Mineral name Structural Groups IMA Formula Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) # of Sublocalities containing mineral LOCALITY IDs, not mindat ids # of localities containing mineral Acanthite (*) Acanthite Ag2 S 3293 2770 3 15830 ,15843 ,16169 2793 Actinolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg4.5-2.5 Fe2+ 0.5-2.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 3351 2800 3 15797 ,15902 ,16051 3419 Agardite-(Ce) (*) Mixite CeCu2+ 6 (AsO4 )3 (OH)6 ·3H2 O 1 16203 43 Agardite-(Nd) (*) Mixite NdCu2+ 6 (AsO4 )3 (OH)6 ·3H2 O 1 16203 18 Agardite-(Y) (*) Mixite YCu2+ 6 (AsO4 )3 (OH)6 ·3H2 O 1 16203 90 Albite (*) Feldspar Na(AlSi3 O8 ) 4000 1790 17 15794 ,15862 ,15868 ,15870 ,15916 ,15987 ,16051 ,16052 ,16062 ,16069 ,16186 ,16197 ,16203 ,16208 ,16209 ,16231 ,16279 8803 Almandine (*) Garnet Fe2+ 3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 2209 1843 1 15987 2353 Altaite (*) Rocksalt PbTe 1 16069 489 Anatase (*) Not in a structural group TiO2 1 16203 2162 Andalusite (*) Andalusite Al2 SiO5 4000 2500 3 15872 ,16194 ,16208 1310 Anglesite (*) Baryte Pb(SO4 ) 4000 2500 13 15792 ,15825 ,15826 ,15827 ,15828 ,15829 ,15830 ,15831 ,15832 ,15833 ,15872 ,15873 ,16168 2734 Anilite (*) Digenite Cu7 S4 1 16203 88 Ankerite (*) None Ca(Fe2+ ,Mg)(CO3 )2 4000 2500 10 15902 ,15916 ,16185 ,16194 ,16203 ,16216 ,16225 ,16231 ,16244 ,16251 3092 Antigorite (*) Serpentine Clay Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 4000 0 2 16123 ,16252 708 Arsenopyrite (*) Arsenopyrite FeAsS 4000 2500 9 15790 ,15792 ,15797 ,16046 ,16169 ,16203 ,16234 ,16244 ,16251 9052 Atacamite (*) Atacamite Cu2 Cl(OH)3 2770 2770 4 15785 ,16166 ,16198 ,16203 544 Aurostibite (*) Pyrite AuSb2 1 16046 73 Azurite (*) Not in a structural group Cu3 (CO3 )2 (OH)2 4000 2500 17 15785 ,15797 ,15866 ,15879 ,15911 ,16047 ,16052 ,16053 ,16054 ,16081 ,16084 ,16090 ,16154 ,16198 ,16203 ,16228 ,16248 5509 Babingtonite (*) Rhodonite Ca2 Fe2+ Fe3+ Si5 O14 (OH) 1 16051 161 Baddeleyite (*) Baddeleyite ZrO2 4 15814 ,15817 ,16280 ,16338 238 Baryte (*) Baryte Ba(SO4 ) 4000 2500 18 15813 ,15836 ,15837 ,15843 ,15872 ,15873 ,16123 ,16155 ,16198 ,16203 ,16218 ,16221 ,16223 ,16231 ,16234 ,16244 ,16246 ,16251 11547 Bastnäsite-(Ce) (*) Bastnäsite Ce(CO3 )F 1 16203 304 Beryl (*) Beryl Be3 Al2 Si6 O18 2847 2847 3 16208 ,16209 ,16279 4286 Berzelianite (*) None Cu2-x Se (x ≈ 0.12) 800 800 1 16189 66 Beudantite (*) Alunite PbFe3+ 3 (AsO4 )(SO4 )(OH)6 1 16203 413 Birnessite (*) None (Na,Ca,K)0.6 (Mn4+ ,Mn3+ )2 O4 ·1.5H2 O 51.6 8.9 1 15836 178 Bismuth (*) Arsenic Bi 2950 2823 3 16194 ,16208 ,16209 1966 Bismuthinite (*) Stibnite Bi2 S3 4000 2500 5 16194 ,16203 ,16234 ,16244 ,16251 1935 Bismutite (*) Bismutite Bi2 O2 (CO3 ) 3293 2800 3 15855 ,16208 ,16220 716 Bixbyite (*) Bixbyite Mn3+ 2 O3 1328 8.9 2 15836 ,16167 104 Bornite (*) None Cu5 FeS4 4000 1843 12 15797 ,15827 ,15830 ,15833 ,15985 ,15987 ,16052 ,16081 ,16194 ,16203 ,16231 ,16251 5516 Bournonite (*) Bournonite CuPbSbS3 4000 2500 3 16234 ,16244 ,16251 1089 Braunite (*) Braunite Mn2+ Mn3+ 6 O8 (SiO4 ) 1328 8.9 2 15836 ,16167 483 Breithauptite (*) Nickeline NiSb 4000 0 1 16123 175 Brochantite (*) Brochantite Cu4 (SO4 )(OH)6 4000 2500 5 15797 ,15873 ,16166 ,16198 ,16203 1633 Calaverite (*) Melonite AuTe2 1 16046 361 Calciosamarskite (*) Columbite (Ca,Fe,Y)(Nb,Ta,Ti)O4 1 16279 11 Calcite (*) Calcite Ca(CO3 ) 4000 2500 17 15792 ,15834 ,15843 ,15862 ,15872 ,15921 ,15954 ,15956 ,16051 ,16084 ,16166 ,16194 ,16198 ,16203 ,16210 ,16231 ,16337 27770 Caledonite (*) Caledonite Cu2 Pb5 (SO4 )3 (CO3 )(OH)6 2770 2770 1 15827 359 Cassiterite (*) Rutile SnO2 2950 2815 5 15868 ,16203 ,16208 ,16209 ,16279 5171 Cerussite (*) Aragonite Pb(CO3 ) 4000 2500 18 15792 ,15825 ,15826 ,15827 ,15828 ,15829 ,15830 ,15831 ,15832 ,15833 ,15872 ,15873 ,16153 ,16154 ,16168 ,16169 ,16218 ,16235 4979 Cervantite (*) None Sb3+ Sb5+ O4 1 16046 352 Chalcocite (*) None Cu2 S 4000 1790 19 15820 ,15822 ,15827 ,15830 ,15833 ,15898 ,15985 ,15987 ,16052 ,16058 ,16081 ,16169 ,16198 ,16203 ,16219 ,16231 ,16233 ,16240 ,16251 5707 Chalcomenite (*) None Cu(Se4+ O3 )·2H2 O 800 800 1 16189 40 Chalcophanite (*) None ZnMn4+ 3 O7 ·3H2 O 51.6 8.9 1 15836 197 Chalcopyrite (*) Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 4000 1843 52 15790 ,15792 ,15797 ,15806 ,15827 ,15830 ,15833 ,15842 ,15843 ,15859 ,15860 ,15871 ,15872 ,15876 ,15892 ,15899 ,15902 ,15903 ,15931 ,15956 ,15985 ,15987 ,15991 ,16046 ,16052 ,16053 ,16058 ,16069 ,16081 ,16084 ,16154 ,16169 ,16184 ,16185 ,16194 ,16196 ,16197 ,16198 ,16201 ,16202 ,16203 ,16219 ,16225 ,16227 ,16231 ,16233 ,16234 ,16240 ,16244 ,16251 ,16269 ,16339 27198 Chenevixite (*) Chenevixite CuFe3+ (AsO4 )(OH)2 2 16198 ,16203 90 Chlorargyrite (*) Rocksalt AgCl 4000 800 3 15872 ,16189 ,16220 1382 Chrisstanleyite (*) Chrisstanleyite Ag2 Pd3 Se4 800 800 1 16189 6 Chromite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Cr2 O4 3293 2800 4 15840 ,15894 ,15903 ,16252 3902 Chrysocolla (*) Allophane (Cu2-x Alx )H2-x Si2 O5 (OH)4 ·nH2 O 4000 800 23 15785 ,15827 ,15829 ,15830 ,15833 ,15866 ,15870 ,15872 ,15911 ,15987 ,16052 ,16054 ,16058 ,16081 ,16154 ,16189 ,16198 ,16201 ,16203 ,16282 ,16283 ,16292 ,16311 3531 Chrysotile (*) Serpentine Clay Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 4000 0 4 16082 ,16123 ,16124 ,16252 951 Cinnabar (*) None HgS 4000 0 5 15827 ,15864 ,16083 ,16123 ,16225 2600 Clinoatacamite (*) Atacamite Cu2 Cl(OH)3 1 16203 43 Clinobisvanite (*) None Bi(VO4 ) 1 16209 36 Coffinite (*) Zircon U(SiO4 )·nH2 O 1 16186 566 Columbite-(Mn) (*) Columbite Mn2+ Nb2 O6 3293 2800 2 15868 ,16208 289 Copper (*) Copper Cu 2500 2500 6 16052 ,16169 ,16187 ,16198 ,16203 ,16219 3846 Cornubite (*) None Cu5 (AsO4 )2 (OH)4 1 16203 109 Cornwallite (*) None Cu5 (AsO4 )2 (OH)4 1 16203 175 Coronadite (*) Coronadite Pb(Mn4+ 6 Mn3+ 2 )O16 51.6 8.9 1 15836 227 Covellite (*) Covellite CuS 2770 2770 6 15827 ,15830 ,15833 ,16202 ,16203 ,16219 4165 Cryptomelane (*) Coronadite K(Mn4+ 7 Mn3+ )O16 1328 8.9 2 15836 ,16167 599 Cubanite (*) Cubanite Wurtzite CuFe2 S3 1 16203 802 Cuprite (*) Not in a structural group Cu2 O 4000 1790 22 15785 ,15820 ,15822 ,15871 ,15872 ,15911 ,15934 ,15942 ,15985 ,15987 ,16047 ,16054 ,16081 ,16154 ,16193 ,16198 ,16203 ,16219 ,16248 ,16282 ,16292 ,16311 2970 Descloizite (*) Descloizite PbZn(VO4 )(OH) 2770 2770 9 15825 ,15826 ,15827 ,15828 ,15829 ,15830 ,15831 ,15832 ,15833 378 Diamond (*) Diamond C 2770 1600 8 15840 ,15844 ,16030 ,16031 ,16048 ,16050 ,16057 ,16079 697 Digenite (*) Digenite Cu1.8 S 1 16219 1027 Diopside (*) Pyroxene CaMgSi2 O6 1 15840 4135 Djurleite (*) None Cu31 S16 2770 2770 1 15830 300 Dolomite (*) None CaMg(CO3 )2 4000 2450 27 15785 ,15787 ,15792 ,15808 ,15809 ,15813 ,15820 ,15836 ,15837 ,15954 ,15968 ,15989 ,15993 ,16010 ,16123 ,16188 ,16191 ,16194 ,16196 ,16198 ,16203 ,16204 ,16205 ,16251 ,16286 ,16307 ,16334 9895 Dravite (*) Tourmaline NaMg3 Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 (OH) 1 16203 648 Dussertite (*) Alunite BaFe3+ 3 (AsO4 )(AsO3 OH)(OH)6 1 16203 33 Epidote (*) Epidote Clinozoisite Ca2 (Al2 Fe3+ )[Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 3351 2500 5 15797 ,15902 ,16051 ,16052 ,16337 8173 Euxenite-(Y) (*) Columbite Y(NbTi)O6 2950 2823 1 16208 414 Famatinite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu3 SbS4 4000 2500 3 16234 ,16244 ,16251 163 Fluorite (*) Fluorite CaF2 3293 2770 8 15816 ,15868 ,16153 ,16155 ,16166 ,16168 ,16207 ,16209 9617 Formanite-(Y) (*) None YTaO4 4000 1600 3 15841 ,16208 ,16279 13 Forsterite (*) Olivine Mg2 (SiO4 ) 1 15840 1188 Galena (*) Rocksalt PbS 4000 2500 57 15790 ,15792 ,15797 ,15804 ,15806 ,15808 ,15825 ,15826 ,15827 ,15828 ,15829 ,15830 ,15831 ,15832 ,15833 ,15842 ,15843 ,15846 ,15871 ,15872 ,15876 ,15879 ,15882 ,15899 ,15911 ,15913 ,15937 ,15956 ,16069 ,16096 ,16154 ,16155 ,16166 ,16168 ,16169 ,16184 ,16188 ,16191 ,16194 ,16195 ,16196 ,16197 ,16198 ,16201 ,16203 ,16204 ,16205 ,16207 ,16216 ,16218 ,16225 ,16227 ,16231 ,16234 ,16244 ,16251 ,16273 24243 