Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Acanthite (*) Acanthite Ag2 S 2223 532 46 33549 ,33559 ,33564 ,33573 ,33576 ,33594 ,33598 ,33602 ,33604 ,33611 ,33613 ,33615 ,33622 ,33635 ,33656 ,33668 ,33696 ,33709 ,33713 ,33717 ,33721 ,33734 ,33737 ,33749 ,33750 ,33751 ,33756 ,33761 ,33768 ,33798 ,33801 ,33816 ,33828 ,33837 ,33840 ,33841 ,33844 ,33848 ,33856 ,33858 ,33861 ,33864 ,33884 ,33885 ,33894 ,33966 2793 Actinolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg4.5-2.5 Fe2+ 0.5-2.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 2721 885 9 33538 ,33539 ,33569 ,33761 ,33844 ,33861 ,33909 ,33954 ,33956 3419 Aikinite (*) Meneghinite CuPbBiS3 2222.9 532 3 33551 ,33600 ,33749 315 Alabandite (*) Rocksalt MnS 2222.9 532 1 33559 312 Albite (*) Feldspar Na(AlSi3 O8 ) 2721 532 6 33539 ,33598 ,33613 ,33729 ,33844 ,33939 8803 Allargentum (*) Allargentum Ag1-x Sbx (x ≈ 0.09-0.16) 2211 2050 13 33549 ,33569 ,33602 ,33604 ,33622 ,33626 ,33635 ,33656 ,33728 ,33737 ,33751 ,33756 ,33758 69 Alloclasite (*) Löllingite CoAsS 2222.9 2050 7 33549 ,33564 ,33635 ,33656 ,33751 ,33801 ,33861 56 Altaite (*) Rocksalt PbTe 2500 541 15 33531 ,33902 ,33906 ,33907 ,33908 ,33909 ,33910 ,33911 ,33913 ,33914 ,33915 ,33916 ,33919 ,33927 ,33956 489 Anatase (*) Not in a structural group TiO2 2223 532 1 33565 2162 Andradite (*) Garnet Ca3 Fe3+ 2 (SiO4 )3 2222.9 2215.9 1 33858 1534 Anglesite (*) Baryte Pb(SO4 ) 2222.9 532 1 33635 2734 Anhydrite (*) Not in a structural group Ca(SO4 ) 1 33902 1588 Ankerite (*) None Ca(Fe2+ ,Mg)(CO3 )2 2222.9 532 4 33758 ,33909 ,33919 ,33939 3092 Annabergite (*) Vivianite Ni3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 2223 532 32 33551 ,33564 ,33593 ,33598 ,33599 ,33611 ,33615 ,33626 ,33635 ,33643 ,33656 ,33664 ,33683 ,33693 ,33696 ,33720 ,33721 ,33737 ,33750 ,33751 ,33755 ,33795 ,33797 ,33816 ,33837 ,33861 ,33875 ,33876 ,33878 ,33884 ,33885 ,33965 445 Anorthite (*) Feldspar Ca(Al2 Si2 O8 ) 2223 532 1 33565 1036 Aragonite (*) Aragonite Ca(CO3 ) 2223 532 5 33533 ,33593 ,33656 ,33721 ,33939 3250 Arsenic (*) Arsenic As 2222.9 532 3 33600 ,33658 ,33749 379 Arseniosiderite (*) Arseniosiderite Ca2 Fe3+ 3 O2 (AsO4 )3 ·3H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 1 33878 194 Arsenolite (*) Arsenolite As2 O3 2222.9 2215.9 2 33586 ,33884 231 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 2223 532 42 33559 ,33564 ,33565 ,33569 ,33573 ,33586 ,33598 ,33599 ,33600 ,33604 ,33611 ,33622 ,33635 ,33637 ,33643 ,33652 ,33656 ,33668 ,33687 ,33709 ,33713 ,33720 ,33721 ,33728 ,33737 ,33739 ,33749 ,33750 ,33751 ,33860 ,33861 ,33882 ,33884 ,33891 ,33902 ,33909 ,33937 ,33939 ,33940 ,33942 ,33943 ,33944 9052 Asbolane (*) Not in a structural group Mn4+ (O,OH)2 ·(Co,Ni,Mg,Ca)x (OH)2x ·nH2 O 2211 2050 2 33597 ,33696 143 Augite (*) Pyroxene (Ca,Mg,Fe)2 Si2 O6 2223 532 1 33565 2060 Auricupride (*) Auricupride Perovskite Cu3 Au 1 33939 24 Aurostibite (*) Pyrite AuSb2 1 33937 73 Axinite-(Fe) (*) Axinite Ca4 Fe2+ 2 Al4 [B2 Si8 O30 ](OH)2 1034 532 1 33749 260 Azurite (*) Not in a structural group Cu3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 2222.9 532 7 33597 ,33656 ,33750 ,33795 ,33855 ,33885 ,33955 5509 Babánekite (*) Vivianite Cu3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 1 33598 9 Baryte (*) Baryte Ba(SO4 ) 2633 532 21 33534 ,33549 ,33563 ,33565 ,33802 ,33805 ,33826 ,33830 ,33902 ,33906 ,33909 ,33911 ,33914 ,33916 ,33919 ,33923 ,33953 ,33954 ,33955 ,33956 ,33968 11547 Benjaminite (*) Pavonite Ag3 Bi7 S12 2222.9 2215.9 1 33884 45 Bismuth (*) Arsenic Bi 2223 532 57 33549 ,33554 ,33559 ,33564 ,33569 ,33576 ,33582 ,33586 ,33593 ,33594 ,33595 ,33598 ,33599 ,33606 ,33611 ,33615 ,33622 ,33626 ,33635 ,33638 ,33656 ,33658 ,33693 ,33696 ,33716 ,33720 ,33721 ,33726 ,33727 ,33734 ,33737 ,33749 ,33750 ,33751 ,33757 ,33758 ,33761 ,33768 ,33770 ,33788 ,33795 ,33797 ,33798 ,33801 ,33828 ,33843 ,33844 ,33856 ,33858 ,33860 ,33862 ,33875 ,33882 ,33884 ,33885 ,33887 ,33933 1966 Bismuthinite (*) Stibnite Bi2 S3 2222.9 532 5 33564 ,33656 ,33749 ,33882 ,33884 1935 Bismutite (*) Bismutite Bi2 O2 (CO3 ) 2222.9 2215.9 3 33656 ,33693 ,33965 716 Bismutoferrite (*) Kaolinite Fe3+ 2 Bi(SiO4 )2 (OH) 2222.9 2215.9 1 33884 51 Bornite (*) None Cu5 FeS4 2721 532 24 33534 ,33539 ,33557 ,33559 ,33586 ,33608 ,33611 ,33626 ,33656 ,33721 ,33750 ,33795 ,33796 ,33801 ,33825 ,33829 ,33842 ,33851 ,33855 ,33856 ,33857 ,33861 ,33955 ,33968 5516 Brassite (*) None Mg(AsO3 OH)·4H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 1 33715 9 Breithauptite (*) Nickeline NiSb 2223 532 21 33549 ,33578 ,33587 ,33593 ,33599 ,33600 ,33604 ,33615 ,33626 ,33635 ,33637 ,33656 ,33718 ,33721 ,33737 ,33739 ,33749 ,33756 ,33855 ,33856 ,33884 175 Brochantite (*) Brochantite Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 2222.9 532 2 33615 ,33720 1633 Burgessite (*) Burgessite Co2 (H2 O)4 [AsO3 (OH)]2 (H2 O) 2222.9 2215.9 1 33884 2 Calaverite (*) Melonite AuTe2 2500 541 15 33531 ,33897 ,33902 ,33906 ,33907 ,33908 ,33909 ,33910 ,33911 ,33914 ,33915 ,33916 ,33919 ,33949 ,33950 361 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 2721 532 154 33533 ,33536 ,33539 ,33551 ,33553 ,33554 ,33556 ,33557 ,33560 ,33561 ,33563 ,33564 ,33566 ,33568 ,33569 ,33571 ,33573 ,33574 ,33576 ,33578 ,33580 ,33581 ,33586 ,33587 ,33588 ,33593 ,33594 ,33598 ,33599 ,33600 ,33601 ,33602 ,33604 ,33605 ,33606 ,33607 ,33611 ,33613 ,33615 ,33618 ,33619 ,33622 ,33623 ,33626 ,33634 ,33635 ,33637 ,33638 ,33643 ,33646 ,33652 ,33656 ,33658 ,33668 ,33696 ,33709 ,33717 ,33718 ,33720 ,33721 ,33728 ,33733 ,33737 ,33738 ,33739 ,33741 ,33742 ,33743 ,33746 ,33749 ,33751 ,33755 ,33756 ,33757 ,33758 ,33759 ,33761 ,33762 ,33768 ,33770 ,33772 ,33775 ,33776 ,33778 ,33786 ,33788 ,33792 ,33795 ,33796 ,33797 ,33798 ,33801 ,33802 ,33803 ,33804 ,33805 ,33808 ,33811 ,33814 ,33816 ,33817 ,33819 ,33820 ,33821 ,33822 ,33824 ,33825 ,33826 ,33828 ,33830 ,33832 ,33833 ,33835 ,33837 ,33840 ,33843 ,33844 ,33846 ,33848 ,33851 ,33853 ,33855 ,33856 ,33857 ,33858 ,33860 ,33861 ,33862 ,33864 ,33870 ,33871 ,33876 ,33880 ,33881 ,33882 ,33884 ,33885 ,33887 ,33889 ,33891 ,33893 ,33902 ,33906 ,33909 ,33911 ,33915 ,33916 ,33927 ,33933 ,33939 ,33940 ,33954 ,33955 ,33968 27770 Celestine (*) Baryte Sr(SO4 ) 2 33902 ,33909 1252 Cerite-(Ce) (*) Cerite (Ce7 Ca2 ) Mg(SiO4 )3 (SiO3 OH)4 (OH)3 2222.9 2215.9 1 33861 47 Cerussite (*) Aragonite Pb(CO3 ) 2222.9 532 1 33635 4979 Chalcocite (*) None Cu2 S 2222.9 532 6 33557 ,33564 ,33611 ,33861 ,33948 ,33968 5707 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 2721 532 148 33531 ,33534 ,33536 ,33539 ,33540 ,33541 ,33543 ,33546 ,33551 ,33552 ,33553 ,33556 ,33557 ,33559 ,33561 ,33564 ,33566 ,33567 ,33569 ,33571 ,33573 ,33586 ,33588 ,33590 ,33594 ,33595 ,33597 ,33598 ,33600 ,33604 ,33606 ,33607 ,33608 ,33610 ,33611 ,33615 ,33618 ,33626 ,33634 ,33635 ,33637 ,33643 ,33646 ,33656 ,33668 ,33683 ,33720 ,33721 ,33728 ,33733 ,33737 ,33739 ,33742 ,33743 ,33744 ,33749 ,33751 ,33755 ,33758 ,33761 ,33768 ,33769 ,33776 ,33778 ,33785 ,33795 ,33796 ,33798 ,33801 ,33802 ,33805 ,33807 ,33810 ,33816 ,33817 ,33819 ,33821 ,33825 ,33826 ,33828 ,33829 ,33831 ,33837 ,33840 ,33841 ,33842 ,33845 ,33847 ,33849 ,33855 ,33856 ,33857 ,33858 ,33860 ,33861 ,33862 ,33864 ,33865 ,33869 ,33870 ,33879 ,33884 ,33887 ,33891 ,33892 ,33894 ,33896 ,33898 ,33899 ,33900 ,33902 ,33904 ,33905 ,33906 ,33907 ,33908 ,33909 ,33910 ,33911 ,33913 ,33914 ,33915 ,33916 ,33919 ,33920 ,33921 ,33923 ,33925 ,33926 ,33932 ,33936 ,33937 ,33939 ,33942 ,33943 ,33944 ,33948 ,33949 ,33950 ,33952 ,33953 ,33955 ,33956 ,33959 ,33962 ,33965 ,33966 ,33968 27198 Chapmanite (*) None Fe3+ 2 Sb3+ (Si2 O5 )O3 (OH) 2222.9 532 3 33656 ,33884 ,33885 31 Chlorargyrite (*) Rocksalt AgCl 2211 2050 1 33656 1382 Chloritoid (*) Chloritoid Fe2+ Al2 O(SiO4 )(OH)2 1 33939 376 Chromite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Cr2 O4 2 33897 ,33902 3902 Chrysocolla (*) Allophane (Cu2-x Alx )H2-x Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·nH2 O 2222.9 532 2 33696 ,33968 3531 Chrysotile (*) Serpentine Clay Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 2 33533 ,33946 951 Clinochlore (*) Chlorite Clay Mg5 Al(AlSi3 O10 )(OH)8 2222.9 532 3 33565 ,33696 ,33939 1756 Clinoptilolite-Ca (*) Heulandite Ca3 (Si30 Al6 )O72 ·20H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 1 33884 33 Clinosafflorite (*) Löllingite CoAs2 2211 2050 2 33549 ,33565 21 Clinozoisite (*) Clinozoisite Epidote Ca2 Al3 [Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 2721 532 2 33539 ,33565 1025 Cobaltite (*) Cobaltite CoAsS 2721 532 52 33539 ,33549 ,33551 ,33553 ,33556 ,33559 ,33561 ,33564 ,33586 ,33593 ,33598 ,33604 ,33615 ,33618 ,33626 ,33635 ,33637 ,33643 ,33656 ,33683 ,33713 ,33715 ,33720 ,33721 ,33727 ,33737 ,33739 ,33749 ,33750 ,33751 ,33756 ,33757 ,33758 ,33761 ,33768 ,33795 ,33797 ,33798 ,33801 ,33826 ,33828 ,33830 ,33832 ,33837 ,33844 ,33853 ,33856 ,33878 ,33884 ,33891 ,33965 ,33966 966 Cobaltpentlandite (*) Pentlandite Co9 S8 2211 2050 2 33549 ,33564 82 Coloradoite (*) Sphalerite HgTe 2500 541 9 33906 ,33907 ,33908 ,33909 ,33911 ,33913 ,33914 ,33915 ,33916 169 Copper (*) Copper Cu 2222.9 532 2 33601 ,33761 3846 Cosalite (*) None Pb2 Bi2 S5 2222.9 2215.9 3 33549 ,33586 ,33933 