Max Age (Ma) | Min Age (Ma) | mindat ID | Locality containing Mineral | Country | Tectonic Settings | Dated Locality ID | Dated Locality (Max Age) | Reference (Max Age) | Reference (Min Age) | Excel ID (Max Age) | Excel ID (Min Age) | Query Minerals | # of Query Minerals at Locality | Lat Deg | Lat Min | Lat Sec | Lon Deg | Lon Min | Lon Sec | Decimal Degree | |||
P | 35.07 | 34.73 | 638 | Chile | Chile | Mo-00007 | Mo-00007 | Betpakdalite-NaNa | 1 | -33 | -48 | -28 | -71 | -47 | -30 | -33.807777777778,-71.791666666667 | |||||||
P | 35.07 | 34.73 | 640 | Antofagasta, Chile | Chile | Mo-00007 | Mo-00007 | Betpakdalite-NaNa | 1 | -22 | -59 | -1 | -69 | -27 | -56 | -22.983611111111,-69.465555555556 | |||||||
P | 35.07 | 34.73 | 122191 | El Loa Province, Antofagasta, Chile | Chile | Mo-00007 | Mo-00007 | Betpakdalite-NaNa | 1 | -22 | -58 | -56 | -68 | -48 | -52 | -22.982222222222,-68.814444444444 | |||||||
P | 35.07 | 34.73 | 27294 | Calama, El Loa Province, Antofagasta, Chile | Chile | Mo-00007 | Mo-00007 | Betpakdalite-NaNa | 1 | -22 | -30 | -53 | -68 | -58 | -30 | -22.514722222222,-68.975 | |||||||
P | 35.07 | 34.73 | 205946 | Chuquicamata District, Calama, El Loa Province, Antofagasta, Chile | Chile | Mo-00007 | Mo-00007 | Betpakdalite-NaNa | 1 | -22 | -20 | -47 | -68 | -54 | -44 | -22.346388888889,-68.912222222222 | |||||||
MD | Y | 35.07 | 34.73 | 641 | Chuquicamata Mine, Chuquicamata District, Calama, El Loa Province, Antofagasta, Chile | Chile | 641 | Chuquicamata Mine, Chuquicamata District, Calama, El Loa Province, Antofagasta, Chile | Mo-00007 | Mo-00007 | Betpakdalite-NaNa | 1 | -22 | -17 | -21 | -68 | -54 | -3 | -22.289166666667,-68.900833333333 |
This mineral directly occurs at 1 locality (1 localities according to mindat, 6 localities if parents are counted as well)Of the 1 locality at which this mineral occurs, 1 has an age. (6 of the 6 parent localities have ages)
MD | The mineral occurs at this locality according to MED, but does not have an age yet. |
MD | The mineral occurs at this locality according to MED, and has an age. |
The mineral occurs at some child of this locality. | |
The locality at which the mineral occurs does not have an age...this is the closest parent locality with an age, relative to that mineral. This is not ideal. |
A | This mineral is Anthropogenic. |
G | This mineral is directly dated. |
B | This mineral is reported as having this age. |
Y | This mineral is using an age reported as an element mineralization period. |
O | This mineral is using an age calculated from all data at the locality. |
R | The age displayed for this mineral originates from a different, non-child locality. |
P | The age displayed for this mineral is the range of ages for this mineral at all of this locality's children. |
This mineral's age has not yet been recorded. |
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