Gaspéite (*) Calcite Ni(CO3 ) 65 0 1 16123 22 Geerite (*) None Cu8 S5 1 16203 38 Goethite (*) Diaspore FeO(OH) 4000 8.9 28 15798 ,15836 ,15837 ,15866 ,15873 ,15962 ,15964 ,15968 ,15972 ,15975 ,15979 ,15989 ,15993 ,15997 ,16001 ,16054 ,16178 ,16179 ,16182 ,16189 ,16194 ,16198 ,16203 ,16286 ,16291 ,16307 ,16318 ,16334 7437 Gold (*) Copper Au 4000 800 251 15788 ,15789 ,15790 ,15791 ,15792 ,15793 ,15794 ,15795 ,15796 ,15805 ,15808 ,15809 ,15810 ,15811 ,15823 ,15842 ,15845 ,15847 ,15848 ,15850 ,15852 ,15853 ,15854 ,15855 ,15856 ,15857 ,15859 ,15860 ,15861 ,15862 ,15863 ,15864 ,15865 ,15875 ,15876 ,15877 ,15878 ,15879 ,15880 ,15881 ,15882 ,15883 ,15885 ,15886 ,15888 ,15889 ,15890 ,15891 ,15893 ,15895 ,15896 ,15897 ,15899 ,15900 ,15901 ,15902 ,15903 ,15904 ,15906 ,15907 ,15908 ,15909 ,15910 ,15911 ,15912 ,15913 ,15914 ,15916 ,15917 ,15918 ,15919 ,15920 ,15921 ,15922 ,15923 ,15924 ,15925 ,15926 ,15928 ,15931 ,15932 ,15934 ,15935 ,15936 ,15937 ,15938 ,15939 ,15940 ,15941 ,15942 ,15943 ,15944 ,15945 ,15947 ,15948 ,15949 ,15950 ,15953 ,15954 ,15955 ,15956 ,15957 ,15958 ,15959 ,15960 ,15988 ,16031 ,16032 ,16033 ,16035 ,16036 ,16038 ,16039 ,16040 ,16041 ,16042 ,16043 ,16044 ,16045 ,16046 ,16048 ,16049 ,16050 ,16055 ,16057 ,16060 ,16062 ,16063 ,16064 ,16065 ,16066 ,16067 ,16068 ,16069 ,16070 ,16071 ,16072 ,16073 ,16074 ,16075 ,16076 ,16077 ,16078 ,16079 ,16080 ,16085 ,16087 ,16088 ,16090 ,16091 ,16093 ,16094 ,16096 ,16097 ,16098 ,16099 ,16100 ,16103 ,16104 ,16105 ,16106 ,16107 ,16110 ,16111 ,16112 ,16113 ,16115 ,16117 ,16118 ,16120 ,16129 ,16130 ,16131 ,16132 ,16133 ,16135 ,16136 ,16137 ,16138 ,16139 ,16140 ,16141 ,16142 ,16143 ,16144 ,16145 ,16146 ,16147 ,16148 ,16149 ,16150 ,16153 ,16157 ,16158 ,16159 ,16160 ,16161 ,16162 ,16163 ,16164 ,16165 ,16174 ,16187 ,16189 ,16194 ,16203 ,16210 ,16211 ,16212 ,16213 ,16214 ,16216 ,16219 ,16220 ,16222 ,16225 ,16227 ,16228 ,16229 ,16233 ,16235 ,16240 ,16241 ,16245 ,16248 ,16249 ,16250 ,16254 ,16255 ,16256 ,16257 ,16258 ,16259 ,16260 ,16261 ,16263 ,16264 ,16265 ,16266 ,16267 ,16268 ,16269 ,16270 ,16271 ,16272 ,16273 ,16274 ,16275 ,16276 ,16277 ,16278 30554 Graphite (*) None C 3 16190 ,16194 ,16203 2812 Greenockite (*) Wurtzite CdS 4000 0 1 16123 717 Gudmundite (*) Arsenopyrite FeSbS 1 16046 170 Gypsum (*) Gypsum Ca(SO4 )·2H2 O 3293 2800 4 15843 ,16169 ,16196 ,16203 6890 Halotrichite (*) Halotrichite Fe2+ Al2 (SO4 )4 ·22H2 O 2600 2450 1 16307 409 Hematite (*) Corundum Fe2 O3 4000 8.9 42 15798 ,15800 ,15801 ,15802 ,15803 ,15810 ,15836 ,15845 ,15873 ,15917 ,15953 ,15962 ,15964 ,15966 ,15968 ,15972 ,15975 ,15979 ,15989 ,15992 ,15993 ,15997 ,16000 ,16001 ,16005 ,16021 ,16158 ,16167 ,16178 ,16179 ,16181 ,16182 ,16186 ,16198 ,16203 ,16231 ,16284 ,16286 ,16291 ,16307 ,16318 ,16334 14640 Hemimorphite (*) Not in a structural group Zn4 (Si2 O7 )(OH)2 ·H2 O 4000 2500 3 15827 ,15833 ,15872 1689 Hollandite (*) Coronadite Ba(Mn4+ 6 Mn3+ 2 )O16 51.6 8.9 1 15836 243 Hydroxylapatite (*) Apatite Ca5 (PO4 )3 OH 1 16198 367 Hydrozincite (*) None Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 2770 2770 10 15825 ,15826 ,15827 ,15828 ,15829 ,15830 ,15831 ,15832 ,15833 ,16154 1066 Ilmenite (*) Corundum Fe2+ Ti4+ O3 3293 2800 4 15814 ,15817 ,15902 ,16280 5433 Iodargyrite (*) Wurtzite AgI 2 16203 ,16241 180 Jagüéite (*) Chrisstanleyite Cu2 Pd3 Se4 800 800 1 16189 3 Jamesonite (*) None Pb4 FeSb6 S14 3351 3117 1 15797 784 Jarosite (*) Alunite KFe3+ 3 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 4000 2500 2 15830 ,15873 2228 Kaolinite (*) Clay Kaolinite Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 3293 1306 14 15790 ,15833 ,15845 ,15868 ,15993 ,16052 ,16054 ,16079 ,16115 ,16167 ,16198 ,16203 ,16219 ,16334 5591 Kësterite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu2 ZnSnS4 1 16203 82 Linarite (*) Linarite CuPb(SO4 )(OH)2 4000 2500 3 15827 ,15829 ,15873 987 Lithiophorite (*) None (Al,Li)(Mn4+ ,Mn3+ )O2 (OH)2 1328 8.9 2 15836 ,16167 210 Mackinawite (*) None (Fe,Ni)1+x S (x = 0-0.07) 1 16046 451 Magnesite (*) Calcite Mg(CO3 ) 65 0 2 16123 ,16209 1487 Magnetite (*) Spinel Fe2+ Fe3+ 2 O4 4000 1843 16 15868 ,15869 ,15962 ,15988 ,15993 ,16046 ,16052 ,16069 ,16123 ,16185 ,16203 ,16208 ,16231 ,16252 ,16279 ,16286 14899 Malachite (*) Malachite Cu2 (CO3 )(OH)2 4000 800 61 15785 ,15797 ,15820 ,15822 ,15827 ,15829 ,15830 ,15833 ,15842 ,15847 ,15866 ,15870 ,15871 ,15872 ,15876 ,15879 ,15893 ,15898 ,15908 ,15911 ,15931 ,15934 ,15937 ,15942 ,15958 ,15985 ,15987 ,16030 ,16047 ,16052 ,16053 ,16054 ,16058 ,16081 ,16084 ,16090 ,16111 ,16154 ,16166 ,16169 ,16185 ,16189 ,16193 ,16196 ,16198 ,16201 ,16203 ,16212 ,16218 ,16219 ,16220 ,16228 ,16231 ,16233 ,16240 ,16251 ,16282 ,16283 ,16292 ,16311 ,16335 12537 Manganite (*) Rutile Mn3+ O(OH) 2950 8.9 2 15836 ,16208 770 Marcasite (*) Marcasite FeS2 2 16046 ,16203 5674 Microcline (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 3293 2800 4 15868 ,16208 ,16209 ,16279 4924 Millerite (*) Millerite NiS 4000 0 1 16123 1066 Mimetite (*) Apatite Pb5 (AsO4 )3 Cl 3 16153 ,16218 ,16220 1107 Minnesotaite (*) Clay Talc Fe2+ 3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 2600 2600 1 16286 61 Mixite (*) Mixite Cu6 Bi(AsO4 )3 (OH)6 ·3H2 O 2 16198 ,16203 168 Molybdenite (*) Molybdenite MoS2 4000 2500 6 15797 ,15806 ,15887 ,16209 ,16219 ,16339 5800 Monazite-(Ce) (*) Monazite Ce(PO4 ) 1 16203 945 Montmorillonite (*) Clay Smectite-vermiculite (Na,Ca)0.3 (Al,Mg)2 Si4 O10 (OH)2 ·nH2 O 1 16069 1508 Mottramite (*) Descloizite PbCu(VO4 )(OH) 2770 2770 1 15830 362 Muscovite (*) Mica Clay KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 4000 1790 39 15787 ,15797 ,15798 ,15806 ,15843 ,15845 ,15862 ,15866 ,15868 ,15871 ,15872 ,15887 ,15894 ,15899 ,15902 ,15903 ,15931 ,15942 ,15992 ,15993 ,16046 ,16052 ,16069 ,16081 ,16154 ,16166 ,16169 ,16185 ,16186 ,16194 ,16198 ,16203 ,16208 ,16209 ,16225 ,16231 ,16244 ,16251 ,16279 17380 Naumannite (*) Not in a structural group Ag2 Se 800 800 1 16189 192 Neotocite (*) Allophane (Mn,Fe)SiO3 ·H2 O (?) 3351 3117 1 15797 186 Nsutite (*) Ramsdellite Mn2+ x Mn4+ 1-x O2-2x (OH)2x 51.6 8.9 1 15836 121 Nullaginite (*) Malachite Ni2 (CO3 )(OH)2 65 0 1 16123 3 Olivenite (*) Andalusite Cu2 (AsO4 )(OH) 1 16203 492 Oosterboschite (*) None (Pd,Cu)7 Se5 800 800 1 16189 5 Opal (*) Amorphous SiO2 ·n H2 O 2600 2450 2 16082 ,16307 2994 Orthoclase (*) Feldspar K(AlSi3 O8 ) 2500 2500 1 16052 2349 Osarizawaite (*) Alunite Pb(Al2 Cu2+ )(SO4 )2 (OH)6 4000 2500 1 15873 64 Otavite (*) Calcite Cd(CO3 ) 2770 2770 1 15827 25 Otwayite (*) None Ni2 (CO3 )(OH)2 ·H2 O 65 0 1 16123 5 Gersdorffite-Pa3 (*) Pyrite NiAsS 3351 2748 2 15787 ,16203 767 Paraotwayite (*) None Ni(OH)2-x (SO4 ,CO3 )0.5x 65 0 1 16123 2 Parkerite (*) None Ni3 (Bi,Pb)2 S2 4000 0 1 16123 55 Pecoraite (*) Clay Serpentine Ni3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 65 0 1 16123 40 Pentlandite (*) Pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9 S8 4000 0 2 15797 ,16123 1512 Phlogopite (*) Mica Clay KMg3 (AlSi3 O10 )(OH)2 3 15840 ,16209 ,16225 2273 Plumbogummite (*) Alunite PbAl3 (PO4 )(PO3 OH)(OH)6 2 16198 ,16203 170 Plumbojarosite (*) Alunite Pb0.5 Fe3+ 3 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 2770 2770 1 15830 477 Polydymite (*) Spinel Ni2+ Ni3+ 2 S4 4000 0 1 16123 131 Potarite (*) Potarite PdHg 800 800 1 16189 25 Powellite (*) Scheelite Ca(MoO4 ) 1 16209 494 Prehnite (*) Prehnite Ca2 Al(Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 1 16051 1898 Proustite (*) None Ag3 AsS3 1 16241 733 Pseudomalachite (*) None Cu5 (PO4 )2 (OH)4 2 16198 ,16203 369 Pucherite (*) Scheelite Bi(VO4 ) 1 16209 53 Pyrite (*) Pyrite FeS2 4000 1843 87 15790 ,15792 ,15797 ,15806 ,15808 ,15827 ,15830 ,15833 ,15834 ,15843 ,15845 ,15847 ,15866 ,15870 ,15871 ,15872 ,15876 ,15879 ,15887 ,15890 ,15892 ,15893 ,15899 ,15902 ,15903 ,15908 ,15911 ,15913 ,15916 ,15931 ,15937 ,15950 ,15953 ,15958 ,15985 ,15987 ,15988 ,15991 ,15993 ,16032 ,16046 ,16052 ,16053 ,16069 ,16076 ,16079 ,16080 ,16081 ,16083 ,16084 ,16096 ,16103 ,16104 ,16106 ,16111 ,16120 ,16127 ,16147 ,16154 ,16165 ,16169 ,16184 ,16185 ,16193 ,16194 ,16196 ,16198 ,16201 ,16202 ,16203 ,16212 ,16213 ,16214 ,16216 ,16219 ,16220 ,16221 ,16225 ,16227 ,16231 ,16234 ,16244 ,16251 ,16269 ,16273 ,16286 ,16339 39462 Pyrolusite (*) Rutile MnO2 2770 8.9 5 15836 ,16152 ,16167 ,16307 ,16334 3106 Pyromorphite (*) Apatite Pb5 (PO4 )3 Cl 2770 2770 3 15827 ,15830 ,16153 1725 Pyrope (*) Garnet Mg3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 1 15840 341 Pyrophyllite (*) Clay Pyrophyllite Al2 Si4 O10 (OH)2 1 16225 771 Pyrrhotite (*) Nickeline Fe7 S8 4000 1843 13 15797 ,15985 ,15987 ,16046 ,16052 ,16198 ,16201 ,16203 ,16204 ,16234 ,16244 ,16251 ,16339 9056 Quartz (*) Quartz SiO2 4000 8.9 169 15790 ,15792 ,15794 ,15801 ,15804 ,15806 ,15808 ,15809 ,15810 ,15814 ,15816 ,15817 ,15823 ,15833 ,15834 ,15836 ,15841 ,15842 ,15843 ,15845 ,15855 ,15862 ,15866 ,15868 ,15869 ,15870 ,15871 ,15872 ,15873 ,15876 ,15878 ,15879 ,15881 ,15882 ,15883 ,15887 ,15890 ,15892 ,15893 ,15894 ,15898 ,15899 ,15901 ,15902 ,15903 ,15904 ,15908 ,15909 ,15911 ,15912 ,15913 ,15914 ,15916 ,15917 ,15918 ,15919 ,15920 ,15921 ,15922 ,15923 ,15926 ,15928 ,15931 ,15932 ,15937 ,15939 ,15940 ,15942 ,15945 ,15948 ,15950 ,15953 ,15956 ,15961 ,15965 ,15985 ,15987 ,15988 ,15993 ,16028 ,16030 ,16033 ,16035 ,16043 ,16045 ,16046 ,16051 ,16052 ,16053 ,16054 ,16055 ,16060 ,16065 ,16067 ,16069 ,16075 ,16079 ,16080 ,16081 ,16084 ,16088 ,16090 ,16094 ,16096 ,16098 ,16099 ,16104 ,16106 ,16111 ,16112 ,16132 ,16137 ,16139 ,16140 ,16143 ,16145 ,16149 ,16153 ,16154 ,16157 ,16158 ,16165 ,16166 ,16169 ,16188 ,16189 ,16193 ,16194 ,16195 ,16203 ,16204 ,16208 ,16209 ,16210 ,16212 ,16213 ,16214 ,16216 ,16217 ,16218 ,16219 ,16220 ,16225 ,16227 ,16231 ,16244 ,16245 ,16251 ,16259 ,16261 ,16266 ,16269 ,16270 ,16272 ,16273 ,16274 ,16275 ,16276 ,16277 ,16278 ,16279 ,16280 ,16286 ,16307 ,16318 ,16334 ,16337 ,16338 ,16339 61156 Reevesite (*) Hydrotalcite Ni6 Fe3+ 2 (CO3 )(OH)16 ·4H2 O 4000 0 1 16123 48 Rickardite (*) None Cu3-x Te2 1 16046 52 Riebeckite (*) Amphibole Na2 (Fe2+ 3 Fe3+ 2 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 2600 2600 2 16286 ,16334 375 Romanèchite (*) None (Ba,H2 O)2 (Mn4+ ,Mn3+ )5 O10 51.6 8.9 1 15836 312 Rosasite (*) Malachite CuZn(CO3 )(OH)2 2770 2770 2 15830 ,15833 454 Rutile (*) Rutile TiO2 4000 2500 6 16069 ,16203 ,16225 ,16234 ,16244 ,16251 5614 Scheelite (*) Scheelite Ca(WO4 ) 3351 2800 8 15797 ,15806 ,15945 ,16046 ,16103 ,16153 ,16203 ,16209 4894 Schorl (*) Tourmaline NaFe2+ 3 Al6 (Si6 O18 )(BO3 )3 (OH)3 (OH) 4000 2500 3 15787 ,15872 ,16069 2705 Shandite (*) None Ni3 Pb2 S2 4000 0 1 16123 14 Siderite (*) Calcite Fe(CO3 ) 4000 2600 10 15931 ,15934 ,15956 ,16120 ,16123 ,16194 ,16195 ,16203 ,16225 ,16286 6417 Silver (*) Copper Ag 800 800 7 16187 ,16189 ,16198 ,16203 ,16219 ,16225 ,16241 5186 Smithsonite (*) Calcite Zn(CO3 ) 2770 2770 3 15827 ,15833 ,16154 2473 Spessartine (*) Garnet Mn2+ 3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 3293 1790 2 15868 ,15987 1214 Sphalerite (*) Sphalerite ZnS 4000 1790 39 15797 ,15804 ,15825 ,15827 ,15830 ,15833 ,15843 ,15871 ,15872 ,15882 ,15890 ,15899 ,15985 ,15987 ,15991 ,16046 ,16052 ,16069 ,16154 ,16168 ,16169 ,16188 ,16191 ,16194 ,16195 ,16196 ,16197 ,16201 ,16203 ,16204 ,16205 ,16218 ,16220 ,16225 ,16227 ,16231 ,16234 ,16244 ,16251 21482 Spinel (*) Spinel MgAl2 O4 2500 1600 2 15840 ,15844 1934 Spodumene (*) Pyroxene LiAlSi2 O6 1 16279 688 Stannite (*) Stannite Sphalerite Cu2 FeSnS4 3293 2800 2 15868 ,16203 668 Stibnite (*) Stibnite Sb2 S3 4 16036 ,16045 ,16046 ,16203 3418 Stilpnomelane (*) Stilpnomelane Clay (K,Ca,Na)(Fe,Mg,Al)8 (Si,Al)12 (O,OH)36 ·nH2 O 2770 1843 3 15985 ,16028 ,16286 456 Sulphur (*) Sulphur S 4000 2500 1 15876 2045 Talc (*) Clay Talc Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2 3293 2770 8 15792 ,15798 ,15808 ,15845 ,15899 ,15918 ,15921 ,16266 3337 Tantalite-(Mn) (*) Columbite Mn2+ Ta2 O6 3293 2800 1 15868 211 Tanteuxenite-(Y) (*) Columbite Y(TaTi)O6 2950 2823 2 16208 ,16279 