344 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 2222.9 532 2 33586 ,33955 4165 Diamond (*) Diamond C 2222.9 2215.9 1 33868 697 Diopside (*) Pyroxene CaMgSi2 O6 2721 2695 3 33539 ,33897 ,33902 4135 Djurleite (*) None Cu31 S16 2222.9 532 2 33549 ,33586 300 Dolomite (*) None CaMg(CO3 )2 2222.9 532 38 33553 ,33556 ,33557 ,33559 ,33564 ,33569 ,33576 ,33580 ,33598 ,33602 ,33604 ,33611 ,33613 ,33618 ,33635 ,33637 ,33656 ,33668 ,33713 ,33720 ,33737 ,33738 ,33739 ,33749 ,33751 ,33761 ,33768 ,33832 ,33837 ,33844 ,33882 ,33884 ,33905 ,33939 ,33940 ,33942 ,33954 ,33959 9895 Dyscrasite (*) Allargentum Ag3+x Sb1-x (x ≈ 0.2) 2223 2050 16 33549 ,33573 ,33593 ,33599 ,33602 ,33604 ,33622 ,33626 ,33638 ,33656 ,33683 ,33721 ,33737 ,33755 ,33878 ,33884 180 Emplectite (*) Chalcostibite CuBiS2 2223 532 2 33554 ,33565 246 Epidote (*) Epidote Clinozoisite Ca2 (Al2 Fe3+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 2721 532 23 33531 ,33532 ,33538 ,33539 ,33586 ,33594 ,33598 ,33613 ,33721 ,33747 ,33749 ,33755 ,33757 ,33772 ,33797 ,33804 ,33828 ,33858 ,33885 ,33899 ,33902 ,33919 ,33956 8173 Epsomite (*) Epsomite Mg(SO4 )·7H2 O 2223 532 1 33565 484 Erythrite (*) Vivianite Co3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 2223 532 67 33549 ,33551 ,33553 ,33554 ,33557 ,33564 ,33576 ,33582 ,33586 ,33598 ,33599 ,33604 ,33608 ,33613 ,33615 ,33626 ,33635 ,33637 ,33638 ,33656 ,33658 ,33664 ,33666 ,33668 ,33683 ,33693 ,33696 ,33709 ,33715 ,33720 ,33721 ,33729 ,33734 ,33737 ,33739 ,33749 ,33750 ,33751 ,33755 ,33768 ,33776 ,33785 ,33786 ,33789 ,33795 ,33797 ,33805 ,33807 ,33812 ,33814 ,33816 ,33819 ,33824 ,33826 ,33828 ,33829 ,33837 ,33842 ,33843 ,33845 ,33853 ,33858 ,33878 ,33884 ,33885 ,33893 ,33965 814 Ferrisymplesite (*) Symplesite Fe3+ 3 (AsO4 )2 (OH)3 ·5H2 O 2223 2206.1 5 33615 ,33656 ,33664 ,33716 ,33721 21 Ferro-tschermakite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Fe2+ 3 Al2 )(Si6 Al2 )O22 (OH)2 2721 2695 1 33539 27 Fluorapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 F 2222.9 2215.9 1 33884 2740 Fluorite (*) Fluorite CaF2 2633 2633 3 33534 ,33954 ,33968 9617 Freibergite (*) Tetrahedrite Ag6 [Cu4 Fe2 ]Sb4 S12 2211 2050 4 33549 ,33564 ,33750 ,33937 663 Freieslebenite (*) None AgPbSbS3 2211 2050 2 33549 ,33565 105 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 2633 532 84 33531 ,33534 ,33536 ,33540 ,33549 ,33551 ,33557 ,33559 ,33561 ,33564 ,33566 ,33567 ,33569 ,33573 ,33574 ,33586 ,33593 ,33594 ,33598 ,33603 ,33604 ,33606 ,33607 ,33608 ,33610 ,33611 ,33615 ,33618 ,33626 ,33635 ,33637 ,33643 ,33656 ,33658 ,33717 ,33720 ,33721 ,33728 ,33733 ,33737 ,33739 ,33741 ,33744 ,33749 ,33751 ,33758 ,33761 ,33768 ,33772 ,33778 ,33802 ,33817 ,33826 ,33829 ,33837 ,33845 ,33853 ,33858 ,33861 ,33865 ,33884 ,33892 ,33902 ,33904 ,33905 ,33906 ,33907 ,33909 ,33911 ,33912 ,33913 ,33914 ,33916 ,33920 ,33921 ,33923 ,33926 ,33937 ,33939 ,33950 ,33952 ,33954 ,33958 ,33969 24243 Galenobismutite (*) Kobellite PbBi2 S4 2222.9 2215.9 2 33861 ,33933 192 Glaucodot (*) Arsenopyrite (Co0.5 Fe0.5 )AsS 2211 2050 4 33549 ,33564 ,33635 ,33751 131 Goethite (*) Diaspore FeO(OH) 2223 532 7 33586 ,33604 ,33720 ,33721 ,33737 ,33885 ,33952 7437 Gold (*) Copper Au 2721 532 62 33531 ,33536 ,33539 ,33540 ,33542 ,33543 ,33545 ,33546 ,33547 ,33551 ,33602 ,33611 ,33721 ,33755 ,33891 ,33896 ,33898 ,33899 ,33900 ,33901 ,33902 ,33904 ,33905 ,33906 ,33907 ,33908 ,33909 ,33910 ,33911 ,33912 ,33913 ,33914 ,33915 ,33916 ,33919 ,33920 ,33921 ,33922 ,33923 ,33925 ,33926 ,33927 ,33929 ,33932 ,33933 ,33935 ,33936 ,33937 ,33939 ,33942 ,33943 ,33944 ,33948 ,33949 ,33950 ,33953 ,33954 ,33956 ,33958 ,33959 ,33961 ,33962 30554 Graphite (*) None C 2222.9 532 10 33586 ,33626 ,33658 ,33902 ,33906 ,33907 ,33914 ,33916 ,33939 ,33944 2812 Guérinite (*) None Ca5 (AsO3 OH)2 (AsO4 )2 ·9H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 1 33656 31 Gypsum (*) Gypsum Ca(SO4 )·2H2 O 2222.9 532 7 33557 ,33604 ,33715 ,33737 ,33902 ,33909 ,33955 6890 Harmotome (*) Harmotome Ba2 (Si12 Al4 )O32 ·12H2 O 2211 1699 1 33569 290 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 2633 532 42 33531 ,33534 ,33538 ,33557 ,33559 ,33586 ,33718 ,33792 ,33795 ,33796 ,33798 ,33801 ,33802 ,33804 ,33816 ,33828 ,33831 ,33837 ,33862 ,33885 ,33899 ,33902 ,33909 ,33911 ,33914 ,33915 ,33916 ,33919 ,33920 ,33921 ,33926 ,33946 ,33950 ,33953 ,33954 ,33955 ,33956 ,33959 ,33965 ,33968 ,33969 ,33970 14640 Hessite (*) None Ag2 Te 2721 2695 5 33531 ,33539 ,33906 ,33907 ,33915 804 Heterogenite (*) None Co3+ O(OH) 2211 2050 1 33549 111 Hisingerite (*) Kaolinite Clay Fe2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·2H2 