb(UO2 )3 O3 (OH)2 ·3H2 O 900 461 2 48820 ,48835 23 Merenskyite (*) Melonite PdTe2 581 461 1 48835 155 Metasaléeite (*) None Mg(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·8H2 O 670 306 1 48819 11 Metastudtite (*) None UO4 ·2H2 O 670 306 1 48819 3 Metatorbernite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·8H2 O 900 461 4 48818 ,48820 ,48824 ,48835 443 Metatyuyamunite (*) Fritzscheite Ca(UO2 )2 (VO4 )2 ·3H2 O 900 900 2 48841 ,48844 129 Metazeunerite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 670 306 1 48819 182 Mimetite (*) Apatite Pb5 (AsO4 )3 Cl 900 900 1 48827 1107 Mixite (*) Mixite Cu6 Bi(AsO4 )3 (OH)6 ·3H2 O 581 461 1 48835 168 Mottramite (*) Descloizite PbCu(VO4 )(OH) 900 461 3 48835 ,48841 ,48844 362 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 900 900 1 48831 17380 Oosterboschite (*) None (Pd,Cu)7 Se5 900 461 2 48835 ,48844 5 Oursinite (*) None Co(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·6H2 O 581 461 1 48835 2 Palladinite (*) None PdO 900 461 2 48835 ,48844 6 Palladium (*) Copper Pd 581 461 1 48835 59 Palladseite (*) None Pd17 Se15 581 461 1 48835 6 Paramelaconite (*) None Cu1+ 2 Cu2+ 2 O3 900 900 2 48846 ,48851 13 Phosphuranylite (*) Phosphuranylite KCa(H3 O)3 (UO2 )7 (PO4 )4 O4 ·8H2 O 670 306 1 48819 182 Plancheite (*) Plancheite Cu8 (Si4 O11 )2 (OH)4 ·H2 O 900 461 5 48810 ,48820 ,48835 ,48841 ,48844 74 Platinum (*) Copper Pt 900 900 1 48844 485 Pseudojohannite (*) None Cu3 (OH)2 [(UO2 )4 O4 (SO4 )2 ]·12H2 O 0 0 1 48835 10 Pseudomalachite (*) None Cu5 (PO4 )2 (OH)4 900 461 7 48808 ,48820 ,48825 ,48835 ,48844 ,48846 ,48849 369 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 900 461 6 48825 ,48827 ,48831 ,48835 ,48844 ,48849 39462 Pyrolusite (*) Rutile MnO2 2 48812 ,48813 3106 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 900 900 1 48831 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 900 461 11 48807 ,48817 ,48826 ,48831 ,48835 ,48841 ,48844 ,48848 ,48850 ,48851 ,48852 61156 Rouaite (*) None Cu2 (NO3 )(OH)3 900 900 1 48851 11 Roubaultite (*) None Cu2 O2 (UO2 )3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 ·4H2 O 900 461 2 48824 ,48835 3 Rutherfordine (*) None (UO2 )(CO3 ) 581 461 1 48835 58 Rutile (*) Rutile TiO2 900 900 2 48815 ,48844 5614 Saléeite (*) None Mg(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 (H2 O)10 581 461 1 48835 95 Schoepite (*) Schoepite (UO2 )4 O(OH)6 (H2 O)6 900 461 2 48820 ,48835 94 Schuilingite-(Nd) (*) None CuPbNd(CO3 )3 (OH)·1.5H2 O 900 900 2 48820 ,48825 3 Sengierite (*) Sengierite Cu2 (UO2 )2 (VO4 )2 (OH)2 ·6H2 O 581 461 1 48835 11 Shabaite-(Nd) (*) None CaNd2 (UO2 )(CO3 )4 (OH)2 ·6H2 O 900 470 1 48820 1 Shattuckite (*) None Cu5 (SiO3 )4 (OH)2 900 900 2 48810 ,48841 71 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 581 461 1 48835 6417 Sklodowskite (*) None Mg(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·6H2 O 900 146 4 48818 ,48820 ,48825 ,48835 56 Smithsonite (*) Calcite Zn(CO3 ) 900 900 2 48827 ,48849 2473 Soddyite (*) None (UO2 )2 (SiO4 )(H2 O)2 900 146 4 48818 ,48822 ,48824 ,48835 44 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 900 900 2 48827 ,48849 21482 Spherocobaltite (*) None Co(CO3 ) 900 146 13 48808 ,48817 ,48818 ,48819 ,48822 ,48831 ,48834 ,48835 ,48841 ,48842 ,48846 ,48848 ,48850 52 Spionkopite (*) None Cu39 S28 581 461 1 48835 73 Strontianite (*) Aragonite Sr(CO3 ) 670 306 1 48819 589 Studtite (*) None (UO2 )(O2 )(H2 O)2 ·2H2 O 900 461 2 48824 ,48835 25 Talc (*) Clay Talc Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 900 900 1 48831 3337 Tenorite (*) None CuO 900 306 4 48819 ,48834 ,48835 ,48851 1101 Tin (*) None Sn 900 900 1 48844 63 Torbernite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·12H2 O 900 461 4 48818 ,48825 ,48834 ,48835 1059 Trogtalite (*) Pyrite CoSe2 581 461 1 48835 10 Turquoise (*) Turquoise CuAl6 (PO4 )4 (OH)8 ·4H2 O 900 900 1 48826 484 Tyrrellite (*) Spinel Cu(Co,Ni)2 Se4 581 461 1 48835 17 Tyuyamunite (*) None Ca(UO2 )2 (VO4 )2 ·5-8H2 O 900 900 1 48841 628 Uraninite (*) Fluorite UO2 900 146 4 48818 ,48820 ,48822 ,48824 2718 Uranophane-α (*) None Ca(UO2 )2 (SiO3 OH)2 ·5H2 O 900 146 7 48818 ,48820 ,48821 ,48822 ,48824 ,48834 ,48835 890 Vaesite (*) Pyrite NiS2 900 900 1 48825 106 Vanadinite (*) Apatite Pb5 (VO4 )3 Cl 1 48812 605 Vandenbrandeite (*) None Cu(UO2 )(OH)4 670 306 3 48818 ,48822 ,48835 9 Vandendriesscheite (*) None Pb1.6 (UO2 )10 O6 (OH)11 ·11H2 O 616 146 1 48818 52 Vauquelinite (*) None CuPb2 (CrO4 )(PO4 )(OH) 581 461 1 48835 63 Verbeekite (*) None PdSe2 581 461 1 48835 2 Vésigniéite (*) None Cu3 Ba(VO4 )2 (OH)2 900 900 1 48841 46 Volborthite (*) Volborthite Cu3 V2 O7 (OH)2 ·2H2 O 900 461 2 48835 ,48844 155 Vysotskite (*) None PdS 900 900 1 48844 53 Wulfenite (*) Scheelite PbMoO4 581 461 1 48835 1655 Yarrowite (*) None Cu9 S8 581 461 1 48835 70 Zeunerite (*) Autunite Cu(UO2 )2 (AsO4 )2 ·12H2 O 900 900 1 48824 185