16 Tennantite-(Fe) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Fe2 )As4 S13 4000 2500 3 16234 ,16244 ,16251 1803 Tenorite (*) None CuO 3351 1790 5 15797 ,15985 ,15987 ,16198 ,16203 1101 Tetradymite (*) Tetradymite Bi2 Te2 S 1 16203 510 Tetrahedrite-(Zn) (*) Tetrahedrite Cu6 (Cu4 Zn2 )Sb4 S13 4000 2500 8 15790 ,15843 ,16169 ,16225 ,16231 ,16234 ,16244 ,16251 5317 Thorite (*) Zircon Th(SiO4 ) 2950 2823 1 16208 1006 Tiemannite (*) Sphalerite HgSe 800 800 1 16189 83 Titanite (*) Titanite CaTi(SiO4 )O 1 16051 4899 Todorokite (*) None (Na,Ca,K,Ba,Sr)1-x (Mn,Mg,Al)6 O12 ·3-4H2 O 51.6 8.9 1 15836 433 Topaz (*) Topaz Al2 SiO4 F2 1 16209 1476 Torbernite (*) None Cu(UO2 )2 (PO4 )2 ·12H2 O 1 16202 1059 Tranquillityite (*) Braunite Fe2+ 8 Ti3 Zr2 Si3 O24 4 15814 ,15817 ,16280 ,16338 17 Tremolite (*) Amphibole Ca2 (Mg5.0-4.5 Fe2+ 0.0-0.5 )Si8 O22 (OH)2 1 16190 2562 Umangite (*) None Cu3 Se2 800 800 1 16189 71 Uraninite (*) Fluorite UO2 4 16184 ,16186 ,16194 ,16202 2718 Vanadinite (*) Apatite Pb5 (VO4 )3 Cl 2770 2770 3 15828 ,15829 ,15833 605 Variscite (*) None Al(PO4 )·2H2 O 2 16198 ,16203 301 Weibullite (*) Kobellite Ag0.33 Pb5.33 Bi8.33 (S,Se)18 4000 2500 3 16234 ,16244 ,16251 10 Xenotime-(Y) (*) Zircon Y(PO4 ) 1 16203 939 Yttrotantalite-(Y) (*) Columbite (Y,U,Fe2+ )(Ta,Nb)(O,OH)4 2950 2823 3 16206 ,16208 ,16279 51 Zircon (*) Zircon Zr(SiO4 ) 3 15817 ,16203 ,16338 5251 Zirconolite (*) Zirconolite (Ca,Y)Zr(Ti,Mg,Al)2 O7 3 15814 ,15817 ,16280 140 Zoisite (*) Epidote Ca2 Al3 [Si2 O7 ][SiO4 ]O(OH) 3293 2800 1 15902 1025
Excel ID Max Age (Ma) Min Age (Ma) Age as listed in reference Dating Method Age Interpret Prioritized? Sample Source Sample Num Run Num Age from other Locality Dated Mineral Minerals explicitely stated as having this age Age applies to these Elements MinDat Locality ID Dated Locality (Max Age) Location as listed in reference Reference Reference DOI Reference ID Age Notes Edit Giersdorf_00000216 2750 2750 2750 Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Overlies the Fortescue group disconformably to unconformably Edit Giersdorf_00000217 2690 2630 2690-2630 Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Uppermost formation in the Fortescue Group Edit Giersdorf_00000218 2600 2600 2600 Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Lowest formation in the Hamersley Group Edit Giersdorf_00000219 2600 2480 2600-2480 Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Carbonate layer overlying the Marra Mamba BIF, part of the Hamersley group Edit Giersdorf_00000220 2600 2480 2600-2480 Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Shale and chert layer overlying the Wittenoom carbonate formation, part of the Hamersley group Edit Giersdorf_00000215 2770 2770 2770 Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Fortescue Group begins with early clastic sedimentation and mafic volcanism Edit Giersdorf_00000221 2480 2450 2480-2450 Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 BIF overlying the Mt. Sylvia and Mt. McRae Shale layers, part of the Hamersley group Edit Giersdorf_00000222 2480 2450 2480-2450 Felsic and Mafic ages are indistinguishable through current dating techniques, suggesting bimodal volcanic activity in the area Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 BIF overlying the Brockman BIF, part of the Hamersley group, ages of the felsic and mafic units in this stratigraphy are indistinguishable from each other, suggesting a contemporaneous formation time. Edit Giersdorf_00000223 2474 2466 2470±4 U-Pb Volcanogenic zircon crystals dated provide a good estimate of the gate of the Dales Gorge member and thereby the Brockman BIF Yes Zircon 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Member layer in the Brockman BIF, volcanogenic zircons provide an age for this member Edit Giersdorf_00000224 2224 2194 2209±15 U-Pb This age is a useful constraint on the age of the basal Wyloo Group unconformity. Yes Zircon 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Age of the base of the Beasley River Quartzite which overlies the Hamersley and the Turee Creek group Edit Giersdorf_00000225 1845 1841 1843±2 Minimum age of the iron mineralization in the Hamersley province. Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Age of the bimodal volcanic unit at the base of the Ashburton Formation in the Upper Wyloo Group. Edit Giersdorf_00000226 1866 1790 1828±38 Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Age of the bimodal volcanic unit at the base of the Ashburton Formation in the Upper Wyloo Group. Edit Giersdorf_00000227 1790 1790 1790 Age is considered to represent a late stage in the fold and thrust belt that marks the end of the Wyloo group. Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Intrusion age into the folded and creased trough of the Ashburton layer Edit Giersdorf_00000229 1790 1790 1790 Postdated age of granites folded into the Ashburton formation Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Postdated age of the Ashburton formation Edit Giersdorf_00000230 2209 2209 2209 Maximum age of the iron mineralization found in the area Yes 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Mount Tom Price Mine Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Age of Basalt in the Cheela Springs Basalt unit, part of the lower Wyloo group Edit Giersdorf_00000231 2209 1843 2209-1843 The window of Fe mineralization is between the ages of the Cheela Springs Basalt unit of the Lower Wyloo group, and the June Hills Volcanics unit in the Upper Wyloo group. Yes Fe 17597 Mount Tom Price Mine, Tom Price, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, Australia Taylor et. al (2001) 0361-0128/01/3161/837-37 EG96_837 Age window of Fe mineralization in the area Edit Michelle_306 2764 2748 2756±8 U-Pb Age of "igneous activity" zircon 94761 Zircon 8553 Bamboo Creek Mine, Bamboo Creek District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Bamboo Creek Porphyry Blake et al. (2004) 10.1016/j.precamres.2004.03.012 PR133_143 Age of "igneous activity" Edit PorphCu-00291 3351 3117 3234±117 Actinolite, Arsenopyrite, Bornite, Brochantite, Chalcopyrite, Epidote, Galena, Jamesonite, Malachite, Molybdenite, Pentlandite, Pyrite, Pyrrhotite, Scheelite, Sphalerite, Neotocite Cu 205849 Coppin Gap Cu-Mo Deposit (Spinifex Ridge), Bamboo Creek District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Coppin Gap Singer et al. (2008) USGSOFR2008_1155 Edit Michelle_315 2772 2756 2764±8 U-Pb Extrusive/depositional age zircon 94759 Zircon 273929 Koongaling Vein System, Gregory Ranges District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Koongaling Volcanics Blake et al. (2004) 10.1016/j.precamres.2004.03.012 PR133_143 Extrusive/depositional age Edit Scott-EG94_87-0001 51.6 50.6 51.1±0.5 K-Ar age of mineralization cryptomelane Cryptomelane Mn 18838 Woodie Woodie Manganese Mine, Gregory Ranges District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Woodie Woodie Dammer et al. (1999) 10.2113/gsecongeo.94.1.87 EG94_87 P. 95 Edit Scott-EG94_87-0002 9.5 8.9 9.2±0.3 K-Ar age of mineralization cryptomelane Cryptomelane Mn 18838 Woodie Woodie Manganese Mine, Gregory Ranges District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Woodie Woodie Dammer et al. (1999) 10.2113/gsecongeo.94.1.87 EG94_87 P. 95 Edit ree-00023 2500 1600 Lower Proterozoic 251002 Brockman Dyke, Marble Bar, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Brockman Orris and Grauch (2002) USGSOFR02_189 Edit EG97_873-00018 2860 2800 2830±30 Rb-Sr muscovite Muscovite 248962 Moolyella Pegmatite Field, Marble Bar, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Moolyella Sweetapple and Collins (2002) 10.2113/gsecongeo.97.4.873 EG97_873 Edit EG97_873-00019 2855 2823 2839±16 Pb-Pb cassiterite Cassiterite 248962 Moolyella Pegmatite Field, Marble Bar, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Moolyella Sweetapple and Collins (2002) 10.2113/gsecongeo.97.4.873 EG97_873 Edit EG97_873-00020 2921 2815 2868±53 