O 2222.9 532 1 33696 144 Hollingworthite (*) Ullmannite RhAsS 2721 2695 1 33539 119 Ilmenite (*) Corundum Fe2+ Ti4+ O3 2721 532 8 33539 ,33602 ,33844 ,33897 ,33902 ,33939 ,33954 ,33956 5433 Jamesonite (*) None Pb4 FeSb6 S14 2222.9 2215.9 2 33884 ,33937 784 Jarosite (*) Alunite KFe3+ 3 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 2222.9 532 1 33720 2228 Johannsenite (*) Pyroxene CaMnSi2 O6 2222.9 532 1 33559 73 Kainosite-(Y) (*) None Ca2 Y2 (SiO3 )4 (CO3 )·H2 O 2223 2207.3 1 33828 99 Kotulskite (*) Nickeline Pd(Te,Bi)2-x (x ≈ 0.4) 2721 2695 1 33539 116 Krennerite (*) None Au3 AgTe8 1 33531 111 Krupkaite (*) Meneghinite PbCuBi3 S6 1 33933 80 Kuranakhite (*) None PbMn4+ Te6+ O6 1 33531 7 Langisite (*) Nickeline CoAs 2211 2050 1 33564 4 Langite (*) None Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ·2H2 O 2222.9 532 3 33597 ,33750 ,33816 593 Larosite (*) None (Cu,Ag)21 PbBiS13 2211 2050 1 33611 6 Lindströmite (*) Meneghinite Pb3 Cu3 Bi7 S15 2222.9 532 4 33549 ,33600 ,33606 ,33749 38 Linnaeite (*) Spinel Co2+ Co3+ 2 S4 2721 2695 1 33539 249 Lizardite (*) Serpentine Clay Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 2222.9 532 1 33696 359 Löllingite (*) Löllingite FeAs2 2223 2206.1 16 33559 ,33604 ,33615 ,33622 ,33626 ,33635 ,33656 ,33664 ,33721 ,33737 ,33832 ,33837 ,33844 ,33878 ,33884 ,33887 762 Mackinawite (*) None (Fe,Ni)1+x S (x = 0-0.07) 2721 2695 1 33539 451 Magnesite (*) Calcite Mg(CO3 ) 1 33905 1487 Magnetite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Fe3+ 2 O4 2721 532 23 33531 ,33533 ,33538 ,33539 ,33586 ,33610 ,33611 ,33643 ,33656 ,33713 ,33729 ,33816 ,33884 ,33902 ,33906 ,33909 ,33914 ,33939 ,33946 ,33953 ,33954 ,33956 ,33962 14899 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 2222.9 532 10 33597 ,33656 ,33750 ,33795 ,33855 ,33885 ,33952 ,33955 ,33959 ,33968 12537 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 2223 532 14 33559 ,33563 ,33564 ,33604 ,33618 ,33656 ,33668 ,33721 ,33737 ,33751 ,33758 ,33761 ,33884 ,33968 5674 Matildite (*) None AgBiS2 2223 2050 6 33611 ,33656 ,33658 ,33721 ,33751 ,33884 252 Maucherite (*) None Ni11 As8 2222.9 532 6 33564 ,33578 ,33587 ,33729 ,33797 ,33856 161 Mckinstryite (*) None Ag5 Cu3 S4 2211 2050 2 33611 ,33751 51 Melonite (*) Melonite NiTe2 2500 541 6 33906 ,33908 ,33911 ,33914 ,33915 ,33916 207 Mercury (*) None Hg 2223 532 2 33622 ,33721 397 Merenskyite (*) Melonite PdTe2 2721 2695 1 33539 155 Millerite (*) Millerite NiS 2222.9 532 4 33656 ,33816 ,33861 ,33939 1066 Mimetite (*) Apatite Pb5 (AsO4 )3 Cl 2222.9 2215.9 2 33635 ,33884 1107 Molybdenite (*) Molybdenite MoS2 2633 532 28 33534 ,33536 ,33540 ,33541 ,33543 ,33635 ,33656 ,33896 ,33899 ,33902 ,33905 ,33907 ,33908 ,33909 ,33910 ,33911 ,33912 ,33913 ,33914 ,33915 ,33916 ,33919 ,33924 ,33927 ,33949 ,33950 ,33955 ,33959 5800 Monazite-(Ce) (*) Monazite Ce(PO4 ) 1 33538 945 Monazite-(La) (*) Monazite La(PO4 ) 1 33538 38 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 2222.9 532 15 33613 ,33757 ,33904 ,33905 ,33906 ,33909 ,33923 ,33935 ,33936 ,33939 ,33942 ,33943 ,33944 ,33954 ,33956 17380 Naumannite (*) Not in a structural group Ag2 Se 2721 2695 1 33539 192 Népouite (*) Serpentine Clay Ni3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 2222.9 532 1 33696 66 Nickeline (*) Nickeline NiAs 2223 532 84 33549 ,33551 ,33556 ,33559 ,33564 ,33569 ,33573 ,33578 ,33580 ,33582 ,33586 ,33587 ,33593 ,33598 ,33599 ,33600 ,33602 ,33604 ,33606 ,33611 ,33615 ,33626 ,33635 ,33637 ,33638 ,33643 ,33656 ,33658 ,33664 ,33717 ,33718 ,33720 ,33721 ,33726 ,33727 ,33728 ,33729 ,33734 ,33739 ,33748 ,33749 ,33750 ,33751 ,33755 ,33756 ,33757 ,33758 ,33768 ,33770 ,33773 ,33775 ,33781 ,33786 ,33788 ,33795 ,33797 ,33798 ,33801 ,33816 ,33819 ,33820 ,33821 ,33822 ,33826 ,33827 ,33828 ,33830 ,33835 ,33837 ,33841 ,33843 ,33848 ,33855 ,33856 ,33860 ,33861 ,33862 ,33865 ,33875 ,33876 ,33882 ,33884 ,33885 ,33887 633 Orschallite (*) None Ca3 (S4+ O3 )2 (SO4 )·12H2 O 2222.9 532 2 33656 ,33664 4 Orthoclase (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 2633 2633 3 33530 ,33915 ,33916 2349 Gersdorffite-Pa3 (*) Pyrite NiAsS 2223 532 8 33604 ,33643 ,33721 ,33728 ,33737 ,33751 ,33837 ,33937 767 Pararammelsbergite (*) Löllingite NiAs2 2222.9 532 12 33549 ,33615 ,33635 ,33643 ,33656 ,33729 ,33751 ,33797 ,33837 ,33875 ,33878 ,33884 52 Paratacamite (*) Atacamite Cu3 (Cu,Zn)Cl2 (OH)6 2222.9 532 1 33720 158 Pargasite (*) Amphibole NaCa2 (Mg4 Al)(Si6 Al2 )O22 (OH)2 1 33897 313 Parkerite (*) None Ni3 (Bi,Pb)2 S2 2222.9 532 3 33549 ,33564 ,33782 55 Pavonite (*) Pavonite AgBi3 S5 2222.9 2050 2 33656 ,33884 