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit Kristen002301 659.6 645 652.3±7.3 U-Pb U mineralization/ (re-)mobilization uraninite Yes Uraninite U, Co, Cu, Ni, Mo, Se, S, Au, Pd 16667 Katanga Copper Crescent, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo Katanga Copperbelt Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002302 536 524.2 530.1±5.9 U-Pb reworking of metal concentration uraninite Yes Uraninite U, Co, Cu, Ni, Mo, Se, S, Au, Pd 16667 Katanga Copper Crescent, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo Katanga Copperbelt Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002303 656 656 U-Pb high uraninite Yes Uraninite U, Co, Cu, Ni, Mo, Se, S, Au, Pd 16667 Katanga Copper Crescent, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo Katanga Copperbelt Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002304 602 602 U-Pb high uraninite Yes Uraninite U, Co, Cu, Ni, Mo, Se, S, Au, Pd 16667 Katanga Copper Crescent, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo Katanga Copperbelt Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002305 542 542 U-Pb high uraninite Yes Uraninite U, Co, Cu, Ni, Mo, Se, S, Au, Pd 16667 Katanga Copper Crescent, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo Katanga Copperbelt Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002306 503 503 U-Pb high uraninite Yes Uraninite U, Co, Cu, Ni, Mo, Se, S, Au, Pd 16667 Katanga Copper Crescent, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo Katanga Copperbelt Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit sedcu-00387 900 900 U. Proterozoic Cu 42400 Kakanda Deposit, Kambove District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kakanda Cox et al. (2003) USGSOFR03_107 Edit sedcu-00390 900 900 U. Proterozoic Cu 41275 Kabolela Mine, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kabolela Cox et al. (2003) USGSOFR03_107 Edit Kristen002322 616 604 610±6 RGM 3080 14738 Kalongwe Deposit, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kalongwe Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002359 148 146 147±1 206Pb/238U uraninite RGM 3080 Uraninite 14738 Kalongwe Deposit, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kalongwe Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002360 153 151 152±1 206Pb/238U uraninite RGM 3080 Uraninite 14738 Kalongwe Deposit, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kalongwe Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002361 183 181 182±1 207Pb/235U uraninite RGM 3080 Uraninite 14738 Kalongwe Deposit, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kalongwe Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002362 188 186 187±1 207Pb/235U uraninite RGM 3080 Uraninite 14738 Kalongwe Deposit, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kalongwe Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit sedcu-00395 600 600 U. Proterozoic Cu 14738 Kalongwe Deposit, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kalongwe Cox et al. (2003) USGSOFR03_107 Edit Jen_0000537 518 518 518 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-01 sample 1 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000538 518 518 518 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-01 sample 2 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000539 518 518 518 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-02 sample 1 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000540 518 518 518 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-02 sample 2 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000541 517 517 517 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-03 sample 1 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000542 517 517 517 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-03 sample 2 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000543 617 603 610±7 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-04 sample 1 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000544 614 602 608±6 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-04 sample 1 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000545 617 603 610±7 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-04 sample 1 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000546 615 591 603±12 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-04 sample 2 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000547 619 597 608±11 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-04 sample 3 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000548 622 598 610±12 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-04 sample 3 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000549 489 489 489 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-05 sample 1 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000550 489 489 489 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-05 sample 2 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000551 489 489 489 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-05 sample 2 (vein) Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000552 517 517 517 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-07 