Pb-Pb cassiterite Cassiterite 248962 Moolyella Pegmatite Field, Marble Bar, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Moolyella Sweetapple and Collins (2002) 10.2113/gsecongeo.97.4.873 EG97_873 Edit EG97_873-00021 3293 2843 3068±225 Pb-Pb apatite 248962 Moolyella Pegmatite Field, Marble Bar, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Moolyella Sweetapple and Collins (2002) 10.2113/gsecongeo.97.4.873 EG97_873 Edit vms-00048 4000 2500 Archean 122924 Copper Gorge Prospect, Mount Edgar Station, Marble Bar, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Copper George Moiser et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009-1034 Edit Michelle_323 3326 3288 3307± 19 U-Pb Age of intrusion zircon 77713 Zircon 123095 Boobina Creek Prospect, Nullagine, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Boobina Porphyry Pidgeon (1984) 10.1080/08120098408729294 AJES31_237 Age of intrusion into the Munni Munni Complex. It is the older limit of the unconformably overlying Fortescue Group. Edit PorphCu-00145 2500 2500 Archean Chalcopyrite, Malachite, Pyrite Cu 122950 Copper Hills Mine, Nullagine, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Copper Hills Singer et al. (2008) USGSOFR2008_1155 Edit PorphCu-00409 2500 2500 Archean Bornite, Chalcocite, Chalcopyrite, Chrysocolla, Cuprite, Pyrite Cu 122951 Kellys Copper Mine (Mondana Mine), Nullagine, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Kelly Singer et al. (2008) USGSOFR2008_1155 Edit Michelle_510 65 0 Tertiary, Post-Tertiary Age of weathering Gaspeite, Magnesite, Nullaginite, Otwayite, Paraotwayite, Pecoraite 10225 Otway Ni Deposit, Nullagine, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Otway Deposit Nickel et al. (1979) 10.1080/00167617908729067 JGSA26_61 Age of weathering. Edit Michelle_512 4000 2500 Archean Age of serpentinized peridotite Lizardite, Magnetite 10225 Otway Ni Deposit, Nullagine, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Otway Deposit Nickel et al. (1979) 10.1080/00167617908729067 JGSA26_61 Age of serpentinized peridotite. Edit Scott-AJES64_69-0001 1328 1306 1317±11 207Pb-206Pb Mn 274269 Ripon Hills Manganese Prospects, Ripon Hills District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Ripon Hills Jones (2017) 10.1080/08120099.2017.1272492 AJES64_63 tuffaceous unit near the base of the Manganese Group Edit Hg-00088 800 800 Potarite, Tiemannite Hg 30814 Copper Hills, Rudall River District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Bagas and Lubieniecki (2000); Nickel (2002) Edit Be-00001 2847 2847 2847 high Gadolinite-(Y) Be 61 Cooglegong Pegmatite Field, Shaw River District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Jacobson et al. (2007) BOOK_GPWA Edit EG97_873-00022 2855 2823 2839±16 Pb-Pb cassiterite Cassiterite 61 Cooglegong Pegmatite Field, Shaw River District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Cooglegong Sweetapple and Collins (2002) 10.2113/gsecongeo.97.4.873 EG97_873 Edit EG97_873-00023 2950 2852 2901±49 Pb-Pb cassiterite Cassiterite 61 Cooglegong Pegmatite Field, Shaw River District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Cooglegong Sweetapple and Collins (2002) 10.2113/gsecongeo.97.4.873 EG97_873 Edit vms-00056 4000 2500 Archean 206053 Bernts Prospect, Panorama Area, Shaw River District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Panorama (Bernts) Moiser et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009-1034 Edit vms-00057 4000 2500 Archean 206052 Kangaroo Caves Prospect, Panorama Area, Shaw River District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Panorama (Kangaroo Caves) Moiser et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009-1034 Edit vms-00058 4000 2500 Archean 206054 Sulphur Springs Prospect, Panorama Area, Shaw River District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia, Australia Panorama (Sulphur Springs) Moiser et al. (2009) USGSOFR2009-1034
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