72 Pearceite (*) Polybasite [Ag9 CuS4 ][(Ag,Cu)6 (As,Sb)2 S7 ] 2223 532 4 33721 ,33749 ,33858 ,33861 249 Pentlandite (*) Pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9 S8 1034 532 1 33565 1512 Perovskite (*) Perovskite CaTiO3 2 33897 ,33902 495 Petzite (*) None Ag3 AuTe2 8 33902 ,33906 ,33909 ,33913 ,33915 ,33916 ,33949 ,33956 409 Pharmacolite (*) Gypsum Ca(AsO3 OH)·2H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 2 33656 ,33715 105 Phlogopite (*) Mica Clay KMg3 (AlSi3 O10 )(OH)2 2 33902 ,33909 2273 Picropharmacolite (*) None Ca4 Mg(AsO3 OH)2 (AsO4 )2 ·11H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 3 33656 ,33664 ,33718 99 Polybasite (*) Polybasite [Ag9 CuS4 ][(Ag,Cu)6 (Sb,As)2 S7 ] 2223 532 7 33611 ,33720 ,33721 ,33749 ,33768 ,33861 ,33884 716 Posnjakite (*) None Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 ·H2 O 2222.9 532 3 33556 ,33597 ,33816 309 Powellite (*) Scheelite Ca(MoO4 ) 1 33955 494 Prehnite (*) Prehnite Ca2 Al(Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 2223 532 2 33549 ,33861 1898 Proustite (*) None Ag3 AsS3 2223 2050 15 33549 ,33559 ,33586 ,33604 ,33611 ,33626 ,33656 ,33717 ,33721 ,33751 ,33755 ,33758 ,33828 ,33861 ,33884 733 Pyrargyrite (*) None Ag3 SbS3 2223 2050 14 33549 ,33564 ,33586 ,33604 ,33626 ,33637 ,33717 ,33721 ,33737 ,33751 ,33755 ,33756 ,33758 ,33861 1425 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 2721 532 132 33531 ,33533 ,33534 ,33536 ,33538 ,33539 ,33540 ,33541 ,33543 ,33545 ,33546 ,33547 ,33549 ,33551 ,33552 ,33553 ,33556 ,33557 ,33559 ,33561 ,33563 ,33564 ,33567 ,33569 ,33571 ,33573 ,33586 ,33594 ,33598 ,33602 ,33604 ,33606 ,33607 ,33610 ,33611 ,33618 ,33623 ,33634 ,33635 ,33637 ,33638 ,33656 ,33658 ,33717 ,33720 ,33721 ,33728 ,33737 ,33739 ,33742 ,33743 ,33749 ,33751 ,33755 ,33756 ,33759 ,33769 ,33778 ,33797 ,33804 ,33805 ,33807 ,33810 ,33826 ,33828 ,33829 ,33837 ,33845 ,33847 ,33853 ,33855 ,33856 ,33857 ,33858 ,33861 ,33869 ,33879 ,33882 ,33884 ,33891 ,33892 ,33896 ,33898 ,33899 ,33900 ,33901 ,33902 ,33904 ,33905 ,33906 ,33907 ,33908 ,33909 ,33910 ,33911 ,33912 ,33913 ,33914 ,33915 ,33916 ,33919 ,33920 ,33921 ,33922 ,33923 ,33924 ,33925 ,33926 ,33927 ,33929 ,33932 ,33935 ,33936 ,33937 ,33939 ,33940 ,33942 ,33943 ,33944 ,33948 ,33949 ,33950 ,33952 ,33953 ,33954 ,33955 ,33956 ,33958 ,33959 ,33961 ,33962 ,33969 39462 Pyrope (*) Garnet Mg3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 2 33897 ,33902 341 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 2223 532 38 33531 ,33533 ,33545 ,33564 ,33567 ,33571 ,33586 ,33590 ,33594 ,33597 ,33598 ,33602 ,33604 ,33610 ,33611 ,33618 ,33626 ,33668 ,33721 ,33728 ,33737 ,33743 ,33751 ,33759 ,33761 ,33776 ,33778 ,33816 ,33826 ,33869 ,33891 ,33892 ,33899 ,33909 ,33914 ,33919 ,33936 ,33969 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 2721 532 120 33531 ,33536 ,33538 ,33539 ,33540 ,33541 ,33542 ,33543 ,33545 ,33547 ,33551 ,33556 ,33559 ,33561 ,33563 ,33564 ,33566 ,33569 ,33574 ,33576 ,33580 ,33586 ,33588 ,33600 ,33602 ,33606 ,33607 ,33618 ,33619 ,33623 ,33634 ,33635 ,33638 ,33643 ,33646 ,33656 ,33658 ,33668 ,33696 ,33718 ,33720 ,33721 ,33733 ,33735 ,33742 ,33749 ,33750 ,33751 ,33755 ,33759 ,33761 ,33772 ,33775 ,33792 ,33804 ,33816 ,33817 ,33824 ,33825 ,33826 ,33828 ,33837 ,33844 ,33846 ,33856 ,33858 ,33861 ,33865 ,33870 ,33871 ,33878 ,33884 ,33891 ,33896 ,33898 ,33899 ,33900 ,33901 ,33904 ,33905 ,33906 ,33907 ,33908 ,33909 ,33910 ,33911 ,33912 ,33914 ,33920 ,33921 ,33922 ,33923 ,33925 ,33926 ,33927 ,33929 ,33932 ,33933 ,33935 ,33936 ,33937 ,33939 ,33940 ,33942 ,33943 ,33944 ,33948 ,33949 ,33950 ,33952 ,33953 ,33954 ,33955 ,33956 ,33958 ,33959 ,33961 ,33962 ,33968 ,33970 61156 Rammelsbergite (*) Löllingite NiAs2 2223 532 17 33569 ,33604 ,33635 ,33643 ,33664 ,33720 ,33721 ,33729 ,33737 ,33751 ,33781 ,33832 ,33837 ,33841 ,33855 ,33861 ,33875 233 Rhodochrosite (*) Calcite Mn(CO3 ) 2223 532 1 33565 1711 Rhodonite (*) Rhodonite CaMn3 Mn(Si5 O15 ) 2222.9 532 2 33559 ,33884 969 Rickardite (*) None Cu3-x Te2 1 33531 52 Rucklidgeite (*) Tetradymite PbBi2 Te4 1 33531 64 Rutile (*) Rutile TiO2 2217.5 2217 2 33586 ,33956 5614 Safflorite (*) Löllingite CoAs2 2223 532 75 33552 ,33556 ,33559 ,33564 ,33567 ,33568 ,33574 ,33576 ,33578 ,33580 ,33594 ,33595 ,33598 ,33600 ,33603 ,33604 ,33610 ,33615 ,33618 ,33622 ,33634 ,33635 ,33637 ,33638 ,33656 ,33666 ,33687 ,33693 ,33709 ,33713 ,33720 ,33721 ,33726 ,33727 ,33728 ,33729 ,33733 ,33734 ,33737 ,33739 ,33741 ,33749 ,33750 ,33751 ,33756 ,33757 ,33761 ,33775 ,33776 ,33780 ,33781 ,33810 ,33811 ,33826 ,33827 ,33828 ,33829 ,33830 ,33831 ,33832 ,33837 ,33842 ,33844 ,33847 ,33855 ,33858 ,33861 ,33869 ,33871 ,33875 ,33878 ,33884 ,33894 ,33965 ,33966 317 Samsonite (*) None Ag4 MnSb2 S6 2211 532 2 33572 ,33749 7 Scheelite (*) Scheelite Ca(WO4 ) 5 33902 ,33939 ,33953 ,33954 ,33956 4894 Scorodite (*) None Fe3+ (AsO4 )·2H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 8 33615 ,33635 ,33656 ,33664 ,33693 ,33755 ,33795 ,33885 1153 Shortite (*) None Na2 Ca2 (CO3 )3 1 33902 37 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 2222.9 532 3 33559 ,33586 ,33761 6417 Siegenite (*) Spinel CoNi2 S4 2211 2050 1 33564 249 Silver (*) Copper Ag 2721 532 177 33539 ,33549 ,33551 ,33553 ,33554 ,33556 ,33557 ,33559 ,33560 ,33561 ,33564 ,33565 ,33567 ,33569 ,33572 ,33573 ,33576 ,33578 ,33580 ,33581 ,33582 ,33586 ,33587 ,33590 ,33592 ,33593 ,33594 ,33595 ,33598 ,33599 ,33600 ,33602 ,33603 ,33604 ,33605 ,33606 ,33607 ,33610 ,33611 ,33613 ,33615 ,33618 ,33622 ,33623 ,33626 ,33634 ,33635 ,33636 ,33637 ,33638 ,33643 ,33646 ,33649 ,33652 ,33655 ,33656 ,33658 ,33662 ,33668 ,33683 ,33687 ,33693 ,33696 ,33709 ,33713 ,33716 ,33718 ,33720 ,33721 ,33723 ,33726 ,33727 ,33728 ,33729 ,33733 ,33734 ,33737 ,33738 ,33739 ,33740 ,33741 ,33743 ,33744 ,33746 ,33748 ,33749 ,33750 ,33751 ,33753 ,33755 ,33756 ,33757 ,33758 ,33761 ,33762 ,33768 ,33769 ,33770 ,33772 ,33773 ,33775 ,33776 ,33778 ,33780 ,33781 ,33785 ,33786 ,33788 ,33789 ,33792 ,33795 ,33797 ,33798 ,33800 ,33801 ,33802 ,33803 ,33804 ,33805 ,33808 ,33810 ,33811 ,33814 ,33816 ,33817 ,33819 ,33820 ,33821 ,33822 ,33824 ,33825 ,33826 ,33827 ,33828 ,33829 ,33830 ,33831 ,33832 ,33833 ,33835 ,33837 ,33839 ,33840 ,33842 ,33843 ,33844 ,33845 ,33846 ,33847 ,33848 ,33849 ,33851 ,33855 ,33856 ,33857 ,33858 ,33860 ,33861 ,33862 ,33864 ,33865 ,33869 ,33870 ,33876 ,33878 ,33880 ,33881 ,33882 ,33883 ,33884 ,33885 ,33887 ,33891 ,33892 ,33893 ,33894 ,33966 5186 Skutterudite (*) Skutterudite Perovskite CoAs3 2223 532 120 33549 ,33551 ,33552 ,33554 ,33556 ,33557 ,33559 ,33564 ,33567 ,33568 ,33573 ,33578 ,33580 ,33582 ,33587 ,33590 ,33593 ,33598 ,33599 ,33600 ,33602 ,33603 ,33604 ,33606 ,33607 ,33608 ,33611 ,33613 ,33615 ,33618 ,33622 ,33626 ,33635 ,33637 ,33638 ,33643 ,33646 ,33656 ,33658 ,33664 ,33687 ,33693 ,33713 ,33717 ,33720 ,33721 ,33726 ,33727 ,33728 ,33729 ,33733 ,33734 ,33737 ,33739 ,33741 ,33743 ,33744 ,33746 ,33750 ,33751 ,33755 ,33756 ,33757 ,33758 ,33761 ,33768 ,33769 ,33770 ,33773 ,33775 ,33776 ,33778 ,33781 ,33782 ,33786 ,33788 ,33789 ,33795 ,33797 ,33798 ,33802 ,33810 ,33814 ,33816 ,33819 ,33820 ,33821 ,33822 ,33826 ,33827 ,33828 ,33830 ,33832 ,33835 ,33837 ,33840 ,33843 ,33844 ,33846 ,33848 ,33851 ,33855 ,33856 ,33860 ,33861 ,33874 ,33875 ,33876 ,33877 ,33878 ,33879 ,33880 ,33881 ,33882 ,33884 ,33885 ,33887 ,33892 ,33965 ,33966 531 Smythite (*) None (Fe,Ni)3+x S4 (x ≈ 0-0.3) 2222.9 532 1 33751 77 Sperrylite (*) Pyrite PtAs2 2721 2695 1 33539 337 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 2721 532 50 33531 ,33534 ,33539 ,33551 ,33557 ,33559 ,33561 ,33564 ,33569 ,33573 ,33586 ,33594 ,33598 ,33602 ,33604 ,33606 ,33610 ,33611 ,33618 ,33626 ,33637 ,33643 ,33656 ,33721 ,33728 ,33737 ,33739 ,33744 ,33749 ,33751 ,33758 ,33761 ,33772 ,33776 ,33861 ,33884 ,33902 ,33906 ,33909 ,33915 ,33916 ,33932 ,33937 ,33939 ,33943 ,33948 ,33949 ,33952 ,33954 ,33969 21482 Spherocobaltite (*) None Co(CO3 ) 2223 2206.1 2 33565 ,33721 52 Stephanite (*) None Ag5 SbS4 2223 2050 17 33549 ,33564 ,33572 ,33593 ,33598 ,33604 ,33606 ,33622 ,33656 ,33668 ,33716 ,33717 ,33721 ,33751 ,33758 ,33861 ,33884 586 Stibiopalladinite (*) None Pd5 Sb2 2721 2695 1 33539 75 Stilpnomelane (*) Stilpnomelane Clay (K,Ca,Na)(Fe,Mg,Al)8 (Si,Al)12 (O,OH)36 ·nH2 O 2223 532 2 33549 ,33844 456 Strashimirite (*) None Cu4 (AsO4 )2 (OH)2 ·2.5H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 1 33696 90 Stromeyerite (*) None CuAgS 2223 2050 7 33556 ,33611 ,33656 ,33721 ,33858 ,33861 ,33884 332 Sylvanite (*) Melonite AgAuTe4 2 33913 ,33915 337 Symplesite (*) Symplesite Fe2+ 3 (AsO4 )2 ·8H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 1 33728 92 Talc (*) Clay Talc Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 2222.9 532 8 33549 ,33559 ,33902 ,33906 ,33915 ,33939 ,33942 ,33955 3337 Tellurite (*) None TeO2 1 33531 52 Tellurobismuthite (*) Tetradymite Bi2 Te3 2 33531 ,33950 276 Tennantite-(Fe) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Fe2 )As4 S13 2500 541 3 33902 ,33906 ,33937 1803 Tetra-auricupride (*) None CuAu 1 33939 30 Tetradymite (*) Tetradymite Bi2 Te2 S 4 33543 ,33906 ,33915 ,33949 510 Tetrahedrite-(Zn) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Zn2 )Sb4 S13 2223 532 23 33559 ,33569 ,33586 ,33599 ,33604 ,33611 ,33626 ,33656 ,33658 ,33683 ,33713 ,33721 ,33728 ,33737 ,33750 ,33751 ,33899 ,33906 ,33907 ,33913 ,33923 ,33927 ,33937 5317 Titanite (*) Titanite CaTi(SiO4 )O 2721 532 6 33539 ,33623 ,33738 ,33902 ,33909 ,33939 4899 Tremolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg5.0-4.5 Fe2+ 0.0-0.