sample 1 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000553 517 517 517 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-07 sample 2 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000554 517 517 517 Re-Os age of mineralization carrollite CAR-08 sample 1 Carrollite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000555 473 473 473 Re-Os age of mineralization bornite CAR-01 sample 1 Bornite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000556 473 473 473 Re-Os age of mineralization bornite CAR-04 sample 1 Bornite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000557 473 473 473 Re-Os age of mineralization bornite CAR-06 sample 1 Bornite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Jen_0000558 476 470 473±3 Re-Os age of mineralization high bornite Bornite 44003 Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Deposit Saintilan et al. (2018) 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7 SR8_14946 Edit Kristen002321 597 567 582±15 RGM 12353 6401 Kamoto Principal Mine (Kamoto Fond Mine; Kamoto Mine), Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002391 306 306 306 206Pb/238U uraninite RGM 12353 Uraninite 6401 Kamoto Principal Mine (Kamoto Fond Mine; Kamoto Mine), Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002392 670 668 669±1 206Pb/238U uraninite RGM 12353 Uraninite 6401 Kamoto Principal Mine (Kamoto Fond Mine; Kamoto Mine), Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002393 432 432 432 206Pb/238U uraninite RGM 12353 Uraninite 6401 Kamoto Principal Mine (Kamoto Fond Mine; Kamoto Mine), Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002394 397 397 397 206Pb/238U uraninite RGM 12353 Uraninite 6401 Kamoto Principal Mine (Kamoto Fond Mine; Kamoto Mine), Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002395 335 333 334±1 207Pb/235U uraninite RGM 12353 Uraninite 6401 Kamoto Principal Mine (Kamoto Fond Mine; Kamoto Mine), Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002396 642 634 638±4 207Pb/235U uraninite RGM 12353 Uraninite 6401 Kamoto Principal Mine (Kamoto Fond Mine; Kamoto Mine), Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002397 451 447 449±2 207Pb/235U uraninite RGM 12353 Uraninite 6401 Kamoto Principal Mine (Kamoto Fond Mine; Kamoto Mine), Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002398 416 414 415±1 207Pb/235U uraninite RGM 12353 Uraninite 6401 Kamoto Principal Mine (Kamoto Fond Mine; Kamoto Mine), Kamoto, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kamoto Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit sedcu-00394 900 900 U. Proterozoic Cu 13482 Kasompi Mine (Menda Mine; Kasompi Hill), Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Menda Mendipe Cox et al. (2003) USGSOFR03_107 Edit Kristen002385 394 394 394 206Pb/238U uraninite RGM 13156 Uraninite 4329 Kolwezi Mine, Kolwezi, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kolwezi Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002386 397 397 397 206Pb/238U uraninite RGM 13156 Uraninite 4329 Kolwezi Mine, Kolwezi, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kolwezi Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002387 387 387 387 206Pb/238U uraninite RGM 13156 Uraninite 4329 Kolwezi Mine, Kolwezi, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kolwezi Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002388 417 415 416±1 207Pb/235U uraninite RGM 13156 Uraninite 4329 Kolwezi Mine, Kolwezi, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kolwezi Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002389 418 416 417±1 207Pb/235U uraninite RGM 13156 Uraninite 4329 Kolwezi Mine, Kolwezi, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kolwezi Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit Kristen002390 410 408 409±1 207Pb/235U uraninite RGM 13156 Uraninite 4329 Kolwezi Mine, Kolwezi, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kolwezi Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit sedcu-00388 900 900 U. Proterozoic Cu 4329 Kolwezi Mine, Kolwezi, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Kolwezi Cox et al. (2003) USGSOFR03_107 Edit Kristen002320 581 461 521±60 RGM 8635 4322 Musonoi Mine (Musonoi Extension Mine), Kolwezi, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Musonoi Mine Decrée et al. (2011) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.05.003 OGR40_81 Edit sedcu-00386 900 900 U. Proterozoic Cu 20111 Mutoshi Mine (Ruwe Mine), Mutoshi (Ruwe), Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Mutoshi Cox et al. (2003) USGSOFR03_107 Edit sedcu-00385 900 900 U. Proterozoic Cu 228187 Fungurume Deposit, Tenke-Fungurume Area, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Fungurume Cox et al. (2003) USGSOFR03_107 Edit sedcu-00384 900 900 U. Proterozoic Cu 228186 Tenke Deposit (incl. Fwalu; Kwatebala; Goma), Tenke-Fungurume Area, Kolwezi Mining District, Lualaba, DR Congo Tenke Cox et al. (2003) USGSOFR03_107
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