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 2721 532 7 33538 ,33539 ,33569 ,33656 ,33721 ,33723 ,33884 2562 Tyrolite (*) Tyrolite Ca2 Cu9 (AsO4 )4 (CO3 )(OH)8 ·11H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 1 33696 245 Ullmannite (*) Ullmannite NiSbS 2222.9 532 8 33559 ,33604 ,33643 ,33656 ,33693 ,33737 ,33751 ,33939 293 Ulvöspinel (*) Spinel Fe2+ 2 TiO4 1 33902 120 Volynskite (*) None AgBiTe2 1 33531 64 Wallkilldellite-(Fe) (*) None Ca2 Fe2+ 3 (AsO4 )2 (OH)4 ·9H2 O 2222.9 2215.9 1 33696 6 Weilite (*) None Ca(AsO3 OH) 2222.9 2215.9 1 33715 19 Wittichenite (*) None Cu3 BiS3 2223 2206.1 2 33611 ,33721 297 Xanthoconite (*) Xanthoconite Ag3 AsS3 2223 2050 7 33586 ,33626 ,33656 ,33721 ,33828 ,33861 ,33884 89 Xenotime-(Y) (*) Zircon Y(PO4 ) 1 33538 939 Zoisite (*) Epidote Ca2 Al3 [Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 2222.9 532 1 33747 1025
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit PorphCu-00443 2633 2633 2633 Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Fluorite, Galena, Hematite, Molybdenite, Pyrite, Sphalerite Cu 206379 Stancorp Cu-Au Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Stancop Singer et al. (2008) USGSOFR2008_1155 Edit Kristen002169 2721 2695 2708±13 187Re/188Os crystallization age whole rock 122940 Boston Creek Flow Deposit, Boston Township, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Boston Creek Flow Walker and Stone (2001) 10.1016/S0009-2541(00)00358-2 CG175_567 Edit Emily000531 2217.5 2217.5 U-Pb age of vein mineralization rutile Rutile 58159 Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Cobalt-Gowganda region Marshall and Watkinson (2000) 10.2113/0090081 EMG9_81 Edit Emily000532 2217 2217 U-Pb age of vein mineralization rutile Rutile 58159 Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Cobalt-Gowganda region Marshall and Watkinson (2000) 10.2113/0090081 EMG9_81 Edit Co-00016 1713 1699 1706±7 Ar-Ar chlorite 8348 Beaver Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Beaver - Temiskaming mine No. 41 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit Co-00017 1815 1801 1808±7 Ar-Ar chlorite 8348 Beaver Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Beaver - Temiskaming mine No. 41 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit Co-00018 1853 1835 1844±9 Ar-Ar actinolite Actinolite 8348 Beaver Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Beaver - Temiskaming mine No. 41 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit Co-00019 1895 1877 1886±9 Ar-Ar actinolite Actinolite 8348 Beaver Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Beaver - Temiskaming mine No. 37 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit Co-00020 1915 1897 1906±9 Ar-Ar actinolite Actinolite 8348 Beaver Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Beaver - Temiskaming mine No. 37 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit Co-00021 1943 1927 1935±8 Ar-Ar actinolite Actinolite 8348 Beaver Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Beaver - Temiskaming mine No. 41 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit Co-00022 2068 2050 2059±9 Ar-Ar These ages are interpreted as the true age of the deposits in the Cobalt area as they are the least deformed. high chlorite Co, Ag 8348 Beaver Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Beaver - Temiskaming mine No. 37 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 These ages are interpreted as the true age of the deposits in the Cobalt area as they are the least deformed. Edit Co-00023 2211 2193 2202±9 Ar-Ar These ages are interpreted as the true age of the deposits in the Cobalt area as they are the least deformed. high chlorite Co, Ag 8348 Beaver Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Beaver - Temiskaming mine No. 37 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 These ages are interpreted as the true age of the deposits in the Cobalt area as they are the least deformed. Edit CJES23_1507_SCmine_01 1753 1731 1742±11 Ar-Ar Ar-Ar- integrated age k-feldspar 269047 Century Silver (Cobalt Twentieth Century) Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Silver Century mine, main vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit CJES23_1507_SCmine_02 1771 1713 1742±29 Ar-Ar Ar-Ar- integrated age k-feldspar 269047 Century Silver (Cobalt Twentieth Century) Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Silver Century mine, main vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit CJES23_1507_SCmine_03 903 885 894±9 Ar-Ar Ar-Ar- integrated age actinolite Actinolite 269047 Century Silver (Cobalt Twentieth Century) Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Silver Century mine, main vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit CJES23_1507_0001 2223 2215.8 2219.4 ± 3.6 U-Pb host rock zircon Zircon 576 O'Brien Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Castle Mine Andrews (1986) CJES23_1507 Edit CJES23_1507_0002 2219.1 2215.9 2217.5 ± 1.6 U-Pb host rock baddeleyite Baddeleyite 576 O'Brien Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Castle Mine Andrews (1986) CJES23_1507 Edit CJES23_1507_0003 2223 2211 2217 ± 6 U-Pb mineralization rutile Rutile 576 O'Brien Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Castle Mine Andrews (1986) CJES23_1507 Edit CJES23_1507_0004 2222.9 2207.3 2215.1 ± 7.8 U-Pb mineralization rutile Rutile 576 O'Brien Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Castle Mine Andrews (1986) CJES23_1507 Edit CJES29_1424_0001 2221.2 2213.2 2217.2 ± 4 U-Pb host rock baddeleyite Baddeleyite 576 O'Brien Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Kerns and Hudson townships Noble (1992) CJES29_1424 Edit CJES29_1424_0002 2213.1 2206.1 2209.6 ± 3.5 U-Pb host rock baddeleyite Baddeleyite 576 O'Brien Mine, Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Kerns and Hudson townships Noble (1992) CJES29_1424 Edit Co-00013 1034 1024 1029±5 Ar-Ar chlorite Breithauptite, Cobaltite, Erythrite, Nickeline, Safflorite, Skutterudite Co, Ni 8196 Silver Miller Mine (Pan Silver), Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Pan silver mine No. 01 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit Co-00014 538 532 535±3 Ar-Ar k-feldspar Breithauptite, Cobaltite, Erythrite, Nickeline, Safflorite, Skutterudite Co, Ni 8196 Silver Miller Mine (Pan Silver), Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Pan silver mine No. 01 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit Co-00015 853 837 845±8 Ar-Ar chlorite Breithauptite, Cobaltite, Erythrite, Nickeline, Safflorite, Skutterudite Co, Ni 8196 Silver Miller Mine (Pan Silver), Coleman Township, Cobalt Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Pan silver mine No. 01 vein Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES23_1507 Edit Co-00008 2222.9 2207.3 2215.1±7.8 U-Pb rutile Rutile Cobaltite, Erythrite, Nickeline, Safflorite Co, Ni 5830 Castle Mine (Castle-Trethewey Mine), Haultain Township, Gowganda Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Castle Mine, Gowganda Corfu & Andrews (1986) 10.1139/e86-011 CJES23_107 Edit Co-00009 2223 2211 2217±6 U-Pb rutile Rutile Cobaltite, Erythrite, Nickeline, Safflorite Co, Ni 5830 Castle Mine (Castle-Trethewey Mine), Haultain Township, Gowganda Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Castle Mine, Gowganda Corfu & Andrews (1986) 10.1139/e86-011 CJES23_107 Edit Co-00010 2219.1 2215.9 2217.5±1.6 U-Pb baddeleyite Baddeleyite Cobaltite, Erythrite, Nickeline, Safflorite Co, Ni 5830 Castle Mine (Castle-Trethewey Mine), Haultain Township, Gowganda Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Castle Mine, Gowganda Corfu & Andrews (1986) 10.1139/e86-011 CJES23_107 Edit Co-00114 2222.9 2215.9 2219.4 (+3.6/-3.5) U-Pb Co, Ni, As, Ag, Bi 5830 Castle Mine (Castle-Trethewey Mine), Haultain Township, Gowganda Area, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Nipissing diabase, Castle mine, Gowganda, Ontario Andrews et al. (1986) 10.1139/e86-144 CJES_23_1507 error is (+3.6/-3.5); age of Nipissing diabase, the Ni-Co-As-Ag-Bi veins are this age or younger Edit Michelle_677 2500 541 Proterozoic Age of deposit or general age of the metallogenic province Ni, Cu 15124 Macassa Mine, Kirkland Lake Township (Teck Township), Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada Macassa Hoatson et al. (2006) 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2006.05.002 OGR29_177 See Table. 1 Global resources of nickel metal and ages of the major nickel sulfide deposits of the world. Age can refer to the age of a specific nickel sulfide deposit, or the general age of the metallogenic province containing nickel deposits that are similar to a dated deposit (e.g. 2705 Ma Komatiite-hosted deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province).
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